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Prepare for Starburst: A Farscape Rewatch Thread

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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    The ugly truth of The Ugly Truth is that it was a boring episode and I nodded off.

    Very simple concept but not to fill 42 minutes. They probably picked 5 characters, used one set-up and redid it 5 different ways, or 5 almost different ways. Witnesses are notoriously inacurate in their recount of events and in the end it will differ in every account no matter what really happened.

    In between the nodding off, I did notice that in every retelling, depending on the person doing to telling that the characters spoke in the same sort of way as the witness.

    Anyway, I chuckled at D'Argo's hoopcap reply to John's hubcap. And John spitting off the side to see how far down it went. I mean, who hasn't done that in their lifetime.

    Considering the hoopcap was rather void of rocks, his choices were limited.

    When D'Argo got rough with Stark earlier, his mask got loose and fell off. The side of his head is glowing and going mad. He explains it was because he wasn't prepared and thus the energy was out of control. When he's about to be executed, however, he has full control and thus, as far as I see it anyway, his energy is controlled and dark, not glowing.
    Yes that was the point I was trying to make but not doing too well. LOL And so for the audience I guess it was a tell tale sign that he was prepared and maybe he had stored himself somewhere?
    Originally posted by jelgate
    This brings much pain but SQ is right


      The Ugly Truth from The Companion Book

      "We needed to do a show that was contained. This was our attempt to do a Rashomon," says David Kemper, referring to the famous Japanese film in which the same events are replayed from the different characters' view points. "We could explain a lot about Talyn and Crais, and show Stark as someone who would literally take a bullet for the crew."
      Production designer Tim Ferrier's incredible set design meant that the actors weere thirty feet above the stage for most of the shots. The water underneath allowed director Tony Tilse to make full use of reflection. "I've always been a mad fan of the director Russell Mulcahy," he says. "There was an old Tubes video he did, which was set over water," Claudia Black adds, "it was very difficult to shoot on those sets because of the disc we ended up on."

      The scenes set on board Talyn were problematic for a different reason. "We all went a bit 'troppo' in there," Lani Topu recalls. "In other words, we had a bit of cabin fever. The lines were all similar, just slightly different. It was a really good test at staying sane."

      "After we shot the different versions, I couldn't remember which was the 'real one'", Paul Goddard says. "We ended up having Crichton's version as the objective reality, but that could be an interpretation as well."
      "With everyon's story, you get a hint of what they think of each other," Tony Tilse adds, "and how everyone felt that Crichton was on their side. He agreed with their decisions most of the time. They didn't look like idiots in their own story. Zhaan was such a terrible liar!"
      The design for the Plokavians tested Dave Elsy's powers of justification. "The director said he wanted to have two alien characters who were basically melting," He says, "I was trying to talk him out of it. If they were a race that were melting, how long were they going to last? I always try to find a reason for the aliens to be the way they are." However, Elsey went ahead, and took inspiration from "one of the most hysterical films I've ever seen in my life: The Incredible Melting Man. Although I'm a great admirer of Rick Baker (that film's make-up artist), I wanted to do something that wasn't like that. We designed these heads with goo that would dribble all the time. Tony loved the goo so much that he wanted lots of shots of it dribbling on the floor, hitting the water or dropping off their noses!"

      The Plakavians' hoods were costume designer Terry Ryan's responsibility. "They were made out of some sort of packing material," he explains. "When they make rubber, it comes out rough so they slice the top off quite thinly, and it's quite textured. When they pack it to send overseas, they use that outside skin to pack the rolls. We used that. It was perforated, so you could get light through it."
      "'The Ugly Truth' was designed to be a simple show "The wouldn't kill us, production-wise," David Kemper says. "It had the right genesis, but it just got carried away. Everyone tried to outdo themselves. But that's why Farscape is good. You end up with stuff you don't see on other shows. No one takes the easy way out."
      Originally posted by jelgate
      This brings much pain but SQ is right


        The Ugly Truth

        This will be a short review mostly because blue got to this episode first. She did a good job of interpreting how each scene is different that any commenting would just be me repeating. Really this kind of storytelling is a classic trope that I have seen it done so many times. Its done in comedy a lot times to make outrageous situations and jokes. Its unusual to use it in a serious television show. Which is why the whole thing really cumulates in John's story. John makes a good point in how when given testimony their are discrepancies because of how everyone's memories differ and because of the fact that we all see things a little different. This is why court trials never go on testimony alone. Testimony can be mistleading. Physical evidence does not. To FH's point, I can see why this episode may be dull. It doesn't repeat the same scene over and over again. That can be dull but I like it see how each of our characters think differently and how each of them saw the incident of Talyn. Although it seems like the whole thing was pointless even after John's speech and testimony, it was all lets kill everyone. It was only Stark's sacrifice that saved everyone. Felt a little of cheap ploy to use Stark as energy so he really couldn't die. I have a grudge with the no one ever dies in science fiction cliché. I find it used to often to justify bringing back other characters. It seems like they written themselves in a corner and used the killing of Stark to get out of the trial and just bring him back because Stark is mostly energy. What speaks to me the most is the ending where we get the answer is that the only one to blame is Talyn, how D'Argo feels guilty about how he treated Stark, and ZHaan crying that she thinks Stark is dead
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          A Clockwork Nebari

          So do you think the writers were influenced by Stanley Kubrik's 'A Clockwork Orange'? Haha...I think that eye device which is by and large probably one of the sickest things I've seen on TV had some close resemblance of Kubrik's tale.

          So just to make this quick because it's late and so much to do I'll list out what was great about this episode:

          Harvey Saves John From Mind Cleansing - So we're starting to see this relationship with the Neural Chip Scorpy Clone and John and just how much Harvey wants to protect John. This is really interesting that we have our bad guy actually saving our hero so how is that for a great big Mind Frell? How could we completely hate Scorpy when he continues to keep John that his mind and what Scorpy seeks stays intact? This is such a weird dichotomy that psychologists probably have some fancy term for it but still....bizzaro....but there we are!

          Nerri is Alive! I have always loved the Chi/Nerri brother/sister relationship and just how close these two were. It's so endearing and I'm happy to learn here that Neri is still alive and out there fighting for a rebel cause...something that I could see Chiana doing. It was interesting though that even with this new relationship she's built with D'Argo she doesn't hesitate to jump ship and run away back to Nerri and leave D'Argo in the dust. Hmmmm it sort of makes me wonder if Chiana is actually capable of true love and brings me to question her relationship with D'Argo. I mean we just had her promising last week she'd help him find his son, and this week she is all but ready to run off back to Nerri. I don't blame her for this, it just seemed very selfish of her not to even consider D'Argo in that whole plan of hers.

          Chiana's True Secret is Revealed So she never ran away she was given an exit pass from the "establishment". Only to find out she and her brother were infected with a contagion that would spread to many others in hopes to use that contagion to subdue a big portion of the galaxy. This was a very interesting concept and I don't know about you but the sound level on my disc of their dialog is really low and at times hard to make out with their accents (and there are no subtitles) so I'll be honest I had to run it back a few times to hear all what was said. I really wish they would've explained more about this contagion and just what they were planning on doing with it. I wasn't really clear on what Varla was trying to do exactly? I guess she was trying to get to Nerri through Chiana and then Meelak being actually a sort of double agent was almost too convenient or something. I thought it was a nice insight into some of Chiana's past, but aside from that we really gained nothing it ended a kind of wash and was somewhat anticlimactic.

          Pilot Can Create a Great Fake Out GO PILOT!! Haha...this was amazing and for a moment I wondered if they indeed were really being chased by a Peacekeeper patrol. I Pilot's little thing at the end when he asked John....did I do good? LOL that was cute.

          Speaking of Faking....Ok seriously Crichton's surfer dude or whatever that was that he used to try to fake his mind cleansing was just pretty horrendous. Let's face it John Crichton can't act worth dren! Rygel did a pretty good job acting however, and I rightly enjoyed seeing him and John wrestling around. I really enjoyed the puppet action between those really was amazing how John could really get his hands on Rygel and they just really sort of duke it out. I think it was one of the better scenes with Rygel when he's being tossed around. LOL I thought it was hilarious too when Rygel says emphatically, "I'm no puppet!"

          All in all pretty good ep visually I loved the colors and I'll let Blue talk about that more with her vidding pov.
          Originally posted by jelgate
          This brings much pain but SQ is right


            DUDE... ... A Clockwork Nebari ... so awesome, dude!


            "My little trollop..." -- John's endearing names for Chiana know no ending. You can only guess to what he is referring. If only D'Argo knew...

            Mind-cleansed Aeryn is by far even more scarier than Peacekeeper Aeryn. "Good luck, Chi!" - you're gonna need it, but nope, something's wrong. And BAM Nebarii entering, taking over Moya, chaining Chi to the ceiling and the rest get mindfrelled.

            Except John, whose neural implant is being very protective, and Pilot who's simply being incapacitated. I love Pilot when he threatens to hurt John if he dares to glorify Varla and her mindfrelling.

            John and Rygel are high-larious. Their interaction had me in stitches, and mindfrelled D'Argo -- LOL!!!

            But what I really liked and have been waiting for is Chiana's story. I really liked it the first time I watched it, and I still loved it now. Their commitment to each other, their loyalty is admirable. It's sad when Meelak leaves at the end, and John pulls Chiana back inside Moya, back to her life on board as part of the crew.

            It's also an episode that has little to no Zhaan.

            Rygel enjoyed keeping them locked up in the end a little too much.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
              And I just realized that I promised to try to make a vid over the summer and did not deliver on that. I want to do one and I will get to it at some point. Maybe once our rewatch is over I will put something together as a celebration of our rewatch completion. So stay tuned everyone!
              *claps hands* Oooo, goody. Yes – new vids please. I’ve decided to teach myself Adobe Premier Pro (spoiler: it’s incredibly fiddly)…so I’ll join you and make another Farscape vid as I learn.

              I’m currently torn between:

              1.) Love & Affection by Joan Armatrading as an Aeryn video.
              2.) Ashes to Ashes, by Bowie as a Crichton video; or
              3.) The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get: as a Crichton/Aeryn video with a bit of Harvey in the mix…

              I can’t make my mind up though…what do you think?

              I could do an entire video focused on the hair obsession to Blondie’s Atomic (given that about 25% of the lyrics are ‘your hair is beautiful’), but I think that taking things a bit too far.


                I'm not going to comment on what song, cause I prefer classical pieces or film scores or trailer music over actual songs. And when I do pick text, the images have to match perfectly. Many a times have I crashed Sony Vegas cause I wanted music (even classical pieces) and image synched to perfection.


                I forgot to add something in my earlier review of A Clockwork Nebari...

                Winona !!! Poor thing, spluttering and jamming up.

                And what is it with some people naming their cars and guns. John has Winona, Jayne in Firefly has Vera.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  A Clockwork Nebari
                  This is a favorite episode of mine. I really loved getting more Chiana backstory and learning more about why she is at odds with her people. But at the risk (or certainity) of starting a fight with SQ this episode is also slightly annoying. I felt like this sets up an arc of the threat the Nebari pose and the mental enslaving of the galaxy. I thought this was interesting and would have been great for Chiana's character. It feels like that arc was never revisited. I don't want to completely blame John/Aeryn since the wormhole story gets amped up but its a factor. Okay rant over. This is a favorite episode of mine. Once again I'll be brief since I am last. When did I turn into FH? I felt their is a good mix of both story and character development. The story itself is rather simple. But sometimes simple is the most fun. Its almost a cliché. Aliens have taken over our ship and we have to outsmart our captors. Like many Farscape things this is done beautifully because of how it weaves the character development into the story. I especially love Pilot in the story of how he tells John to frell off when he thinks John is controlled and his acting skills on faking a Peacekeeper attack. In comparasion, to John who has a terrible acting job. You would think Varla would recognize he isn't mind cleansed by his terrible act. Speaking of John, I love the little Harvey interaction. It kind of reinforces what we learned about Harvery in how he helps John when his mind is attacked. Too bad he can't help with John going insane. My favorite part is the learning about Chiana and how the Nebari people are using her as a carrier. I think this bring some insight into why Chiana has her rebellious and listen to no one attitude. I find it an emotional roller coaster for CHiana. She sure did hit Varla a lot. I'm also surprised no one mentioned the Chiana/Nerim interactions. I especially like the end. Usually its John who is emotional and Chiana is rational. I have to agree with John on this one. As much as it hurts, Nerim is just doing his best to protect his sister. I understand that no matter how it hurts no seeing him. Given how many times people have pulled a fast one on Rygel, its hilarious to see him fool the others. Next week is my favorite trilogy.

                  Added on to the end, the eye pulling still grosses me out
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    @jel hey I was gonna complain about the same thing with regard to them seemingly dropping this Nebari story line. I hate that Chi
                    never really gets reunited with Nerri and/or that arc never gets fully resolved
                    I don't necessarily blame the main arcs just maybe they ran out of time.
                    Originally posted by jelgate
                    This brings much pain but SQ is right


                      Just bought the entire series on DVD and power watched them. Now I need to re-read the novels. Although only a couple of them are any good.


                      BOOKS SHOULD BE GOODER!
                      I like Sharky


                        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                        Added on to the end, the eye pulling still grosses me out
                        That was indeed gross, but more importantly -- can it really be done?
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by Bluemeany View Post
                          The Ugly Truth

                          “Nobody sees things the same way. There’s going to be some inconsistencies”… we should adopt this as the Rewatch thread's official motto
                          I think we have a nice fill in the blank. One person comments on one part and another person based on their preference another.
                          Before I start, let me declare my strong dislike of flashbacks in TV/films.
                          I have an meh feeling towards them. Depends on the use like any literary device
                          All I want to know is what happens next. Oliver Stone movies are a nightmare for me. Nothing annoys me more than having to keep going back all the bloody time. Except perhaps the words ‘to be continued’. But that’s a good sort of annoyed.
                          And I want to know why something happened hence the flashback
                          But despite this, I really enjoyed The Ugly Truth. Having the same scene from five different perspectives is a great idea and they execute it really well. The filming, blocking, acting and script are all unique to that particular characters viewpoint.
                          It gets a little old fast. It is interesting to see how each one interprets the others but all of them get repetive which I think was the point.
                          We get some nice little insights into what everyone things of each other:
                          • Aeryn seems to view D’Argo as angry, Zhaan as indecisive, Crichton as objecting and herself as reasonable and centered. Her and John stand about 6 foot away from each other.

                          • Zhaan has a softer version of everyone: her D’Argo is less angry. John becomes more like a useless child and keeps affectionately touching the others all the time…Also, I think Zhaan maybe a shipper When the explosion rocks the ship, all the others have Aeryn fall onto Stark. But Zhaan remembers Aeryn and John falling/hugging and then clinging to each other.

                          • And I kinda like D’Argo’s headcanon of Farscape: with himself in charge and Crichton there as the sidekick backing him up. Aeryn and Zhaan are useful, but reporting into D’Argo. Stark is panicky.

                          • John seems to be the only one who doesn’t put himself as the definite ‘compass’ of the group. His version has a more equal share of who has the ideas and who speaks the lines…
                          I think the point is John's version is suppose to be the real version devoid of emotions and how the characters see each other. I'm not going to comment on all your interperations because they are pretty good. I think a lot of it is based on the other character's flaw. No SQ, John is not flawless
                          But still, it does make you wonder how reliable a narrator Crichton is for the rest of the series? Do we get what actually happened each week? Or are we getting John’s edited version of it?
                          Its not even relevant since most episodes are from a 3rd person POV not John's POV.
                          Other things to mention: I love Crichton spitting off the edge to see how far down it is. Usually heroes go get a rock for that. But, yeah, spitting works. Claudia Black’s delivery of ‘Hold me’ is classic. And Stark does a great panicked scream in D’Argo’s account.
                          That's a classic Crichtonism to me. I thought Stark's scream was a tad over dramatic to be honest
                          Special shout out for the costumes this week: I’m pretty sure this is the first time we get John and Aeryn together in the long black peacekeeper coats. I think it’s a good move: it connects them together visual. And with Crais there too in matching outfit: it separates them from the rest of the crew.
                          I didn't even notice. I leave the fashion to the women. Which I realize now is everyone but me
                          From a vidding pov: obviously the repeated scene makes this one a bit locked down. That said, everyone going up and down in the cage thing is kind of cool. Crichton gets a great swirl pattern on his face while he’s being questioned. And the zoom in on the ship when it gets blown up moves with a lot of energy.
                          What about the aliens when we see them finally show up? They creep me out. Or the interrogation chair?
                          Oh and early on the hubcap, Crichton shouts Aeryn’s name with an echo and there is no soundtrack. Very helpful if you want to overlay it over a song.
                          I think you are giving SQ ideas
                          Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                          YAY!! Another shipper has joined us possibly? haha Welcome and please do join us we need more shippers to help give jel even more grief!
                          You could have a 100 and I would still not change my mind. I can be very stubborn
                          Nice review Blue. I like how you captured and summarized everyone's viewpoints. I also, loved when Crichton yelled Aeryn's name. It also had a nice almost echo-y quality. And I just realized that I promised to try to make a vid over the summer and did not deliver on that. I want to do one and I will get to it at some point. Maybe once our rewatch is over I will put something together as a celebration of our rewatch completion. So stay tuned everyone!
                          In March?
                          Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                          The Ugly Truth

                          Why do I get a feeling that this ep is like a cross between 12 Angry Men and Perry Mason? Yes it's your classic 'Who Dun It?'...and you have to laugh at John's comment of disgust at the hub cap being one of the worst prisons, jails, lock ups, slammers, joints that he's ever been in, and then Aeryn interrupts him by asking..."just how many times have you been in one?". You know if John weren't already legitimately going crazy at this now this could be considered a tipping point.
                          I see it more as a humor moment then driving him more crazy. He probably hasn't been in any prison since arriving on Moya
                          Like what Blue mentioned in her post the replaying of this scene was done well and you glean new information every time you watch it so it's not boring or just seeming to hash out the same old thing over and over again. I really did like the differences in how the Characters were presented even down to their body language, personalities and speech. I thought I would crack up when on John's interrogation he referred to the race as Plaque o voids and everyone in his version is calling them that...when that was clearly the wrong way to pronounce their name.
                          Its a little boring. The dialogue is the same its just the interpretation that differs which is probably a nice point about the importance of nonverbal communication.
                          And is no one going to comment on the sheer disgust of what these creatures looked like? I mean I honestly think the creature shop/make up out did themselves on this one... I would be having nightmares of this thing. The grossness of the drippy .....yeah I'll stop there you know what I mean.... *throws up in jel's barf bucket and hands it back to him*
                          Now what am I going to use next time you have one of your irrational shipper thoughts? You're cleaning that up. I wasn't really that grossed out to be honest. I always thought they were suppose to be frog like
                          The interrogation alone...makes you sort of wonder what sick and twisted things this production and writing team have in the back of their minds. LOL Was that chair's construction not one of the most IDK obtrusive and obnoxious designs in an almost sick sexual way? I'm just is the point when jel will say I only have sex on my mind all the time. *sigh*
                          You have to admit, you do talk about it a lot. I by no means consider myself an expert on aesthetic but I thought the chair was to show power. We have you trapped so tell us what you know.
                          Ok so poor Stark... I liked that we got Stark back but then lost him again. That was sad but I wonder...when he took his mask off at the end curiously his face was not that was maybe a tell tale sign that we'll see Stark again? That maybe he was able to transfer some or most of his consciousness into something else...the mask maybe? I don't want to look ahead and talk about any spoilers but it's fun if you're watching for the first time what a new viewer might be thinking.
                          It was glowing a little. It wasn't as dramatic the first time because he was prepared to take it off. I think its clear from his earlier conversation, Stark was unsure if he could survive.
                          It was also good to see Crais again and I want to believe that he has changed. I want to believe and hope for the best in people (besides I haven't given up on jelgate yet) So let's hope that Crais' motivations are pure....and ok I can't help that they talk about Talyn's cannon in the beginning ....Chi makes the comment that "his cannon is certainly bigger" haha.... I mean now surely I'm not the only one to get that innuendo joke.... yes I'll admit my mind goes into the gutter sometimes but come on!! That whole bit of him losing his cannon and even John says it and uses the term "neuter" so what am I to think?
                          Its a process. He has changed since the premiere. We can see how he doesn't automatically go for the kill anymore to say he has changed. As for you cannon, yes you were. I did not think that for a second especially since he is still a child.
                          What are your thoughts? Should Talyn be forced to be neutered in order to make him more controllable? I think they try to set up a simple moral quandary here to present some facts to the audience and allow us to bandy these about. In some regards it does go against his own rights if we view Talyn as a being. It's a hard call...but again I can see both sides of the argument. I love when shows present these gray choices and you really have to think about the consequences of both choices.
                          Its not really a moral question since left to his devices, Talyn will kill innocent people.
                          All in all a pretty good was Rygel, Chi, Moya and Pilot light, but they even managed to bring them in and good for Moya that she came around and goes back in the end. I was glad she never found Talyn...that is another reason this show resonates with me so well is because not all their plans....actually rarely do their plans work out the way they intend. They frequently come up empty handed...and to me that is so much more realistic than (like in the old Star Trek days...they come up with a plan and usually it comes off without a hitch by the end of the show and all is well again). I like that many times this crew sets out to do something and it blows up in their faces.
                          I knew it wasn't work since the Moya scenes where obviously filler to get the episode to 45 minutes
                          Ah fun times such as these....reminds me of the Cantina!
                          We don't talk about that place to outsiders
                          To Be Continued
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Part 2
                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            The ugly truth of The Ugly Truth is that it was a boring episode and I nodded off.
                            I did too but that was more because of my double shift at work
                            Very simple concept but not to fill 42 minutes. They probably picked 5 characters, used one set-up and redid it 5 different ways, or 5 almost different ways. Witnesses are notoriously inacurate in their recount of events and in the end it will differ in every account no matter what really happened.
                            FH has a point. Their is a reason witness testimony alone is not used in trials.
                            In between the nodding off, I did notice that in every retelling, depending on the person doing to telling that the characters spoke in the same sort of way as the witness.
                            You lost me
                            Anyway, I chuckled at D'Argo's hoopcap reply to John's hubcap. And John spitting off the side to see how far down it went. I mean, who hasn't done that in their lifetime.
                            Considering the hoopcap was rather void of rocks, his choices were limited.
                            He could have thrown his shoe
                            When D'Argo got rough with Stark earlier, his mask got loose and fell off. The side of his head is glowing and going mad. He explains it was because he wasn't prepared and thus the energy was out of control. When he's about to be executed, however, he has full control and thus, as far as I see it anyway, his energy is controlled and dark, not glowing.
                            What the lemming said
                            Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                            Yes that was the point I was trying to make but not doing too well. LOL And so for the audience I guess it was a tell tale sign that he was prepared and maybe he had stored himself somewhere?
                            Remember he was uncertain it would work
                            Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                            A Clockwork Nebari

                            So do you think the writers were influenced by Stanley Kubrik's 'A Clockwork Orange'? Haha...I think that eye device which is by and large probably one of the sickest things I've seen on TV had some close resemblance of Kubrik's tale.
                            That is obvious given by the name
                            So just to make this quick because it's late and so much to do I'll list out what was great about this episode:
                            When your review has subheadings I know it won't be quick
                            Harvey Saves John From Mind Cleansing - So we're starting to see this relationship with the Neural Chip Scorpy Clone and John and just how much Harvey wants to protect John. This is really interesting that we have our bad guy actually saving our hero so how is that for a great big Mind Frell? How could we completely hate Scorpy when he continues to keep John that his mind and what Scorpy seeks stays intact? This is such a weird dichotomy that psychologists probably have some fancy term for it but still....bizzaro....but there we are!
                            The thing about Scorpy is that he is logical to the brink of coldness. He doesn't want to John to suffer. He really doesn't care what happens to John as long as he has the wormhole knowledge. That is ultimately why he has Harvey help save John.
                            Nerri is Alive! I have always loved the Chi/Nerri brother/sister relationship and just how close these two were. It's so endearing and I'm happy to learn here that Neri is still alive and out there fighting for a rebel cause...something that I could see Chiana doing. It was interesting though that even with this new relationship she's built with D'Argo she doesn't hesitate to jump ship and run away back to Nerri and leave D'Argo in the dust. Hmmmm it sort of makes me wonder if Chiana is actually capable of true love and brings me to question her relationship with D'Argo. I mean we just had her promising last week she'd help him find his son, and this week she is all but ready to run off back to Nerri. I don't blame her for this, it just seemed very selfish of her not to even consider D'Argo in that whole plan of hers.
                            Chiana wanting to see her brother is really not that different than what D'Argo wants for his son. I don't think its selfish just that she wants to see him alive.
                            Chiana's True Secret is Revealed So she never ran away she was given an exit pass from the "establishment". Only to find out she and her brother were infected with a contagion that would spread to many others in hopes to use that contagion to subdue a big portion of the galaxy. This was a very interesting concept and I don't know about you but the sound level on my disc of their dialog is really low and at times hard to make out with their accents (and there are no subtitles) so I'll be honest I had to run it back a few times to hear all what was said. I really wish they would've explained more about this contagion and just what they were planning on doing with it. I wasn't really clear on what Varla was trying to do exactly? I guess she was trying to get to Nerri through Chiana and then Meelak being actually a sort of double agent was almost too convenient or something. I thought it was a nice insight into some of Chiana's past, but aside from that we really gained nothing it ended a kind of wash and was somewhat anticlimactic.
                            My Netflix has subtitles and I could hear it just fine. When it doubt you can always access the episode transcripts. I thought the contagion was just to take over the galaxy. I kind of thought it was analogus to Eugenics in the early 1900s. Varla was basically interrogating/torturing Chiana for information while on the way to the Nebari base. I agree it feels anticlimactic since I felt it was establishing an arc that never continued.
                            Pilot Can Create a Great Fake Out GO PILOT!! Haha...this was amazing and for a moment I wondered if they indeed were really being chased by a Peacekeeper patrol. I Pilot's little thing at the end when he asked John....did I do good? LOL that was cute.
                            Pilot seems to get a lot less stiff as the show continues. I love his evil laugh in S3.
                            Speaking of Faking....Ok seriously Crichton's surfer dude or whatever that was that he used to try to fake his mind cleansing was just pretty horrendous. Let's face it John Crichton can't act worth dren! Rygel did a pretty good job acting however, and I rightly enjoyed seeing him and John wrestling around. I really enjoyed the puppet action between those really was amazing how John could really get his hands on Rygel and they just really sort of duke it out. I think it was one of the better scenes with Rygel when he's being tossed around. LOL I thought it was hilarious too when Rygel says emphatically, "I'm no puppet!"
                            It makes the Nebari looks like idiots. His stoner accent sounds nothing like the rest of Moya crew that is mind cleansed. I'm not surprised that Rygel is good at acting. We forget sometimes he is a diplomat.
                            All in all pretty good ep visually I loved the colors and I'll let Blue talk about that more with her vidding pov.
                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            DUDE... ... A Clockwork Nebari ... so awesome, dude!

                            Is anyhoodle even a word?
                            "My little trollop..." -- John's endearing names for Chiana know no ending. You can only guess to what he is referring. If only D'Argo knew...
                            John is probably the only one who understands the saying anyway. Euphuisms tend to get lost in translation.
                            Mind-cleansed Aeryn is by far even more scarier than Peacekeeper Aeryn. "Good luck, Chi!" - you're gonna need it, but nope, something's wrong. And BAM Nebarii entering, taking over Moya, chaining Chi to the ceiling and the rest get mindfrelled.
                            She is only so scary because the mind cleansed Aeryn is so different than real Aeryn
                            Except John, whose neural implant is being very protective, and Pilot who's simply being incapacitated. I love Pilot when he threatens to hurt John if he dares to glorify Varla and her mindfrelling.
                            I mentioned a similar reaction to Pilot's threat to stoner John.
                            John and Rygel are high-larious. Their interaction had me in stitches, and mindfrelled D'Argo -- LOL!!!
                            I thought the fight was funny. That puppet gets a lot of abuse
                            But what I really liked and have been waiting for is Chiana's story. I really liked it the first time I watched it, and I still loved it now. Their commitment to each other, their loyalty is admirable. It's sad when Meelak leaves at the end, and John pulls Chiana back inside Moya, back to her life on board as part of the crew.
                            I think John is right in this about Chiana. He is alive. That is more than she had yesterday. I understand the danger Nerri is in and wanting to protect her. As I said earlier, I am also sad this story was never continued
                            It's also an episode that has little to no Zhaan.
                            Is that a good or bad thing?
                            Rygel enjoyed keeping them locked up in the end a little too much.
                            I thought that was hilarious given how many times the others have abused Rygel.
                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

                            I forgot to add something in my earlier review of A Clockwork Nebari...

                            Winona !!! Poor thing, spluttering and jamming up.

                            And what is it with some people naming their cars and guns. John has Winona, Jayne in Firefly has Vera.
                            I think this is the first time John names his gun. Doesn't it get more common in the later seasons

                            I could tell you about naming things after women but its quite sexist
                            Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                            @jel hey I was gonna complain about the same thing with regard to them seemingly dropping this Nebari story line. I hate that Chi
                            never really gets reunited with Nerri and/or that arc never gets fully resolved
                            I don't necessarily blame the main arcs just maybe they ran out of time.
                            I'm not going to put all the blame on the arcs but its a contributing factor. The twining arc takes up a lot of space for example
                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            That was indeed gross, but more importantly -- can it really be done?
                            No it real life
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              I leave the fashion to the women. Which I realize now is everyone but me
                              Count me out there too.
                              I only look at costumes with the intent of recreating them -- and I'm usually more interested in armors and weapons.

                              I would so love to have a replica pulse rifle.

                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              Is anyhoodle even a word?
                              If it wasn't, I declare it a word now.

                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              Is that a good or bad thing?
                              Depends on the story, I guess, but she's missed. So, towards character involvemend, bad.

                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              I could tell you about naming things after women but its quite sexist
                              Cars, ships, ... weapons...

                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              No it real life
                              Thought as much.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Bluemeany View Post
                                *claps hands* Oooo, goody. Yes – new vids please. I’ve decided to teach myself Adobe Premier Pro (spoiler: it’s incredibly fiddly)…so I’ll join you and make another Farscape vid as I learn.

                                I’m currently torn between:

                                1.) Love & Affection by Joan Armatrading as an Aeryn video.
                                2.) Ashes to Ashes, by Bowie as a Crichton video; or
                                3.) The More You Ignore Me The Closer I Get: as a Crichton/Aeryn video with a bit of Harvey in the mix…

                                I can’t make my mind up though…what do you think?

                                I could do an entire video focused on the hair obsession to Blondie’s Atomic (given that about 25% of the lyrics are ‘your hair is beautiful’), but I think that taking things a bit too far.
                                Haha I actually think the hair vid could be really fun and endearing. But do what your muse leads to do. I actually have premiere too and have never used it cuz it looks dang complicated
                                Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
                                Just bought the entire series on DVD and power watched them. Now I need to re-read the novels. Although only a couple of them are any good.


                                BOOKS SHOULD BE GOODER!
                                A. How in the holy frell did you JUST get the DVDs and power watch them
                                All in the same sentence?

                                B. I can't read so I wouldn't know.
                                Originally posted by jelgate
                                This brings much pain but SQ is right

