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Serenity (Firefly) Movie

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    Originally posted by Imo
    Here's a link to the script for what would have been the 15th ep of Firefly Dead or Alive
    It's not really clear weather it would have been filmed or was just a discarded script, but I just love the turtle
    I just read it. It seems like it would have been a great ep. Too bad they never got a chance to film it.

    And the turtle- lol!

    Hallowed Are The Moderators

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      Originally posted by Imo
      Here's a link to the script for what would have been the 15th ep of Firefly Dead or Alive
      It's not really clear weather it would have been filmed or was just a discarded script, but I just love the turtle
      Now I wish I could see Jayne with his turtle, that would have been so adorable.

      Easter, have you finished the series yet? Or are you savouring it?


        Joss Whedon posted the following on the Official Serenity Message Boards:

        Hey guys.

        I'm here on the official site, so that can only mean one thing: somebody finally told me my password! (Again.) It probably also means that I have some big-ass announcement or other. Well tops on the announcement list is this: after months of intensive yoga, i can finally touch my toes! (They feel round and bunion-y.)

        But there's more! I'm talkin' movie news, peeps, so no more drumroll: Trailer. Serenity. Tuesday.

        Yeah, kids, the haps is hap'nin', and it runs thus: EXCLUSIVELY on Apple movie trailers (and linked through this site as well of course) will be a small, medium, large or FULLSCREEN trailer for Serenity the major motion movie. Yeah, THE trailer. And the following Friday said trailer hits theaters. Which theaters? Until I get confirmation you'll have to guess, but I'm betting you can.

        Now, here's a word of warning: this trailer ain't shy. If you're looking to live totally spoiler-free, know that there's plenty of key dialogue and images running through this bad boy. It's pretty tasty, though, and it doesn't give everything away. But close scrutiny will definitely learn you much of what's to come. (Anakin TOTALLY goes evil.) It's a nice piece to while away the time till September, and hopefully should intrigue th' peeps that don't have coats of brown.

        The only thing more exciting than y'all finally seeing this was showing it to Nathan. Like a schoolboy giggled he.


        Joss "You can't take my toes from me" Whedon.

        "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
        "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
        BAD WOLF!!!


          Originally posted by IMForeman
          Joss Whedon posted the following on the Official Serenity Message Boards:


          Ditto on the SWEET!!!

          Hmm... Tuesday... wait, does that mean Wednesday for Australians. Nice. I can download it at Uni.

          Trailer. Trailer. Trailer.



            JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
            DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


              Originally posted by Easter Lily
              Nobody does... I've never heard anyone say it...
              Maybe I run in slightly different circles

              "Zao gao" is probably the most I've heard people say.. or "Shi ding" (Literally... dead for certain) "Ta ma de" is considered extremely vulgar. "Wo de tian" is another... and of course there are all the anatomical references.
              Exactly the ones you mentioned are the most common ones I hear...I guess Joss is just being creative in torturing his actors with weird chinese combinations. LOL

              As for the news about the Trailer yay!!


                Originally posted by Imo
                Here's a link to the script for what would have been the 15th ep of Firefly Dead or Alive
                It's not really clear weather it would have been filmed or was just a discarded script, but I just love the turtle
                And I dashed over there right away to read it. Thanks, Imo, you're a mate!

                And I must use "No need to do a flippity-hiss" often.


                  Ooh, thanks for the trailer information! And Joss is such a nut. As another character said, "do you think you have to be crazy to create something powerful?"
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Hitchhiker's is opening this thursday (well for Aussies), since the trailer is online tuesday what are the chances it'll be attached? I'm being hopeful here.


                      I thought the trailer was supposed to be attached to Star Wars?


                        It could be attached to both.

                        JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
                        DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


                          Can but hope.


                            Yay trailer!!!

                            September- oh so far away
                            YAY DANCING BANANAS!!!

                            Hallowed Are The Moderators

                            Kate Hewlett's blog

                            A Dog's Breakfast official site

                            37.47535% - Major Geek How geeky are you?


                              Not quite a trailer, but I found a page for Firefly music videos. One I definately recommend is the Barenaked Ladies 'Falling for the First time'. But I haven't had a chance to look at any of the others.

                              Browncoats Music Videos


                                Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                                Easter, have you finished the series yet? Or are you savouring it?
                                No... sadly I haven't heard from JB Hifi yet... still waiting... and no one's lent me the third and fourth discs yet either...
                                Unfortunately for me... I got a little over the top and started reading some Firefly fan fics... (and I don't even read fanfics for Atlantis)... so I have some idea about what comes next...
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

