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Orientation (203)

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    So I came in about halfway into the ep. The first thing I saw was Desmond trying like mad to repair the computer, failing, and then running out. Anyone care to fill me in on the first half hour and this video they're referring to?
    Forum insight in 1 click!


      Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
      Good ep.
      You know, I'm beginning to think that there was no plane crash. I bet that in that tv universe there isn't even an Oceanic Airlines. I think that this group was drugged and dropped onto this island and certain expendable subjects were mortally injured so that the halucinating test subjects would interpret their situation as a plane crash. I bet the pilot is a member of Dharma and safe and sound in another sector ATM. His death was waaay too random
      I have another similar idea floating around in my head, with a little variation, involving nanoswarms, dna samples and cloning.... What if there had been a plane crash with only carefully chosen victims of that crash (the survivors as we know them) surviving? They could have been treated with healing nanoswarms after dna samples were taken from them for Dharma's various experiments in other sectors, one of which could possibly be cloning (the twins on the Others' boat; the gooey, dripping Walt-in-the-jungle reminded me of Replicarter's gel-like covering when she was created by Fifth). That would explain Locke's ability to walk after the crash; the other survivors were, for the most part, left with only bumps, cuts and bruises to make it seem more believable.

      This fits in with the Hanso Foundation's mission statement which states that the foundation "has offered grants to worthy experiments designed to further the evolution of the human race and provide technological solutions to the most pressing problems of our time".

      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      Interesting future teaser with Jin speaking English. Could be a flashback and he has a twin in America? Who the heck knows what they are going to pull on us.
      What if he wasn't the original Jin, but rather his clone? Maybe our Jin is locked away somewhere, captured after being washed up on the shore..... Of course we don't actually know how long it would take to produce a fully-grown human clone because it's never been done. Maybe Dharma has found a way to achieve it in the 40-plus days since the crash.... As for Jin's accent being American, did the famous Dolly baa with a Scottish accent when she was created?

      Don't mind me.....I'm still tired from not sleeping much last night!


        Regarding Jin speaking english in the preview, it's probably a dream sequence or something...

        Now Orientation: Excellent episode. It was nice to see more of Locke and the departure of Desmond was well done and left it open for him to return. I'm very interested in how Hurley deals with the numbers inside the Hatch (or should I say Swan Station?). While it was a good episode, I think that they may have revealed a bit too much. Dharma may explain most of, if not all of the mysteries in the series: the monster is an advanced security system, the Others are researchers left behind who transcended their physical bodies, the polar bears are part of the experiment, etc. I hope this isn't the case because otherwise the show's going to suck, unless they introduce more mysteries...
        Check out my fanfiction!


          Maybe they're a weapon. Wossname who started the corporation was dealing in weaponry for a while, according to that website.


            Really intrigued by Tok'ra Hostess' and Foolish Pleasure's theories.

            I like it much better than the idea that they're in purgatory.

            I enjoyed this episode. Wish we'd learned a bit more about Locke, like why he was in a wheelchair, but at least we know where Helen fits in.

            The biggest shock came from the previews next week with Jin speaking English. I had to rewind and watch it again. I'm wondering if it's true or some trick to throw us off. I know there were times I thought Jin understood perfectly what everyone was saying.


              Originally posted by memnarch
              Regarding Jin speaking english in the preview, it's probably a dream sequence or something...

              Now Orientation: Excellent episode. It was nice to see more of Locke and the departure of Desmond was well done and left it open for him to return. I'm very interested in how Hurley deals with the numbers inside the Hatch (or should I say Swan Station?). While it was a good episode, I think that they may have revealed a bit too much. Dharma may explain most of, if not all of the mysteries in the series: the monster is an advanced security system, the Others are researchers left behind who transcended their physical bodies, the polar bears are part of the experiment, etc. I hope this isn't the case because otherwise the show's going to suck, unless they introduce more mysteries...
              And we now have an idea of why people got sick and died. Exposure to abnormally high levels of electromagnetic radiation in a hot environment (tropical island/jungle) cause cancers to develop in soft tissue (eyes, brain, spine). It can also suppress the immune system.


                Remember long ago when Rosseau said she changed the message being transmitted at the radio tower? I wonder if that had anything to do with no replacements coming to the hatch, because the original message was "the numbers".

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Nice episode. However, it's certainly concentrating on the hatch more than anything else. We haven't seen much of the other survivors. I understand that this new story will take a few episodes to set-up, but still. It seems that we'll be seeing some more of them next week; going by the trailer.



                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    Remember long ago when Rosseau said she changed the message being transmitted at the radio tower? I wonder if that had anything to do with no replacements coming to the hatch, because the original message was "the numbers".

                    Astute! Of course, that makes sense. It also lends credence to the idea that inputing the numbers has no effect whatsoever....

                    Except psychologically. No doubt Jack pressed "execute" thinking that he could discover the truth at his leisure, but how many times will he have to agree to pressing "execute" before he can't not do it?

                    A Cherokee elder sitting with his grandchildren told them,
                    "In every life there is a terrible fight – a fight between two wolves.
                    One is evil: he is fear, anger, envy, greed, arrogance, self-pity,
                    resentment, and deceit. The other is good: joy, serenity, humility,
                    confidence, generosity, truth, gentleness, and compassion."
                    A child asked, "Grandfather, which wolf will win?"
                    The elder looked the child in the eye. "The one you feed."


                      I actually wondered if the French team were supposed to be the replacements or some kind of repair crew. I can't remember what Rousseau said, although I think she implied they wound up there by accident. Still, might be an interesting twist.


                        I looked at the episode recaps and the French woman said she ended up on the island when thier Research vessel sank. Perhaps she was doing research as part of Dharma.
                        No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                          Originally posted by DJFavorite
                          I looked at the episode recaps and the French woman said she ended up on the island when thier Research vessel sank. Perhaps she was doing research as part of Dharma.
                          The French team WAS doing some sort of scientific stuff. Dang, I need to get the season 1 DVD's.

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Hmmm, regarding the numbers and the computer, I don't think that pressing "execute" is a good idea. For, remember, Walt said "Don't press the button, the button is bad." I wonder what it does...and when we'll find out...
                            Check out my fanfiction!


                              Im wondering if Jin speaking english is going to be an episode from Jin's point of view and everyone else around him is speaking jibberish?


                                Thanks for the reminder. I developed a theory about that last night while rewatching the ep.

                                If I'm not mistaken, one of the other survivors who helped drag Jin & co. to the pit looked decidedly Asian/Korean. Maybe she knows Jin and we're going to see HER flashback/recounting of something he did... only we're going to hear it in English because she speaks English. It could be some way of "proving" that Jin and his friends are too much trouble to keep around. Given the kind of work Jin was doing for Sun's father, you couldn't blame her for thinking it.

