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The End, Part 2 (618)

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    2. So yeah. Basically the Island is just "magical".
    What defines magic and what defines science are simply the existence of a known answer.

    This response is to everyone, not just you specifically.


      Chritstian was never in the that means he was never the man in black? I gotta rewatch all of his on-island episodes now
      When the mind is enlightened, the body matters not.


        Originally posted by warmbeachbrat View Post
        It seems open to interpretation to me....but, yeah, not really a Christian ending.

        Did anyone else think the Target commercials were hilarious?
        Yes! Especially the one for the $23 keyboard
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          I think i undestand it better, but still hate it.

          When Christian died, he created this parallel world where every character goes when he dies.
          There the characters lived crash-less normal lives until 2007 Desmond flash forwarded into this other world (don't ask me how).

          Desmond made them remember their real life (before they died). Christian (whose name Kate noticed could refer to Jesus) had them all come to the church to lead them into the afterlife.

          It seemed dead Eloise wanted them to never reach the afterlife and stay in this parallel world forever (she says if they remember they are dead, they'll leave and she will lose her son).


            I thought the episode was great. It was a satisfying way to wrap up the series. The island storyline came full circle with Jack closing his eyes in death in the same place he opened them to start the series. Hurley found a purpose; Ben found redemption; humanity is safe from the Smoke Monster, Richard is no longer immortal (which he is very happy about), Claire gets to be a mother to Aaron. For me, it was all about what happened to these people.

            The flash sideways, I thought was very clever. No, it is not original but it was well done here and again, it is all about the characters. I am ridiculously happy that they are together in the nondenominational afterlife. I realized what was happening when Hurley and Ben talked about being number 1 and number 2.

            The scenes when the characters realized what was happening were beautiful--Charlie and Claire, Sawyer and Juliet, The Kwons; Jack and his dad...well, all of them. I was crying along with them. And then that last scene when Vincent comes to Jack so he doesn't die alone--killer.

            There were some unanswered questions but I don't think they ever intended to answer all of them in the first place. Enough of it came together to make me satisfied with the ending.

            When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.

            Abraham Joshua Heschel


              Originally posted by Wayston View Post
              there are a couple of plot lines that don't make sense or could have been give some closure...

              why didn't jack turn into a smoke monster?
              why did the others take such an interest in walt?
              what harm could the smoke monster do in his mortal body?
              where did the light come from, why did it need to be kept?
              what was eleanor's role in the real world and how come she was so aware in the purgatory world?
              1. The light represented more than just "evil being released into the world" it was life and death etc. MIB was consumed by hate and anger when he fell in so it manifested as the smoke monster. Jack and Desmond were more or less "good" when they entered it so they didn't.
              2. They took an interest in all the kids from the crash, not just Walt. It was just that Walt got more attention because he was one of the main cast in season 1.
              3. Not nearly as much as he could before, but he was still the "bad guy" that killed several of their friends and tried to kill them.
              4. To be honest, I don't think where the light came from is important. Why it needed to be kept safe, on the other hand, was made about as clear as they could've made it without smacking us in the face with it.
              5. Her role in the real world was explained in season 5. She was an Other (one of their leaders at one time) and met Jack, Kate and Sayid in '77 and had her son's book after she accidentally killed him so that's how she knew everything she knew. And in the "purgatory" it would make sense that she became aware the same way the rest of them did - through flashes of her real life. She just wasn't ready to move on yet (kinda like Ben when he chose not to leave with the rest of them)

              Originally posted by The Prophet View Post

              1. No Walt, Eko or Ms. Klugh (Black Lady who was shot by Mr Patchy in Season 3). Not a major gripe, but would be still nice to see them somewhere. Before it was revealed that the Church was Purgatory, I was hoping that Eko would be the Minister or something.

              2. So yeah. Basically the Island is just "magical". Seems a bit of a cop-out considering the super-science of the Dharma Initiative that was being revealed, the Electromagnetism of the Swam hatch and all. But I can live with it. Magical Islands aren't bad. The Tempest has one, and that's a classic piece of literature.

              3. Nice how Jacob/ MiB were just ordinary men, with godlike powers. MiB wanting to leave, Jacob wanting to keep him there for reasons unknown (Bullcrap about the world ending, Jacob just didn't want his brother to leave him, and Jacob didn't want to leave).

              4. Shame that we don't see what Hurley & Ben do with the island (I can imagine Hurley opening it at a tourist hotspot). Also, shame we didn't see the plane land. Especially considering it was supposed to have crashed, and people have been missing for a good 3 years onboard it. (Also, Richard is going to be an Illegal Immigrant now).

              5. Desmond is magical. Too magical for the island. No reason for that, he's just magical. I can live with that.

              6. Would've liked to see why Radinzky shot himself in the head in the Swan, and how that Soldier guy who was in there with him, and then Desmond, arrived there.

              7. The Swam Hatch was somehow related to the wells the people dug 2000 years ago, and someone tapped into the energy, but it was flawed. I guess that's an

              alright reason. Just a pointless thing really. No reason given why it needed manual input of the numbers. Just a magical hatch I guess.

              8. Charles Widmore returned to the island because Jacob told him to? Would've been nice to see a brief flashback or something about that. Just to tie everything together.

              9. Who built the statue? Who built the light plug summoning circle thing?

              10. When the Losties were jumping through time: when they were on the kayak, who was the unknown people on the other kayak shooting at them?

              So, really, to summerise Lost's plot:

              Two millenia ago, two twin brothers were born on a magic island. As they grew older, one Brother wanted to leave, whilst the other Brother wanted him to stay. Over the next 2000 years, both of them plot and scheme against eachother, with demigod-like powers, drawing people to their island to help their cause. Ultimately, the Brother that wishes to stay is killed, but not before he instructs the main characters to defeat the Brother that wishes to leave, who has been killing off people to suit his needs. One of the characters, Desmond, is super-magical, and temporarily shuts off the island's magic, allowing the main characters to kill the remaining Brother, finally bringing to an end the struggle. The remaining characters get to leave the island, besides two. One who now possesses the Island's magical powers, and another who agrees to help him 'run' the island.
              1. Eko being the Priest would've been cool.
              2. I think all the Dharma stuff about the EM fields was the scientific explanation of the light.
              3. You don't really have any proof of that. The island was starting to sink when the light went out and we don't really know what woud've happened if it had.
              4. That plane wasn't missing for 3 years. It was the Ajira flight that landed on the island in season 5. And Richard spent a lot of time off the island so he probably had some kind of fake identity to use.
              5. I don't know about magical - just resistant to the EM.
              6. He told Desmond how he got there. He was recruited by the Dharma Initiative. And Radzinsky went crazy from being stuck in the hatch for too long.
              7. They explained the reason for the hatch several seasons back. The EM released as a result of the incident would build up continually and they had to activate the countermeasure to contain it every 108 minutes.
              8. He had to bring Desmond back.
              9. It would've been nice to see some of that... but it's not really important to the story.
              10. I always thought it was Ilana's team shooting them because they thought it was the boat that Ben and MIB took.
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                Originally posted by flobo View Post
                I think i undestand it better, but still hate it.

                When Christian died, he created this parallel world where every character goes when he dies.
                There the characters lived crash-less normal lives until 2007 Desmond flash forwarded into this other world (don't ask me how).

                Desmond made them remember their real life (before they died). Christian (whose name Kate noticed could refer to Jesus) had them all come to the church to lead them into the afterlife.

                It seemed dead Eloise wanted them to never reach the afterlife and stay in this parallel world forever (she says if they remember they are dead, they'll leave and she will lose her son).
                Christian said that they--Jack and company--had created this place so they would be able to find each other after they died.

                Desmond was as clueless as everyone else until he flashed on island Charlie's death after sideways Charlie dumped them in the water. After they each remembered, it seemed as if they all knew they were supposed to reunite at the church.

                Eloise somehow remembered her past life but doesn't want Daniel to. Maybe because she knows he will not want to spend eternity with the woman who killed him. But I think he and Charlotte will eventually remember each other and leave together. There was a hint.

                When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people; as I grow older, I admire kind people.

                Abraham Joshua Heschel


                  Originally posted by Jace021903 View Post
                  Christian said that they--Jack and company--had created this place so they would be able to find each other after they died.

                  Desmond was as clueless as everyone else until he flashed on island Charlie's death after sideways Charlie dumped them in the water. After they each remembered, it seemed as if they all knew they were supposed to reunite at the church.

                  Eloise somehow remembered her past life but doesn't want Daniel to. Maybe because she knows he will not want to spend eternity with the woman who killed him. But I think he and Charlotte will eventually remember each other and leave together. There was a hint.
                  2007 Desmond still went into the afterlife transit world somehow, and that make little sense.


                    Originally posted by shipper hannah View Post
                    I thought it was a satisfying ending. I actually loved the side-flash/purgatory idea. Initially I was hoping they wouldn't go down the spiritual route, but thinking about it now it's the only way to do it (certainly the only way to have a happy ending). It was always said that 'Lost' referred to the characters' souls, not their location - I think it's always had spiritual themes. This is coming from someone who is not spiritual in the least, btw.

                    Yes, there were still some questions left unanswered, like what the island really is, where it came from.. etc. but I think I prefer it like that.
                    I still don't thinkt hey did go specifically with a spiritual route. If you look at the Dharma Initiative stuff in contrast to the Jacob/MIB story, it's really two different explanations for the same thing. The DI provided the scientific explanations for the unique properties of the massive energy pocket below the island while the other side provided a spiritual context for it.
                    || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                      Originally posted by flobo View Post
                      It was great for me, until the final 15 minutes.
                      When i saw Christian rise up, i was praying "Not another BSG, please!!!", yet it happened.

                      So the sideway was an imaginary place, meaning Juliet's "It worked" and Eloise whole "Don't tell them" made no sense whatsoever. Even worse than the Alias ending. And what about Desmond in the episode a few weeks ago. He travelled between the afterlife and the true world because of magnetism ? Who was Jack's kid, an angel ? There was no plan, they made it up as time passed and it ended up making no sense.

                      I was planning to buy the bluray sets, but glad i never started right now.
                      Desmond only saw flashes of it. He didn't actually travel there. That's what he thought would happen when he pulled the cork.
                      || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                        Originally posted by Jace021903 View Post
                        I thought the episode was great. It was a satisfying way to wrap up the series. The island storyline came full circle with Jack closing his eyes in death in the same place he opened them to start the series. Hurley found a purpose; Ben found redemption; humanity is safe from the Smoke Monster, Richard is no longer immortal (which he is very happy about), Claire gets to be a mother to Aaron. For me, it was all about what happened to these people.

                        The flash sideways, I thought was very clever. No, it is not original but it was well done here and again, it is all about the characters. I am ridiculously happy that they are together in the nondenominational afterlife. I realized what was happening when Hurley and Ben talked about being number 1 and number 2.

                        The scenes when the characters realized what was happening were beautiful--Charlie and Claire, Sawyer and Juliet, The Kwons; Jack and his dad...well, all of them. I was crying along with them. And then that last scene when Vincent comes to Jack so he doesn't die alone--killer.

                        There were some unanswered questions but I don't think they ever intended to answer all of them in the first place. Enough of it came together to make me satisfied with the ending.
                        The scene with Richard realizing he wasn't immortal anymore was great. And he finally gets to go live in America like he wanted to.
                        || Star Stream || Destiny Song || The Four Suns (My Band) || The Art of War <<== listen please!


                          Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
                          Desmond only saw flashes of it. He didn't actually travel there. That's what he thought would happen when he pulled the cork.
                          Didn't he go there in the episode where Wildmore put him into the electromagnetic thing ? There was no flash-transition in the episode as usual, showing Desmond actually travelled.


                            So where do y'all think the ones who escaped ended up before dying eventually? My guesses:
                            - Kate helps raise Aaron with Claire. Maybe something lesbian happens. Who knows?

                            - Sawyer is there for his daughter Clementine, but when she becomes a teenager and starts angsting everywhere, he runs off to join a hippie commune.

                            - Miles sells the diamonds he robbed off of Nikki and Paulo, and buys a small island. Bored, he spends his days Live-Action Role-Playing, imagining himself as Jacob while making his servants play the others. Naturally, the beautiful servants playing Kate, Claire, Charlotte, Juliet and Sun are forced to fall in love with him.

                            - Richard, unaware of the strange 21st century, gets hit by a train. He survives, and writes a series of novels about the island starring himself but omitting all of those times he wet himself after Jacob's death.

                            - Frank goes on to star in several action movies, in which the awesomeness of those films destroys cinemas across the globe and kills thousands. Even with the death toll, his movies do better than Avatar.

                            - Hurley and Ben have several hilarious escapades on the island together. The last people to crash on the island reported a year-long game of hide and seek was going on, before leaving as fast as they could.

                            - Jack's body rots in the sun, his bones slowly being taken away by Vincent to play with.


                            EDIT: Oh, and Desmond lives happily ever after, because he frelling deserved it.
                            Last edited by MattSilver 3k; 24 May 2010, 11:26 AM.
                            ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                            ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                              Originally posted by Shan Bruce Lee View Post
                              That was explained when Christian told Jack "time doesn't exist here". The people that made it off the island on the plane lived the rest of their lives back in the "real world" and Ben and Hurley (and I'm assuming Desmond) lived the rest of their lives on the island and the purgatory world was a timeless place where they could all meet up and go into the afterlife (w/e that is) together.
                              I'm so glad someone else got it. I was on CNN earlier today, looking at the hundreds of comments on their LOST related articles, and I couldn't believe the amount of people who didn't get it at all.
                              The majority of them were all angry because the island was purgatory and they all died when the plane crashed and it was all just a dream!!!! OUTRAGE.
                              Literally - it was like 95% of the posts were thinking that. I thought it was pretty clear that the island was real. The events of the entire series were real. Only season 6 has a story that was "real."

                              Personally, I loved it. Sure, I would have loved explanations as to all the island's mysteries - including the ones they brought up last night. But, I knew we wouldn't get them. The show is about characters. That's what the whole series was about. That's why we had flashbacks about the character's lives. Not the island.

                              Also, can I just say I loved how Desmond literally pulled out a big stone "cork" down there in the light cave - just like how Jacob explained the island was - a cork. Seemed fitting.

                              L O S T, you will be missed.

                              Originally posted by meo3000 View Post
                              The finale was good, nothing more. We all knew deep down it was all about Jack from the beginning, it was still about him in the end.

                              Were left with so many questions that we'll never get answers to. I agree with SBN, they dropped the ball. All those mysteries that made the show popular were all for nothing.

                              But it was all about the characters, thats what theyre telling us in the church scene... then, where was Micheal and Walt in the end? Sucks to be forgotten so easily.

                              They could have made 1 or 2 more seasons and wrap it all up beautifully, but no, they had to rush it and mess it up.
                              It wasn't about Jack. Jack was just one of the last ones to understand his place. He also was just the person who happened to take Jacob's job. Anyone could have, it just happened to be Jack. He was always a leader - in the hospital, and on the island. The series didn't revolve around Jack, he was just a big player.

                              Michael is stuck on the island. Walt isn't there because he's off and those people weren't big deals in his life.
                              Remember, the church, the purgatory was a place for those people who meant a lot to each other to reconnect, and let go of their burdens, be happy, and move on together.
                              Same reason Eko wasn't there.

                              Ben sitting outside doesn't need explanation. He said plain and simple he wasn't ready to "move on." He still had some thinking to do. When he is ready, he'll go in, and move on.

                              Final scene was awesome. Closing eye was perfect.

                              I'm super pumped Frank is alive, and made it.


                                Originally posted by Morbo View Post
                                I'm so glad someone else got it. I was on CNN earlier today, looking at the hundreds of comments on their LOST related articles, and I couldn't believe the amount of people who didn't get it at all.
                                The majority of them were all angry because the island was purgatory and they all died when the plane crashed and it was all just a dream!!!! OUTRAGE.
                                Literally - it was like 95% of the posts were thinking that. I thought it was pretty clear that the island was real. The events of the entire series were real. Only season 6 has a story that was "real."
                                Most people do get that, and this is not why they are angry. They are angered by the fact that for 6 years this was a story about this island. For 6 years the writers teased us the viewer with unexplicable events and concepts. At the start of just this last season they teased us again with at the time was the unexplainable "side universe"....except this was NOT a side universe after all was it? So what was the ending, but merely closure to a minor part of the story introduced in just this last season. It explains that the side universe is merely purgatory blah blah blah...but ignores the whole previous central plot of the island. This was as if Tolkien never bothered to explain what happened to the One Ring, and merely showed the ending with everyone happy. Yet for LoTR the central character was this One Ring. If one does not understand the central importance of the One Ring, they simply have not read enough of his works.

                                Put it another way, for 6 years they wove a fabric. At the beginning of this season they showed one thread, and ended the series by simply tying up this one thread.....without show what the design of the fabric was. Obvious to me they simply had no clue as to what they were doing, and copped out by giving us the answer to just the side universe with a lame "it's all a dream/they are dead/it's not real" concept done much better elsewhere.

