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Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars SPOILERS

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    [BEWARE! Big SPOILERS follow in this thread for both parts of the mini-series "Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars!" Proceed with caution.]

    Well its 4:30 PM here in Fairbanks, so I've got another 3.5 hrs til the premiere...but I figure there have got to be folks out there in other timezones who are watching it right now and enjoying it(%$#$%^$# you!!( )). So, here's a thread to post thoughts/reviews/cheers and drive the rest of us who have to wait just a bit longer nuts(or in *ahem* some cases, nuttier).
    Last edited by Darren; 18 October 2004, 11:08 PM.
    Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
    "We're not going to Guam are we?"


      The first half is starting off a little slow. I want it to pick up alot faster.

      But I'm glad that they picked up like right after the season 4 ender.

      Also, Aryn.....looks ****ing awesome! SHE IS SO HOT!

      I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
      [Revelations 22:13]


        I almost forgot that was tonight! I got all scared and then I saw it's on again at 11.


          I'm just recording it tonight and tomorrow, and then I'll watch both episodes later.

          I've actually seen very few episodes of Farscape, but the few that I have seen, followed by the Season 4 finale (which shocked the socks off me), is enough to keep me interested in seeing how it all ends.
          There is only one thing we can ever truly control: whether we are good, or evil.


            I didn't watch Farscape when it was still running, but I caught Sci-Fi's daily marathons from the past couple of weeks, and I'm all caught-up. I'm not necessarily a fan of the show, but I can see why so many people like it. I saw most of season 4 last week, and was totally speechless when I caught the series finale on Friday afternoon. At first, I could've cared less about watching "Peacekeeper Wars." But when I saw that ending, I had to watch this miniseries.

            Darn engrossing sci-fi drama series.
            It's a Fargate! It's different.


              I've watched the first and second episodes off a VHS that I found used somewhere. I've love to get the first couple seasons, but they're so expensive. I haven't seen this yet, not getting the scifi channel...
              A Quick Word from the Far Side of the Galaxy


                gahh! i cant wait to watch it! theres only 45 minutes until its on. I haven't seen all the episodes, but from the one's i have seen, i know ill like the mini series.
                ROFLMAO Check This Out!!!


                  That was great! I cant wait for tomorrow! Great to see everyone again, and suprise appearence by Jothy, who's make up has changed much. Course he wasnt the only one to get a makeover. (Jool, Chiana, Sikoza, even Neranti's make up looked different.) Did anyone else think Pilot's voice sounded different? It wasnt totally different, but it sounded off.


                    ^ Yeah, I think that's just because Lani Tupu hasn't done the Pilot voice in a while.

                    Overall I thought the first part was incredible. It absolutely blew me away. I have to admit though, that after a certain something happened to a certain red head I wasn't in the best of moods. I even yelled at Amanda Tapping when she was on the screen promoting her paranormal show (something along the lines of, "I'm not in the mood for you right now Colonel". I'm sorry for my outburst Amanda, but you caught me at a bad time.
                    MCKAY: We need the Zed PM to power the Gate.

                    O'NEILL: What?

                    JACKSON: ZPM. He's Canadian.

                    O'NEILL: I'm sorry.


                      Well first part is almost over....and I'm frellin' loving this!!Thought I was gonna die laughing when it turned out Rygel was pregnant with the baby LOL
                      Eagles may soar free and proud, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines.
                      "We're not going to Guam are we?"


                        Yeah this is quite a mini-series. Can't wait to see part 2!
                        *btw review over @ serious fix, so check it out soon


                          Originally posted by DownFallAngel
                          The first half is starting off a little slow. I want it to pick up alot faster.
                          Same here. Not quite as good as I was hoping for, but I’m not complaining. I’m betting I’ll like the second part better. Got to love Harvey. The Dr. Strangelove bit was hilarious. I’ve always loved John’s interaction with Harvey in the series. Those were my favorite parts of this first part of the mini-series along with Rigel spitting out you know who and Grandma doing a little taste testing. Can't wait for part 2!
                          IMO always implied.


                            Huzzah! I loved it! I can't wait until the second part tonight. Sure, there were a few slow parts and everything- but it's way better than nothing!

                            Poor Rygel... *snicker*
                            Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
                            RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

                            And to the Sci Fi Channel...


                              That was a GREAT show! I can't for tonight!


                                Okay - here's my thoughts on the first part. Spoilers included so I've put in spoiler tags.

                                The first half hour or so suffered from having to resolve all the loose ends from season 4 and it was pretty clear they glossed over a few areas that would have been fleshed out if they had a full season to tell the stories.

                                Great, Chiana, your eyes are fixed (and they looked very weird, btw). Look! We found a Diagnosan (sp?) to fix John & Aeryn. Oh and the water planet is filled with the long lost descendants of the Eidolons! Just in time to help stop the war. John's exposition to bring the newbies up to speed was a little clunky and if I was new to the series I think I'd still be confused.

                                But soon the gang was all put back together (literally), Scorpius and Sikozu show up and things get moving.

                                The show LOOKED fantastic. A lot of money was put into this and the sets and special effects and space battles all reflected the larger budget. But at the heart of the matter you need story and fantastic characters and the miniseries was at its best when it was concentrating on the characters we love or the intrigues of the Scarrans and Peacekeepers. Rygel coughing up the remains of J&A but remaining pregnant with the baby was totally off in fantasy land but it made me laugh so what the hey!

                                It was fantastic to see John and Aeryn together again and reminded me why they're my favorite ship. Even getting married the snarky humor and interplay between the two was never lost to sappiness and Aeryn is still the kickbut peacekeeper at heart. I was particularly impressed with Ben Browder's energy in this show. Truth be told I think Claudia is probably a better actor but without Ben's ability make Crichton's one-liners and Harvey moments work you could be looking at some real silly scenes on-screen.

                                The story definitely had its moments. I think all Farscape fans have been looking forward to the Scarran/Peacekeeper confrontation and although it seemed a little rushed it is still a good story. Classic Crichton/Harvey moments were interjected - great for longtime viewers, probably perplexing to newcomers. The revelations about the Eidolons and the origins of the Peacekeepers were satisfying moments - at least for me. The Scarrans destroying the temple and Jool's death were chilling.

                                D'Argo & Chianna's faux-death didn't work so well because it was so obviously not the end. And I groaned when Jothee showed up (who sure looked different). Sikozu and Jool really didn't have much to do and both looked weird with Sikozu getting a major makeover.

                                I think the last half is going to be fairly emotional. The voiceovers with the scenes of Crichton laying near apparent death in a badly damaged Moya were disturbing. Flashbacks to the death of the Crichton#2 (the script seemed eerily familiar) or foreshadowing of the future? Or both. I'm almost scared to find out.

                                But Yay! Farscape is back and I'm happy.
                                Last edited by keshou; 18 October 2004, 08:26 AM.
                                Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid

