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A new fan's view of the show+questions

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    Originally posted by PrometheOSS View Post
    Could you tell me when I will be able to read this spoiler? When will it not be a spoiler anymore? Coz I'm such a curious person and can't bear ignoring that spoiler tag forever.
    It will cease to be a spoiler after viewing episode 4x07 "John Quixote"
    "There is only one universe. It can only contain one life. It is me." - MorningLightMountain


      Episode (406) – Natural Election
      1- Scorpy got himself free and had the chance to take over, but he didn’t. Hmm… He must be planning for something bigger. Now what could that be??!!!!
      2- Rygel a captain, yeah right.
      3- LMAO. I knew Chiana would tell right away. It was funny. And of course D’Argo would think John has to know.
      4- Noranti is such a child.
      5- Like how they played with the name of the theory of natural selection. (The episode’s name “Natural Election”)
      6- WOW. D’Argo is really good with motivating others. (His speech to Rygel)
      7- The scene with Chiana’s scuffed pants was so funny.
      8- No votes for Crichton. Finally something right happens.
      9- So John votes for Aeryn. Rygel votes for himself. Noranti votes for her goddess LMAO. Sikozu votes for Scorpy. Chiana, Pilot(?), Aeryn and D’Argo(?) vote for D’Argo. D’Argo voted for himself???!! Never thought he would do that.
      10- Maybe D’Argo can be a good captain. I thought of that, but his hyper rage could get in the way of him achieving that.
      11- What’s up with the writers?? What are these goddesses they come up with. It’s SG all over again.
      12- This complicates things a bit (Last conversation between Aeryn and John).
      1- In the last episode Garyza said something like ‘Moya is a damaged leviathan with an inefficient pilot and terrible crew.’ I can’t remember the exact words, but why is Moya damaged? In what way? And why don’t we know? And Why is pilot inefficient.
      2- What was that language Crichton used?
      3- What are those weird Tron looking outfits? (I hate Tron)
      4- Are wormholes random/spontaneous? Or does someone open them on purpose?
      5- Were those the last coolant rods that Scorpy had? He could die? How can he get some more?


        Originally posted by PrometheOSS View Post
        Episode (406) – Natural Election
        9- So John votes for Aeryn. Rygel votes for himself. Noranti votes for her goddess LMAO. Sikozu votes for Scorpy. Chiana, Pilot(?), Aeryn and D’Argo(?) vote for D’Argo. D’Argo voted for himself???!! Never thought he would do that.
        1- In the last episode Garyza said something like ‘Moya is a damaged leviathan with an inefficient pilot and terrible crew.’ I can’t remember the exact words, but why is Moya damaged? In what way? And why don’t we know? And Why is pilot inefficient.
        2- What was that language Crichton used?
        3- What are those weird Tron looking outfits? (I hate Tron)
        4- Are wormholes random/spontaneous? Or does someone open them on purpose?
        5- Were those the last coolant rods that Scorpy had? He could die? How can he get some more?
        1. At this point Moya is usually perpetually damaged in some way by the latest firefight or incident on board. I can't remember exact details but I'm sure "all the primary neural clusters are frelled" or some such since last bad happening. As for pilot, he is young - if you recall deemed too young to be joined by his peers on his own planet - not to mention his learning curve with Moya has not been smooth due to rushed and improper initial joining etc.
        2. I'm guessing you're referring to the Spanish countdown and references like "la cucaracha". For some reason he randomly starts speaking Spanish Either a TPTB choice for emphasising his continuing descent toward madness or (my personal guess) something BB improvised for similar reasons or 'cos he happened to be learning Spanish or whatever
        3. Part of the spacesuit getup. Purpose unknown afaik.
        4. John can predict / anticipate / "smell" them. There seem to be fixed locations where certain wormholes open and close at intervals. There seem to be certain phenomena in given regions that make a region of space 'wormhole territory'. Within these parameters they do seem to open spontaneously. This is about all we know at this point - the question of someone opening them on purpose is probably better discussed with full hindsight of viewing the whole series.
        5. Either the last ones or maybe if they were feeling kind they left him a few. Certainly they put his wellbeing at risk for the plan but that isn't really anyone's primary concern The future of his cooling solution remains to be seen.

        On your point about the votes, I always assumed it was Aeryn that voted for Pilot, I think John would have been her 2nd choice. I think D'Argo would vote for himself, he's always rather seen himself as the natural leader of the group imo.
        "There is only one universe. It can only contain one life. It is me." - MorningLightMountain


          Originally posted by Huaracocha View Post
          1. At this point Moya is usually perpetually damaged in some way by the latest firefight or incident on board. I can't remember exact details but I'm sure "all the primary neural clusters are frelled" or some such since last bad happening. As for pilot, he is young - if you recall deemed too young to be joined by his peers on his own planet - not to mention his learning curve with Moya has not been smooth due to rushed and improper initial joining etc.

          I always assumed it was Aeryn that voted for Pilot
          Feel sorry for Moya. The crew did this to her. She's trying to help them and that's what she gets in return.

          Aeryn voted for Pilot? You mean Pilot voted for Aeryn?
          I think I assumed that Pilot voted for D'Argo coz he was very happy when announcing it. Being a curious person, it's killing me now not being sure who voted for who. It's really killing me.
          Just thought of this, those who vote cannot be the ones to tell the results, but Pilot did.


            Yeah I spent a while trying to work out the votes first time too

            I thought Pilot gained 1 vote? If not I guess Aeryn voted for D'Argo.. I must have performed Nebari mental cleansing on myself and remembered it as pilot because it doesn't fit for me that she would vote for D'Argo at this point in time. False modesty and human inferiority aside, I would expect her to vote for herself or John ahead of D'Argo.

            EDIT - and yeah I constantly feel sorry for Moya and Pilot. If they weren't so "built to serve" they would have kicked all these frelling hesmanas off the boat a long time ago for a peaceful existence exploring deep space
            "There is only one universe. It can only contain one life. It is me." - MorningLightMountain


              Originally posted by Huaracocha View Post
              Yeah I spent a while trying to work out the votes first time too

              I thought Pilot gained 1 vote? If not I guess Aeryn voted for D'Argo.. I must have performed Nebari mental cleansing on myself and remembered it as pilot because it doesn't fit for me that she would vote for D'Argo at this point in time. False modesty and human inferiority aside, I would expect her to vote for herself or John ahead of D'Argo.
              Is there anyway to know fro sure?

              Originally posted by Huaracocha View Post
              EDIT - and yeah I constantly feel sorry for Moya and Pilot. If they weren't so "built to serve" they would have kicked all these frelling hesmanas off the boat a long time ago for a peaceful existence exploring deep space
              Hesmanas? What does that mean?


                Episode(407)- John Quixote
                1- What an awesome surprise. We got to see Zhaan again. Of course the make-up was terrible, but that's good enough for me. If that's what it takes to see her again.
                2- Chiana in that jester outfit reminded me of a character called Orube in a comic book my sister used to read. I can't remember the name of these comics, but the resemblance is obvious.
                3- Surprisingly I liked this episode. Perhaps it's even one of my favorites even though I don't like the comedy episodes on Farscape. That one was great.
                4- I LMAO when I saw the male Zhaan. Nice one. I thought they did this because Virgina Hey couldn't be there. They managed to trick me.
                5- My prediction abilities din't work this time, but I did feel something was off. I didn't realize what was until the end. It was D'Argo's outfit. It was the old one. I couldn't figure it out at the time.
                6- Claudia Black was so funny in this episode. Great!!!
                7- I can't believe this. John did not really do that. But as a great man once said "No Woman No Cry"
                8- John has truly caused troubles to all his friends and even deaths. How can he ever make up for that??!!!
                Was that the real Stark causing all of this out of jealousy?
                2- What was wrong with the TVs? Why the messed up way of talking and what appears like stuttering because there's something wrong with the TV? Was that intentional by the game avatar?
                3- What does "Quixote" mean?


                  Originally posted by PrometheOSS View Post
                  Is there anyway to know fro sure?

                  Hesmanas? What does that mean?
                  No way to be absolutely 100% sure but I think your analysis is pretty much certain to be the right breakdown given the way it shows each person as it calls out the votes.

                  "Hesmana" is one of the Farscape swears they use in the show from time to time. Not really sure what exactly it means, not quite as obvious as frell or dren and actually I probably misused it.. thinking about it, it seems more like an equivalent to "hell" or something similar.

                  Originally posted by PrometheOSS View Post
                  1. Was that the real Stark causing all of this out of jealousy?
                  2- What was wrong with the TVs? Why the messed up way of talking and what appears like stuttering because there's something wrong with the TV? Was that intentional by the game avatar?
                  3- What does "Quixote" mean?
                  1. That seems to be the implication, that he helped set up the game as a trap for John - blaming him for the death of Zhaan
                  2. I think it's just an effect used for comedic value / to emphasise that they are in the game and not genuine reality. Gives an other-worldy feel like the repetition / stuttering in "Scratch 'n Sniff".
                  3. The title (and John's outfit in the game) is a play on Don Quixote. Some might say that John has similarities with Don Quixote in the show - his moral code, his tendency to 'tilt at windmills' and his perceived (?) insanity


                  I liked this episode too and I'm not normally a big fan of 'filler' / comedy episodes. Claudia's princess character is indeed a lot of fun, D'Argo's room in the game is just.. crazy! I really enjoyed Lani Tupu as the ogre too
                  "There is only one universe. It can only contain one life. It is me." - MorningLightMountain


                    Originally posted by Huaracocha View Post
                    "Hesmana" is one of the Farscape swears they use in the show from time to time. Not really sure what exactly it means, not quite as obvious as frell or dren and actually I probably misused it.. thinking about it, it seems more like an equivalent to "hell" or something similar.

                    I liked this episode too and I'm not normally a big fan of 'filler' / comedy episodes. Claudia's princess character is indeed a lot of fun, D'Argo's room in the game is just.. crazy! I really enjoyed Lani Tupu as the ogre too
                    Now I remember where I heard it. SG1 "200" parody of Farscape. Of course back then I didn't know Farscape, so it wasn't funny at all, but a word like "hasmana" said by Teal'c has to stick in your mind no matter what you do.

                    I didn't know it was Lani Tupu, but after the episode was over, I had to know who played the ogre, and then came the shock. He's a brilliant actor.


                      Yeah I really enjoyed his performances throughout the series, great actor and an amazing voice
                      "There is only one universe. It can only contain one life. It is me." - MorningLightMountain


                        ok, i'm not really in a gud mood right nw for posting my full comments on da episode i've just watched. gonna give sumting brief and 2 questions.


                        dis scarran look is new
                        liked the shrinking device
                        again Moya and Pilot suffered much for the crew.
                        still can't trust Scorpius.
                        wanna know more about tormented space in future episodes. again they r ready to harm Moya for their own gud.

                        Is readin minds something usual for Scarrans?
                        y did Chiana go blind.

                        tanks guys.


                          Yes Scarran heat probe to force the truth out of people is standard practice for them.

                          Chianna goes temporarily blind after using her slow down time perception ability.

                          "There is only one universe. It can only contain one life. It is me." - MorningLightMountain


                            Originally posted by PrometheOSS View Post
                            Episode(407)- John Quixote


                            2- What was wrong with the TVs? Why the messed up way of talking and what appears like stuttering because there's something wrong with the TV? Was that intentional by the game avatar?
                            There's an old tv character called Max Headroom. It's an intentional play on that. Never watched the show myself, but I did know what it was referring to. So it was intentional by Ben Browder who wrote this episode.

                            It took a couple of watches as well as listening to the dvd commentary with Ben and Claudia to really like this episode. I was like wtf was that? when I first saw it.
                            IMO always implied.



                              Chiana's eyes look good in white
                              i don't see how that episode can affect the story arc or even the show as a whole but it's ok

                              something changed in Aeryn. i noticed it since she was back. what is it? i can't quite out my hand on it
                              who played the priest? he sounded like jnathan hardy
                              how did chrichton talk about xhalax when he never met her



                                Remember when I said the "hand" of friendship appeared on the screen by mistake?
                                When talyn embedded it on the backside of Crais's neck. The hand of the crewman holding it, appeared. None of you said they noticed it before. I just found the proof.

                                Last edited by Kilgharrah; 10 July 2011, 03:08 AM.

