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Farscape! Can I have a "Hell yeah!"

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    Originally posted by ibwolf
    That is awful advice. The problem with most of those early S4 eps is that you have to pay real close attention or else the plot isn't going to make any sense.
    I'd say that was pretty much true of Farscape in general, if you even missed the first series then it was pretty confusing.


      I don't know, I haven't seen all of the first season even though I own it and I still have no questions on future episodes. I guess it just matters what episodes you have seen -missing AHR and the two parter with the chair would be problematic.

      As for the 4th season, there's a change in quality for me, starting with Unrealized Realities. UR onward was a much better season.
      Last edited by AgentX; 24 September 2004, 01:43 PM.


        There's some DVD set that Blockbuster had that was the must-see of Season 1.

        True with Farscape you have to pay attention. Its a story unfolding and you can't skip chapters and expect the story to still make sense. Every episode has something important happen, even its small and seemingly insignificant. Like John dropping he lost his virginity to Karen Shaw results in learning in season four that Karen was in fact Chiana in what his sixteen year old self thought was a halloween costume. That's probably not the best example though.

        I would say though that while the earlier episodes of season four aren't mindblowingly fantastic, they certainly aren't terrible. The lack of Aeryn till "Promises" is strongly felt though. And despite the use the ridiculous theme about shrinking people, "I Shrink Therefore I Am" is my favorite early season four episode.


          Only Farscape could have got away with someone pointing out that it was totally impossible for them to shrink or at least to shrink and not die, then have everyone just ignore her and happily carry on regardless

          The new SFX has a review of Peacekeeper Wars, and it's full of praise although it nixes the idea that it stands alone (yeah, we're not surprised are we?) so it's unlikely to draw enough converts to kickstart a full scale revival.



            I started watching when SciFi first aired the first season and only later found out that it didn't make sense because SciFi screwed with the airing order.. Really a decent show.
            The opinions of KorbenDirewolf do not necessrily represent the opinions of other male U.S. residents between the ages of 18 and 25.


              was watchin part of the showing at wk.... during break times..

              why the frell was I, ET being shown at Noon (my time... MST) that's like the 2nd ep...

              *mutters* frellin drannits at skiffy can't even get the order right.

              oh yes i did love the whole 88hrs, 11 days.. the whole frellin series lil blurbs too... woohoo!


                I just saw the series finale and if there wouldn't be a miniseries that would give some closure I would be so mad. The cliffhanger was terrible as usual!!
                Can't wait for the Peacekeeper Wars
                "The major difference between the thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair."


                  Only a week left!
                  ", funny, exciting, touching..." - Newsday


                    yeah, i cant wait for the premire! about everything with the show being cancelled and all, i dont get it, i mean, farscape is awesome!
                    ROFLMAO Check This Out!!!


                      Farscape is awesome! I think it was just that the stupid Sci Fi channel didn't like it too much and they were just waiting for it to go into a little slump to cancel it. I can't wait for The Peacekeeper Wars though, it should be good!
                      Why yes, I am aware that I am too sexy for my cat
                      RIP Stargate SG-1: The iris may be closed, but the gate will always be spinning, lighting the chevrons in my heart

                      And to the Sci Fi Channel...


                        Nice long article/interviews at the Chicago Tribune website with Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Brian Henson and Rockne O'Bannon. You have to register to read the article but it's a good one. Chicago Tribune had some interviews with all the Stargate stars right before season 8 started so you've probably already registered if you've read those.


                        Some excerpts:

                        Ben Browder on Crichton:
                        The thing I loved most about Crichton, and I actually said this at Comicon, [someone asked] what's the essence of the character, and I said hope. I don't think we see enough of that in the world around us, I don't think we see enough of that in the media.

                        [His slogan could be] "Hope, leather and Winona." [Winona is Crichton's much-loved pulse pistol].

                        BRIAN HENSON, executive producer of "Farscape"
                        and director of "The Peacekeeper Wars"

                        On the show ending up on Sci Fi Channel:

                        I was really hoping it would end up on Sci Fi. They have the whole series and what's great is that they will do a huge "Farscape" [promotion] where they're going to air all 88 hours leading up to the miniseries and all of that is really what I was hoping for. It will become a two-day event on Sci Fi.

                        I know there was a negative feeling toward Sci Fi when they didn't order season five, but the truth is, every season it was like a miracle that they managed to pull together the financing to order the next season. So it was a huge disappointment that we weren't going to make season five, but not unexpected.

                        On the future of "Farscape":

                        I don't know exactly what I want to do next. I want to see how this miniseries is received by critics and by the audience. In the meantime, I am also looking at and exploring different options that include movies, spinoff series and additional miniseries if that makes sense. I think what will happen is coming out of this is the strength of the fan base creates a good business for any broadcaster or distributor, because of the amount of push and attention the fans can put into the property.

                        CLAUDIA BLACK, "Farscape's" Aeryn Sun
                        Black on her character, former soldier Aeryn Sun:

                        She really hated the idea of anyone thinking she was incapacitated. We know that Aeryn was a warrior first, a woman second. She really only became a woman when her life was thrown into disarray. That's why she has this spiritual growth. She can't return to the Peacekeepers, she has this massive internal evolution. Seeing her pregnant is the end of that cycle.

                        They say that sex is in the mind, and that's how Aeryn and Crichton are together, it's the stuff that's left unsaid and the stuff before the kiss, the gray area, the subtext. If you're obvious, you're taking away from the audience's opportunity to fill in the blanks and identify with the characters on their own terms.

                        ROCKNE S. O'BANNON, creator and executive producer of "Farscape"
                        On the future of science fiction on TV:

                        I think the proliferation of [channels] via cable is a possible answer or direction, because you have more specific networks like Sci Fi. You can do things that are much more specific and you can get really passionate about a show even though you may not have huge numbers. If you're a vertically integrated corporation and you own your own DVDs, then you've got another revenue stream.

                        It's very hard for genre material to generate big [ratings] numbers. I'm watching "Lost" very closely because to me, they're gambling with the right guy [J.J. Abrams].

                        Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                          Hee! They're having fun with this over on the Farscape boards. Seems Stargate's own Brad Wright was quoted in a recent article by Chicago Tribune's Maureen Ryan...

                          Here's the link for the whole article.


                          And the relevant quote....

                          What inspires fans' extreme commitment to "Farscape"? After all, even some sci-fi aficionados don't get it.
                          "Ben Browder and [female lead] Claudia Black are terrific," "Stargate SG-1" executive producer Brad Wright said in an e-mail. "The show itself was always a mystery to me. I didn't get it. Maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance because I couldn't get past the muppet."

                          Brad, hon, what are you thinking?? Farscape certainly wasn't perfect - I personally loved it but realize it wasn't everyone's cup of tea. But at least give some decent reasons. Say you thought the plots got too convoluted. Say the writers lost their focus. Say they produced overly-complicated story arcs that didn't always go anywhere. Say they just tried to be weird instead of creative.

                          Don't say you couldn't get past the muppets! LOL!

                          Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                            And for those who want some background information on what Farscape is really about before the miniseries, I recommend Save Farscape's newest kickeema project --!
                            If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                              I'm so excited! Its on tonight guys! SUN OCT 17 at 9/8C on Scifi Channel!

                     and cheeck out the press reports they got! So much good feedback!

                              If you are just checking out the show go to for more info!

                              Oh! And if you are new! Dont give up!
                              "Even the requisite expositional recap, which explains how Crichton came to this strange new galaxy and the rest of his "Farscape" activities, doesn't arrive until about 15 minutes in.

                              This demands a lot of an audience. As always, though, this new "Farscape" rewards those who stick with it, and delivers, once again, a very entertaining and engrossing genre drama." NY Daily News
                              ", funny, exciting, touching..." - Newsday


                                Originally posted by TechnoBoY
                                I'm so excited! Its on tonight guys! SUN OCT 17 at 9/8C on Scifi Channel!
                                I wish I could watch it tonight. Guess I'll have to wait patiently for it to hit the internet.

                                Damnit, the DVDs should come out first

