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Who Do U Think Kate Will End Up with Jack Or Sawyer?

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    Well, I don't like Sawyer at all, so I guess I would prefer JAck, but I'm not thrilled about it either.

    I think she won't end up with anyone, either because of choice, or shee dies near/at the end. Yes, that's it, I would like to see her filled off near the end, so she doesn't end up with anyone.


      Personally, I think after the male machismo fiasco that was the Long con, she shouldn't be hanging out with either of them. Of course, I can't really think of a suitable alternative at the moment. Maybe she should make Vincint her boyfriend, he's pretty sweet.


        I think she will have something going on with Sawyer specially that now Ana Lucia is making googly eyes to Jack but in the long run , she will I think end up with Jack and Ana Lucia with Sawyer ...This is I think the direction TPTB is going so like that they will please most fans of the quadrangle ..and we will all have some scenes to either make wallpapers/ videos about the pairing we prefer ....Kate/Sawyer..Kate /Jack ...or Jack/Ana Lucia...Sawyer/Ana Lucia ...or as somebody mentions , if the fans give TPTB too much of a headache , they will kill her so that she ends up with no one at the end .
        I would not like that because if she dies , I will not buy the DVD 's ..because I will be sad to spend my money on those if one of the lead characters die. I could cope with the 2 of the ones they killed before but I'm not sure I would like to see more of the main characters to go that way ..May be they all die at the end ..or it turns out that they are being rescued and they all go their separate way choice or they all lost memory of what happened on the Island and who they were with !!!!! That I could cope with .


