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Prepare for Starburst: A Farscape Rewatch Thread

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    Clockwork Nabari

    I’m watching this late (again). As everyone else has done such a great job, I’ll make this a quick ‘responding to other people's reviews’ review.

    Originally posted by squirrely
    ....Ok seriously Crichton's surfer dude or whatever that was that he used to try to fake his mind cleansing was just pretty horrendous. Let's face it John Crichton can't act worth dren!
    Yeah, we’ve mentioned it before in the re-watch haven’t we? That Crichton (as distinct from Ben Browder) can’t act to, often literally, save his life. His peacekeeper accent wasn’t great… nor could he fake ‘blissed’ out in Thank God it’s Friday.

    Pilot on the other hand is excellent at faking it. He was one of my favourite things in this episode. The line, “Did that work for you. I thought that worked” is great.

    Originally posted by jel
    I really loved getting more Chiana backstory and learning more about why she is at odds with her people
    I agree. This one is great all round at giving the often side-lined members of Moya’s crew stuff to do. Okay, Crichton is still pretty much in the centre, but he’s interacting with Pilot, Chiana and Rygel, as opposed to the more usual Aeryn, D’Argo and Zhaan.

    Originally posted by jel
    Speaking of John, I love the little Harvey interaction. It kind of reinforces what we learned about Harvery in how he helps John when his mind is attacked. Too bad he can't help with John going insane.
    He seemed okay at the start. Up until the Nabari mind frelled him, Harvey helped… and then he was definitely, more than a little off. Almost like Crackers Don’t Matter Crichton. Particularly when he hit Chiana.

    Originally posted by SQ
    I think that eye device which is by and large probably one of the sickest things I've seen on TV had some close resemblance of Kubrik's tale.
    Yep, the eye thing is ewwwww… cool effect though. From a vidding point of view, there are a lot of nice shots in this. The colours, as SQ mentioned, are lovely. Lots of gold and blues. And the Crichton/Chiana hug at the end (the one they use in the titles) is just gorgeous.

    While we’re on that hug, Crichton’s line of ‘since when do people like us get what we want’ is one of my favourite in the series. Moya’s crew always work best for me as the losers of the universe i.e. the ordinary people who in Shakespeare would be talking prose. They don’t have power, money or the odds in their favour.

    Other random points: not a lot of Zhaan in this episode. Do we think the make-up department had enough to do painting three Nabari, so they sort of wrote her out?

    Ooop, and look: a female writer! Lily Taylor. Farscape has a better record that most TV and sci-fi…but still I’d guestimate that only 10 – 15% of their episodes are written by women.

    Better than Doctor Who though… who have managed only six episodes written by women in the last nine series. *heavy sigh*


      Originally posted by Bluemeany View Post
      Clockwork Nabari

      I’m watching this late (again). As everyone else has done such a great job, I’ll make this a quick ‘responding to other people's reviews’ review.

      Yeah, we’ve mentioned it before in the re-watch haven’t we? That Crichton (as distinct from Ben Browder) can’t act to, often literally, save his life. His peacekeeper accent wasn’t great… nor could he fake ‘blissed’ out in Thank God it’s Friday.

      Pilot on the other hand is excellent at faking it. He was one of my favourite things in this episode. The line, “Did that work for you. I thought that worked” is great.

      I agree. This one is great all round at giving the often side-lined members of Moya’s crew stuff to do. Okay, Crichton is still pretty much in the centre, but he’s interacting with Pilot, Chiana and Rygel, as opposed to the more usual Aeryn, D’Argo and Zhaan.

      He seemed okay at the start. Up until the Nabari mind frelled him, Harvey helped… and then he was definitely, more than a little off. Almost like Crackers Don’t Matter Crichton. Particularly when he hit Chiana.

      Yep, the eye thing is ewwwww… cool effect though. From a vidding point of view, there are a lot of nice shots in this. The colours, as SQ mentioned, are lovely. Lots of gold and blues. And the Crichton/Chiana hug at the end (the one they use in the titles) is just gorgeous.

      While we’re on that hug, Crichton’s line of ‘since when do people like us get what we want’ is one of my favourite in the series. Moya’s crew always work best for me as the losers of the universe i.e. the ordinary people who in Shakespeare would be talking prose. They don’t have power, money or the odds in their favour.

      Other random points: not a lot of Zhaan in this episode. Do we think the make-up department had enough to do painting three Nabari, so they sort of wrote her out?

      Ooop, and look: a female writer! Lily Taylor. Farscape has a better record that most TV and sci-fi…but still I’d guestimate that only 10 – 15% of their episodes are written by women.

      Better than Doctor Who though… who have managed only six episodes written by women in the last nine series. *heavy sigh*
      Yeah I agree at the 'John can't act his way out of a paper bag'. But he can sure do crazy. But wait that is Ben after all. Lol. As for women writers comment... You'd think as shippy as this show is it would've had more female writers but then again that is rather sexist comment but *shrugs* deal!
      Originally posted by jelgate
      This brings much pain but SQ is right


        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        Count me out there too.
        I only look at costumes with the intent of recreating them -- and I'm usually more interested in armors and weapons.
        Can you make a Nooranti outfit for SQ?

        I would so love to have a replica pulse rifle.
        You can have the pulse rifle if I get a Qualtra blade
        If it wasn't, I declare it a word now.
        You should copyright like I did it with Maldy
        Depends on the story, I guess, but she's missed. So, towards character involvemend, bad.
        Fair enough
        Cars, ships, ... weapons...
        Doesn't matter, the reason is the same
        Thought as much.
        Unless you want to go blind

        Originally posted by Bluemeany View Post
        Clockwork Nabari

        I’m watching this late (again). As everyone else has done such a great job, I’ll make this a quick ‘responding to other people's reviews’ review.
        Where are your priorities woman?

        Yeah, we’ve mentioned it before in the re-watch haven’t we? That Crichton (as distinct from Ben Browder) can’t act to, often literally, save his life. His peacekeeper accent wasn’t great… nor could he fake ‘blissed’ out in Thank God it’s Friday.
        I think its obvious that his accents are bad on purpose. Its not Ben because I have seen him do different accents in a serious tone.
        Pilot on the other hand is excellent at faking it. He was one of my favourite things in this episode. The line, “Did that work for you. I thought that worked” is great.
        Especially after John told him the ruse was up

        I agree. This one is great all round at giving the often side-lined members of Moya’s crew stuff to do. Okay, Crichton is still pretty much in the centre, but he’s interacting with Pilot, Chiana and Rygel, as opposed to the more usual Aeryn, D’Argo and Zhaan.
        I would say that Chiana is used just as much as D'Argo and Zhaan. I won't open the john and Aeryn can of worms again
        He seemed okay at the start. Up until the Nabari mind frelled him, Harvey helped… and then he was definitely, more than a little off. Almost like Crackers Don’t Matter Crichton. Particularly when he hit Chiana.
        That was part of the act to fool the Nebari. How they fell for it is beyond me
        Yep, the eye thing is ewwwww… cool effect though. From a vidding point of view, there are a lot of nice shots in this. The colours, as SQ mentioned, are lovely. Lots of gold and blues. And the Crichton/Chiana hug at the end (the one they use in the titles) is just gorgeous.
        I thought it was poorly done. I could tell it was fake from the start
        While we’re on that hug, Crichton’s line of ‘since when do people like us get what we want’ is one of my favourite in the series. Moya’s crew always work best for me as the losers of the universe i.e. the ordinary people who in Shakespeare would be talking prose. They don’t have power, money or the odds in their favour.
        I think its a good metaphor for real life as well.
        Other random points: not a lot of Zhaan in this episode. Do we think the make-up department had enough to do painting three Nabari, so they sort of wrote her out?
        If that was the case I don't D'Argo would have appeared as much. I think he takes more prosthetics than Zhaan.
        Ooop, and look: a female writer! Lily Taylor. Farscape has a better record that most TV and sci-fi…but still I’d guestimate that only 10 – 15% of their episodes are written by women.
        Probably less. Science fiction tends to be more male inclined. No offense to the women here but demographics show its more of a male genre.
        Better than Doctor Who though… who have managed only six episodes written by women in the last nine series. *heavy sigh*
        More reason Doctor WHo is terrible.
        Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
        Yeah I agree at the 'John can't act his way out of a paper bag'. But he can sure do crazy. But wait that is Ben after all. Lol. As for women writers comment... You'd think as shippy as this show is it would've had more female writers but then again that is rather sexist comment but *shrugs* deal!
        It kind of reinforces my belief how Ben intentionally makes John a bad acting. John isn't acting crazy. He is crazy.

        This reminds me of an old argument in Stargate. One me and FH used to fight about. Their was this belief that female writers were needed to write strong females. I think Farscape shows that a good writer can write strong females no matter what their sex is.
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          This reminds me of an old argument in Stargate. One me and FH used to fight about. Their was this belief that female writers were needed to write strong females. I think Farscape shows that a good writer can write strong females no matter what their sex is.
          Yes, I agree. Doesn’t matter the gender of the writer, their ability to write for both men and women is the same..

          .. IF (and this is where it all goes wrong), the writer has realised that there isn’t that fundamental difference in how you write them, what they can be and how they can act. That it is the character that is important first, and the gender just sits on top of that.

          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          Probably less. Science fiction tends to be more male inclined. No offense to the women here but demographics show its more of a male genre.
          See I’m not so sure about that. I know it's the prevailing cultural and industry view. But most statistics now show that sci-fi ( and related stuff like fantasy, gaming etc.) is consistently about 45% women, 55% men.

          There’s lots of stats on it here:

          Game of Thrones has an equal 50:50 split. So does Doctor Who.

          And let’s face it, they haven’t cast Ben Browder as the lead and then put him in leather (and all the promo pictures) for the heterosexual male audience have they?
          Last edited by Bluemeany; 21 September 2016, 06:52 PM.


            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
            Science fiction tends to be more male inclined. No offense to the women here but demographics show its more of a male genre.
            I take offense in that statement.
            Last edited by squirrely1; 21 September 2016, 08:15 PM.
            Originally posted by jelgate
            This brings much pain but SQ is right


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              Can you make a Nooranti outfit for SQ?
              Lots of rags... shouldn't be a problem.

              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              You can have the pulse rifle if I get a Qualtra blade

              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              This reminds me of an old argument in Stargate. One me and FH used to fight about. Their was this belief that female writers were needed to write strong females. I think Farscape shows that a good writer can write strong females no matter what their sex is.
              I have long since come round on that, by the way. I still believe a little female touch can't harm anyone but I guess it's character first, gender later. Though I do feel that perhaps Stargate could have done with a little female input. It wouldn't have gone amiss -- and in SGA a little less love for one particular character wouldn't have gone amiss either.

              Originally posted by Bluemeany View Post
              And let’s face it, they haven’t cast Ben Browder as the lead and then put him in leather (and all the promo pictures) for the heterosexual male audience have they?
              If there's anything I hate more than badly written characters, it's objectification of characters and/or actors/actresses portraying them.

              I mean, have you seen the promo shot for the new Jumanji film.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                I take offense in that statement.
                I don’t take offense, I just think it’s not true. And I’m not sure why the idea that it is a male inclined genre is so persistent within the industry.

                I realise I've diverted the thread in a slightly heavy direction But I mean, why would it be true?

                Sci-fi is just drama in space or in a slightly unreal world. Women watch drama. Women like stories. Why would it being in space or in a different unreal location fundamentally mean they wouldn’t enjoy it?

                If you’re trying to sell a show/ find an audience: why would you automatically cut out 50% of your potential audience right from the beginning by deciding that ‘this isn’t for them’.

                And even if a show's audience is 100% men or 100% women…. I still don’t think that means you can justify having low writer representation of a gender other than you’re demographic.

                The whole point of fiction, to my mind, is to present people with something interesting they haven’t seen or thought of before. Other perspectives, from viewpoints other than your core demographic arguably have a better chance of doing that.

                I mean, wouldn’t it get boring if an audience just heard and saw what they already knew, agreed with or had already seen all of the time?

                Sometimes a work hasn’t been written specifically for me (as a demographic) or from a perspective I could ever hold. But that doesn’t mean I can’t take or learn something from it. Nor does it mean I shouldn’t watch it.


                  Originally posted by Bluemeany View Post
                  Yes, I agree. Doesn’t matter the gender of the writer, their ability to write for both men and women is the same..

                  .. IF (and this is where it all goes wrong), the writer has realised that there isn’t that fundamental difference in how you write them, what they can be and how they can act. That it is the character that is important first, and the gender just sits on top of that.
                  I kind of half agree with you here. I agree with you about the writer. We do focus too much how men and women are different. However, a good writer understands how men and women think differently. If you don't realize that then you aren't writing for female characters.
                  See I’m not so sure about that. I know it's the prevailing cultural and industry view. But most statistics now show that sci-fi ( and related stuff like fantasy, gaming etc.) is consistently about 45% women, 55% men.

                  There’s lots of stats on it here:
                  Game of Thrones has an equal 50:50 split. So does Doctor Who.
                  To be honest I gave a generalized statement because I didn't want to ramble on. I know the gap isn't as wide as the sterotype but as watching goes its in favor in men. The real irony is that fandoms of TV shows is the reverse.
                  And let’s face it, they haven’t cast Ben Browder as the lead and then put him in leather (and all the promo pictures) for the heterosexual male audience have they?
                  A smart production team tries to appeal to multiple groups. Thunking is another issue
                  Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                  I take offense in that statement.
                  Too bad. I'm not expressing my opinion just stating what the facts say. Its like being offended that the sky is blue

                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  Lots of rags... shouldn't be a problem.
                  That's what SQ already wears

                  Then we get to work
                  I have long since come round on that, by the way. I still believe a little female touch can't harm anyone but I guess it's character first, gender later. Though I do feel that perhaps Stargate could have done with a little female input. It wouldn't have gone amiss -- and in SGA a little less love for one particular character wouldn't have gone amiss either.
                  Its probably because I'm not a minority but I tend to advovate your writing style of your gender. It shouldn't matter. I know that may be idealism but....
                  I see the problem with SGA (as for go off topic) is the lack in interest in the female characters. Don't necessary think female writers would change that
                  If there's anything I hate more than badly written characters, it's objectification of characters and/or actors/actresses portraying them.

                  I mean, have you seen the promo shot for the new Jumanji film.
                  I didn't even know their was a Jumanji reboot
                  Originally posted by Bluemeany View Post
                  I don’t take offense, I just think it’s not true. And I’m not sure why the idea that it is a male inclined genre is so persistent within the industry.
                  Some genres are the reverse. I'm not talking of all TV and movies
                  I realise I've diverted the thread in a slightly heavy direction But I mean, why would it be true?
                  Now you are one of us. You can collect your pin from FH
                  Sci-fi is just drama in space or in a slightly unreal world. Women watch drama. Women like stories. Why would it being in space or in a different unreal location fundamentally mean they wouldn’t enjoy it?
                  [/QUOTE] You are asking a very complex question that require discussing the many ways men and women act and think differently. I want to point out I am not suggesting women don't like scifi just that in numbers more men than women do. Even in a spilit 50-50 one group is going to edge the other
                  If you’re trying to sell a show/ find an audience: why would you automatically cut out 50% of your potential audience right from the beginning by deciding that ‘this isn’t for them’.
                  No one is suggesting of alienating the female audience. No show is going to do that.
                  And even if a show's audience is 100% men or 100% women…. I still don’t think that means you can justify having low writer representation of a gender other than you’re demographic.
                  I was never suggesting that
                  The whole point of fiction, to my mind, is to present people with something interesting they haven’t seen or thought of before. Other perspectives, from viewpoints other than your core demographic arguably have a better chance of doing that.

                  I mean, wouldn’t it get boring if an audience just heard and saw what they already knew, agreed with or had already seen all of the time?
                  Sometimes a work hasn’t been written specifically for me (as a demographic) or from a perspective I could ever hold. But that doesn’t mean I can’t take or learn something from it. Nor does it mean I shouldn’t watch it.
                  I never suggested that. I think you have misinterperated what I said or I wasn't clear enough. Probably both
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    I never suggested that. I think you have misinterperated what I said or I wasn't clear enough. Probably both
                    Ah, sorry Jel, my general musings on the subject were directed at the industry ( mainly the movie industry and associated marketing/sponsorship) view at large, not at you're passing comment. I wasn't reading all that into the one sentence.


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      Too bad. I'm not expressing my opinion just stating what the facts say. Its like being offended that the sky is blue

                      I think your facts are not entirely accurate and I just think the industry as a whole doesn't have a way to get good rating information by gender and stuff...if you ask me so they sort of just take a slice of the population and make assumptions and I think that's wrong..
                      Originally posted by jelgate
                      This brings much pain but SQ is right


                        A Clockwork Nebari From the Companion Book

                        'A Clockwork Nebari' was story editor Lily Taylor's first script for Farscape. "She wanted to do a Chiana episode," David Kemper says, "and Lil had the idea to bring back the Nebari. We explained a lot about Chiana and her backstory, and we set in motion the future story for her. Now you know she has a brother out there alive in the underground, which leaves us with great possibilities."

                        "Up until now Chiana has been searching for her reason for being," Rockne S. O'Bannon notes, "and this gave her a potential quest as well." Director Rowan Woods is full of praise for the episode. "It was a really beautiful, solid backstory episode, but a tricky one," he says. "It presented this other side of Chiana and the Nebari that we didn't know about. The script was ambitious. It represented the Nebari as a race which not only wipes out others, but dances on their graves! It had an outrageous ending, which involved video trickery, so what I did was head towards that ending and see if I could straddle two different kinds of tones. There was the scary, realistic horror of the Nebari, and something more glib about the way that Crichton deals with the situation and ultimately deals with the ending. I was juxtaposing comedic and horrific scenes, from 'punch the puppet' to someone being tortured, with their eyes pulled out of their sockets. There was a brilliant balancing act in that script, and I had to do it justice."

                        Gigi Edgley found her role in 'A Clockwork Nebari' very demanding. "I think the ideas were so powerful, and there were lots of emotions coming through on it," she recalls. "You don't often get an episode related wholly to your character, and when they do come along you want to put so much into it. You really want it to go nicely, and explain a lot of your actions in past and future episodes." One of the most grueling scenes took seven hours to film. "When Chiana freaks out, I really did freak out for them, so by the end, I was absolutely exhausted," Gigi recalls. "The big fight scene took three days to shoot, and by the end of it my body was so stiff it was unbelievable. Character-wise, I had lots of fun with Nerri. It's a shame we only got that one scene together. It was really great to work with Simon. There was some confusion about whether his accent should be Australian or American. The other two were Australian, but they kept Nerri as American so we knew who the unbrainwashed ones were." Both Woods and Ben Browder were concerned about the energy level of the episode. Virtually everyone had been mindcleansed, so were reacting in a very laid-back way. "Chiana's the only one who is not brainwashed, or pretending to be, and she's chained up and unable to move," Browder points out. "She also has a heavy emotional storyline. Everybody else on the ship is really happy, and the Nebari are slow, softly-spoken people. I was trying ot find a way to do the vacuous brainwashed technique without slowing things down." thus was born the cool surfer dude. "I'm afraid I have to cop to that," Browder admits. "The interesting thing about that is we have a reference point and a context for what Crichton is saying. The aliens don't know the context, so how are they going to know what Crichton's actual response to the mindcleansing would be?"
                        Originally posted by jelgate
                        This brings much pain but SQ is right


                          Liars, Guns and Money Part I - A Not So Simple Plan

                          So what is not to love about this ep? You have Zhaan the pirate, Stark trying to lead a bank heist, Bonnie and Clyde (No scratch that didn't end well), Scorpy and his new Scarran squeeze ....a Trojan Horse Rygel and those gorgeous sweeping CG scenes of that Shadow Depository! It was obvious they saved a good portion of their budget all season to produce this trilogy, it's one of my favorites!

                          Where to even start? It's all just awesome. I thought it was a bit rash of D to just bust through the defenses and expect to get somewhere. But it seemingly worked out and may have been just the diversion they needed to allow Zhaan (loved her costuming BTW) to infiltrate the vault legally in order to gain entry. Chi cracked me up there playing the little parrot on Zhaan's shoulder. Poor Ryg lost his clothes and I think we got a split second glimpse of his long johns. LOL Loved the CG of the bank vault scenes and the tension that was buiding when they ran into Scorpy.

                          Loved how Scorpy's presence was affecting John and that kiss he pulled Aeryn into the corner because he was losing it and just had to let her know how he felt. From a shipper perspective my heart was leaping there, but from any other perspective, it seemed as if they just threw that in to include some John/Aeryn love. I'm not complaining but it seemed a tad awkward there timing wise.

                          I very much enjoyed the close up's of Scorpy and his and John's wrestling know I"m not going to say it cuz jel will accuse me of slashing them or only thinking of sex but honestly I think I heard John say...."You're not my type" upon Scorpy's urgent request for John to insert the rod. LOL Ok so I said it...Just shut up jel!

                          I think I should probably stop there......
                          Originally posted by jelgate
                          This brings much pain but SQ is right


                            Just want to throw this in there because you guys are the experts and maybe some upcoming scenes will attest to this, but in addition to John's obsession with Aeryn's hair (of which I confirm).......I also recall John/Ben having a "butt fetish", or he would play submissive (i don't blame him), as i recall at least on more than a few occasions, he would be rubbing his face in the lower half of Aeryn's body / midriff area....or aka near the butt area... but with Aeryn clearly being the dominant figure. The first scene that will pop (not poop ) into everyone's head is when their on Tayln and their cuddled up and John is literally kissing her butt (again, nobody blames him), but i remember more scenes like that and if anyone comes across them and would like to point them out, the Farscape universe will be forever grateful.

                            I don't mean this to be distasteful in any way (pun not intended)...but I actually found it to be a very lovely thing and it showed just how much John/Ben adored Aeryn (and Claudia in real life).....I don't imagine the director saying "okay, Ben, we want you to rub your face as close to Aeryn's butt as you can to show how much you worship her"..........i think it was probably more like everyone saying "Ben, what in the world are you doing.....okay, it's weird, it's wacky, we're running out of time, let's call it a wrap"....

                            I hope i've added something new to the discussion


                              Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                              Liars, Guns and Money Part I - A Not So Simple Plan

                              So what is not to love about this ep? You have Zhaan the pirate, Stark trying to lead a bank heist, Bonnie and Clyde (No scratch that didn't end well), Scorpy and his new Scarran squeeze ....a Trojan Horse Rygel and those gorgeous sweeping CG scenes of that Shadow Depository! It was obvious they saved a good portion of their budget all season to produce this trilogy, it's one of my favorites!

                              Where to even start? It's all just awesome. I thought it was a bit rash of D to just bust through the defenses and expect to get somewhere. But it seemingly worked out and may have been just the diversion they needed to allow Zhaan (loved her costuming BTW) to infiltrate the vault legally in order to gain entry. Chi cracked me up there playing the little parrot on Zhaan's shoulder. Poor Ryg lost his clothes and I think we got a split second glimpse of his long johns. LOL Loved the CG of the bank vault scenes and the tension that was buiding when they ran into Scorpy.

                              Loved how Scorpy's presence was affecting John and that kiss he pulled Aeryn into the corner because he was losing it and just had to let her know how he felt. From a shipper perspective my heart was leaping there, but from any other perspective, it seemed as if they just threw that in to include some John/Aeryn love. I'm not complaining but it seemed a tad awkward there timing wise.

                              I very much enjoyed the close up's of Scorpy and his and John's wrestling know I"m not going to say it cuz jel will accuse me of slashing them or only thinking of sex but honestly I think I heard John say...."You're not my type" upon Scorpy's urgent request for John to insert the rod. LOL Ok so I said it...Just shut up jel!

                              I think I should probably stop there......
                              Nice review SQ. I haven't even watched this episode yet never mind written it up. I'm a strong contender for the role of Falcon Horus n this week everyone.

                              Expect to hear from me sometime on Thursday.


                                Its okay blue. We are all channeling FH this week. I find it hard to write reviews on work days When this started I seldom worked weekends. The boss is always making me work weekends now. Can't wait for that new job where its a standard 9-5,

                                Liars, Guns, and Money Part 1: A No So Simple Plan

                                If the Princess trilogy is Gatefan's favorite, this is probably mine. That or the Scarran trilogy. I want to point out the one thing I dislike in this episode so we can get to the part I love about this episode. Stark. I know FH has a crazy crush on Stark but his convenient return annoyed me like crazy. This is probably where someone mentions the cliché of no one ever dies in scifi. Anyone who knows me knows that I hate that saying. I know they planted the seeds for this in The Ugly Truth but no I don't buy it. Besides that I love this episode. I think D'Argo said it another episode of how no one has frelled up plans like we frelled up plans. That is why I love this episode. A bank heist is such a classic that it is fun to see how Farscape twsits it around. But I am getting ahead of myself. We need to discuss the monkey in the room. Yes I can understand D'Argo is emotional right now. Any parent whose kid was in a similar situation would be but I can't believe D'Argo would be so stupid. What happened to his whole speech from the other episode about not trusting people? This is not a compliant of the episode more of D'Argo character flaws. It was idiotic for him to call the others cowards and storm the shadow depository. This leads us to the actual heist which I think is frelling brilliant and hilarious. Its almost too complex. I will have to admit that I had to consult the episode transcripts. I was a little lost on what Rygel's role for the heist was other than complaining that he was being encased in a statue. Speaking of Rygel his repeating his job for some reason cracked me up along with the look of Zhaan as some James Bond reject villian. But lets talk Scorpy now because the heist kind of ships to his focus. Also you can't talk about Scorpy without talking John. I always loved the gradual aspect of the chip taking over. As each episode goes on we see John get a little more nuts. Not SQ nuts but close enough. We the audience already knew about the cooling rods a as Scorpy's weakness but I kind of like John vindicative side in this one. Kind of fun to watch him sabotage the rods to cause harm to Scorpy. Of course we know the neural chip prevents this from happening. I bet you people thought I needed my barf bucket for the next part. Well you are wrong. John saying he loves Aeryn and her helping John when he is battling Harvey does not bother me all, I actually love it. Through all these blunders, the one constant is John can depend on his friends. Did think the singing and crawling away from Scorpy was a little weird. I also found it hard to believe he was able to make it back to Moya. It was obvious that Natria's fake currency is used to find a reason to give us a to be continued. Speaking of Natira, I deliberately left her out of my review because he presence is more commanding in later episodes
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

