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My journey through Farscape

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    To all Farscape fans out there, go to YouTube, type "Farscape twisted nerve" and pick the vid entitled "Twisted Nerve - Farscape", it's really awesome.
    Last edited by rushy; 09 August 2011, 05:00 AM.
    "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


      Still here... Just went about a week without watching the show.

      Natural Election was pretty good, and I'm rather relieved that they didn't elect Crichton as captain. It did surprise me that he didn't get any votes at all, though.

      Is it just me or is a Leviathan more trouble than it's worth? No non-organic ship on any other show gets that close to destruction so often as Moya does... *sigh*

      How will anyone trust Chiana ever again? She certainly can't keep a secret.


        Originally posted by maneth View Post
        It did surprise me that he didn't get any votes at all, though.
        Why? He can never be a good captain. It would have been stupid if anyone voted for him. He's the one that knows the least about space, uncharted territories and all those alien stuff.


          Originally posted by maneth View Post

          Is it just me or is a Leviathan more trouble than it's worth? No non-organic ship on any other show gets that close to destruction so often as Moya does... *sigh*
          Leave Moya alone she's awesome. Regardless of whether your right or not.


            Originally posted by maneth View Post

            Is it just me or is a Leviathan more trouble than it's worth? No non-organic ship on any other show gets that close to destruction so often as Moya does... *sigh*

            How will anyone trust Chiana ever again? She certainly can't keep a secret.
            Agreed on Chiana (I can't decide if I love her or hate her). But I think Moya has also helped them out in some situations, like letting them know she senses things out in space, or knowing that fleeing will get them killed because the enemy has the advantage. I would, however, insist on planned parenthood! I would not want to be out in space in a pregnant leviathan.
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              LOL. Actually I found the whole thing funny. It was a good laugh, besides, that's the Chiana we all know. She was never good.


                But I must admit season 3 was my favorite. The season 4 eps I've seen so far have been good but not outstanding like some earlier ones.


                  Originally posted by maneth View Post

                  But I must admit season 3 was my favorite. The season 4 eps I've seen so far have been good but not outstanding like some earlier ones.
                  Finally someone that thinks the same.


                    These 4th season eps feel a bit like the pre-Nerve 1st season ones.


                      I love every season of Farscape the same. Natural Election was a bit boring, but I found funny that Noranti voted for her god(the Divine Eternal). I think Zhaan was meant to be the Captain. Moya's "god" did say that Zhaan must take care of her. Too bad she died and now D'Argo is captain. Btw, is it just me or is D'Argo's personality ever since Season 1 become so... stupid. I mean, he's too Crichton-influenced. A great paranoid warrior in Season 1 has become more annoying than Rygel to me.
                      "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


                        I know what you mean. D'Argo just wasn't the same after his son and Chiana betrayed him.


                          Originally posted by maneth View Post
                          I know what you mean. D'Argo just wasn't the same after his son and Chiana betrayed him.
                          Emotional!!! and that's something that's not good in a fighter.


                            Maybe not as emotional as... well, he behaved stupid. Not serious, always saying some kind of stupid joke. Scratch N' Sniff is perfect example. I miss D'Argo as he was in Season 1. Angry, not trustful, but followed a moral code. If I have to pick a fav season maybe it is Season 1. But seasons and two characters seemed to be going downhill. D'Argo and Scorpius. What happened to the intimidating, cold villain that I found SO Darth Vader-like? He became an impulsive "I don't like to lose" guy. Not to mention the subtle changes in his appereance too. But mostly I enjoy every Farscape. Let's see... next ep is one of the best... JOHN QUIXOTE!!!
                            "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


                              Yeah, "John Quixote" was just crazy good.
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                I wish the writers simply wouldn't have discarded the plot of "Stark's Revenge" cos seeing Stark evil mastermind was awesome. Not to mention the Elevator John. And especially that Crais.
                                "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."

