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Grimm NEWS & General Discussion

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    Yep, it's the trailer NBC uploaded at the TCAs in January.

    Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
    Sig & Avi by Josi
    LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
    I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


      'Grimm' returns with plenty of plotlines in play: TV Talk this week

      they just make confusion about the second half of season 2 and the still to be confirmed season 3
      Grimm returns October 24

      Signature and Avatar by Hyndara71 - Thank you very much
      Profile Picture by BM-Shipper


        *smirk* I like this typo very much ... - thanks for posting, mi!

        SpoilerTV also has 10 burning questions

        Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
        Sig & Avi by Josi
        LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
        I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


          Sneak peek at this weeks episode, but I'm assuming the video is US only...



            Not sure why that got posted twice. Oops
            Last edited by IceIsNice; 04 March 2013, 08:13 PM. Reason: Douple post


              It is but thanks for sharing Ice .

              Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
              Sig & Avi by Josi
              LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
              I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                okay that is cute, thanks for posting.


                  i cant watch it because of i am out of USA.can you tell me what is this about?


                    sure, I'll do my best

                    Monroe is on the phone with Rosilee and they are discussing Nick and the whole situation with Juliet and Renard. Rosilee jumps the conclusion that Renard must be the one who woke her up. Therefore broke the spell. Then Monroe mentions how he feels trapped in the middle of this (which he is). Then Rosilee says that she is coming back and wants Monroe to pick her up from the bus station. And at the end they are cute as usual. I hope that helps some, I wish that they would let everyone see it


                      Salutations! I've actually been reading this thread from the start, and I FINALLY got around to creating an account. I'm a little bit obsessed with the show, but that's not a bad thing, now is it? I love Monroe, I love Rosalee, I love MonRosalee, I'm not happy about this whole Juliette/Renard thing, I prefer it when Nick has a normal life to clash with his Grimm life. I love Nick in the trailer, and Nick at Monroe's house, and there is NO WAY that being able to see wesen is all there is to being a Grimm. I know plenty of guys who could figure out how to use any weapon ever in under five minutes, but I don't know a single one who could pull off that handstand-flippy-thing Nick does in the promo. Too long-winded?

                      Oh, and @m&mnm317, I love the Nick-whump idea. I keep waiting/hoping for an episode where Nick goes a little bonkers and starts seeing wesen where there are no wesen.
                      "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." - Edgar Allen Poe


                        I thought of an idea for an episode, that relates sort of to that. What if that drug that was in season 1 is back (slightly different but causes the same adrenaline power feeling). Nick and Hank are investing a case, involving a murder (suprise) and drugs, where of course the people are wesen. Anyhow, when the wesen are trying to escape from them, the drug gets dispersed into the air. Meaning Hank and Nick end up inhaling it. Hank of course nothing happens too, but Nick unknowingly gets infected (high?). And somewhat quickly starts acting more "grimm" like and aggressive. And goes and maybe even kills one of the wesen. Of course Rosilee figures out what happened, and there would be scene with Monroe where Nick almost goes after him, but of course does come to his senses. And Rosilee finds a cure (or thing to make him sober), before Nick does anything that he would regret.

                        just something I thought would be interesting, plus it could explain more about being a grimm.


                          Thanks for telling us, blueray !

                          Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                          Sig & Avi by Josi
                          LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                          I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                            Originally posted by Hyndara71 View Post
                            Thanks for telling us, blueray !


                              @ blueray thank you,i could watch it on nbc's website later on.there are some nice videos there.another sneak peak called the other man for face off and all regular casts' video interview about Face off except renard.Videos are pretty much spoilery.wu talks about shooting at juilette's house.monroe talks about how is he dealng the situation about nick.etc.


                                Ooh, I likey the drug idea! In the one I'm waiting/hoping for, when Nick looks at normal boring homo sapiens he sees them turning into wesen, and of course Hank can't help him since he can't tell the difference anyway. I didn't know how it could end, though, so I like the Rosalee-helps-him idea. This does raise one burning question: Are Grimms -wesen (wesen without the ability to woge) OR are they +humans (humans with benefits)? This has been bugging me since the premiere. What are Grimms? Where did they come from? Are they wesen, humans, or some type of halfbreed? How exactly are wesen different from standard humans? When Juliette tested the hair sample from the bigfoot, it came up recombinant DNA, but is that true all the time, or only during woge? Where do the Royals fit into all this? Why do the verrat (sp?) hunt down wesen who marry outside their type? What are the consequences of that? As much as I enjoy MonRosalee, I have to wonder; what would their kids be like? Blutbaden? Fuschbaus? Humans? Grimms? Some freaky halfbreed mutant we haven't seen yet? And how the yotz did Nick do that handstand-flippy-thing?! Agh, so many questions! Okay, I feel better now. . .
                                "Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night." - Edgar Allen Poe

