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Farscape Appreciation Thread

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    T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders


      Originally posted by Descent View Post
      "Taking the Stone" is probably my least favorite of the Farscape episodes I've seen so far (up to Season 4).
      I love this episode, although I can't wtach it every time I make my way through the seasons. Its because of the way TPTB deal with Chiana, her mourning because of Neries death, that she stil can't change herself and has to revolt, then the strangeness of this place, and, one of the main reasons, her jump and hers and Johns pure joy after that.
      This episode did so much for Chianas character, I loved her after that even more. And I thought that I missed those moments after that a lot, especially with John. That he could forget all the horrors he faced, everything what Scorpius did to him and to be so thrilled about Chianas success.
      Damn, I have to watch it right now.
      That's all folks.


        hey! just thought i'd drop in a quick hello. i'm still working my way through season 2. and i'm enjoying it more and more. you guys weren't kidding when you said it just gets better from here on out! The three-parter "Look At The Princess" was great. One of the great things about this show, IMO, is that they don't always verbalize things but allow the expressions or gestures of the actors tell the story.
        for example, something like at the very end of the three parter with Crichton and Aeryn and the DNA kiss thing
        It really shows a respect for the audience. I was a little shocked at first by D'Argo and Chiana but that's also starting to grow on me. Certainly provides for some good character insights.
        Another episode that stands out is "Out of Their Minds." I thought it was great seeing each of the actors interpretations of the other characters.
        Anyway, so much for a "quick" drop in.

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        "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


          Have to confess, forgive me father for I have sinned (not even catholic but it sounds good for me to day) I have been a bad scaper! I have yet to buy the 4.3 and Peacekeepers Wars on DVD!!! I thought by now Best Buy would have gotten it but noooooooooooooo so going to give them another week and then finally break down and buy it off of Amazon (sigh)


            Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
            ... The three-parter "Look At The Princess" was great. One of the great things about this show, IMO, is that they don't always verbalize things but allow the expressions or gestures of the actors tell the story.
            for example, something like at the very end of the three parter with Crichton and Aeryn and the DNA kiss thing
            It really shows a respect for the audience. ... Another episode that stands out is "Out of Their Minds." I thought it was great seeing each of the actors interpretations of the other characters.
            Anyway, so much for a "quick" drop in.
            I'm glad your enjoying it. LATP trilogy has some great quotes. I love the Blazing Saddle references. Below are 2 of my favorites.

            I loved how Aeryn grew in her emotions over the series. In this ep she is still fighting with herself about how far she wants to go with her new found feelings toward John. And screwing up their relationship in the process.

            Out of Their Minds is a great and crazy episode but coming up you've got maybe the most bizare ep of the series - Won't Get Fooled Again. Truly weird. I really wonder what was going on when they came up with some of those scenes.
            Especially the one with Zhan, Aeryn and Rygel in the hospital at the end of Crichton's bed, between his legs !

            And then The Locket which is sweet. Then at the end of S2 - Liars Guns and Money trilogy which leads into Die Me Dichotomy (really the 4th part) and then the 1st ep of S3 which is the 5th part. Lots of fun, angst, heartbreak and overall Farscape gooodness.
            Attached Files

            To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

            From the wonderful XKCD site


              I also enjoyed "Look at the Princess" trilogy--especially Moya's part.
              "Dragons can't change who they are, but who would want them to? Dragons are powerful, amazing creatures."--Hiccup; Dragons: Riders of Berk

              My Books:
              Draconia: Forging Trust, Draconia: Fractured Dream, Draconia: Rehatching


                Originally posted by Gwin View Post
                I love this episode, although I can't wtach it every time I make my way through the seasons. Its because of the way TPTB deal with Chiana, her mourning because of Neries death, that she stil can't change herself and has to revolt, then the strangeness of this place, and, one of the main reasons, her jump and hers and Johns pure joy after that.
                This episode did so much for Chianas character, I loved her after that even more. And I thought that I missed those moments after that a lot, especially with John. That he could forget all the horrors he faced, everything what Scorpius did to him and to be so thrilled about Chianas success.
                Damn, I have to watch it right now.
                Good to hear from someone who likes this ep ("Taking the Stone") since the rest of us were kind of dumping on it, and you are right, Chiana's character does get some reinforcing here, as she fits in quite easily with all those crazies on the planet. Next time I view this ep, I'll try to take a fresh look at it....don't think I'll ever warm up to that hairstyle Chi is sporting tho'.

                Bill K


                  *runs into thread* omg omg omg new eps came today! yippie! *runs out*

                  turns out i've already seen three of the four on tv, but who cares


                    Originally posted by Thunderstorm View Post
                    I'm glad your enjoying it. LATP trilogy has some great quotes. I love the Blazing Saddle references. Below are 2 of my favorites.

                    I loved how Aeryn grew in her emotions over the series. In this ep she is still fighting with herself about how far she wants to go with her new found feelings toward John. And screwing up their relationship in the process.

                    Out of Their Minds is a great and crazy episode but coming up you've got maybe the most bizare ep of the series - Won't Get Fooled Again. Truly weird. I really wonder what was going on when they came up with some of those scenes.
                    Especially the one with Zhan, Aeryn and Rygel in the hospital at the end of Crichton's bed, between his legs !

                    And then The Locket which is sweet. Then at the end of S2 - Liars Guns and Money trilogy which leads into Die Me Dichotomy (really the 4th part) and then the 1st ep of S3 which is the 5th part. Lots of fun, angst, heartbreak and overall Farscape gooodness.
                    I agree in terms of Aeryn's learning to deal with her emotions. I'm not exactly that far to know where everything goes but it's quite interesting to watch play out for sure. And during "Look At the Princess" it was very well played. Watching her figure things out for herself so far has been like a rollercoaster so many ups and downs and flips it's just crazy. I'm interested to see where her emotions take her and Crichton

                    I saw "Won't Get Fooled Again" and I couldn't agree more with the idea that the episode was "truly weird." I loved Rygel in that episode. Although all the characters definitely had some fun sequences.

                    Originally posted by McClance View Post
                    I also enjoyed "Look at the Princess" trilogy--especially Moya's part.
                    That was an interesting part of the trilogy for sure. I wasn't really sure what to think of it at first but I agree with you I ended up enjoying that aspect of the shows.
                    I loved seeing the relationship between Zhaan and Moya. Especially when Moya spoke directly to her and asked her to sing.

                    Another character that I enjoyed watching through this trilogy was Zhaan. She's a very interesting and dynamic character IMO. A very peaceful priest-like character with fierce and protective fighting spirit. It's a great mix of characteristics. Like a lot of the other characters she's not just a static figure. Which is great because it gives her so much room to grow and so many places to explore.

                    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                    *runs into thread* omg omg omg new eps came today! yippie! *runs out*
                    lol ... well I hope you enjoy them! I'm definietly enjoying the new episodes I've got with me.

                    My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                    "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                      Now that is what birthdays are for.....building up your DVD collection lmao.
                      well yeah!! lol. I have asked for mostly dvd's now that I think about it.


                      Originally posted by penguininablender
                      hey Fordies, log time no see. sorry i have not been on in a while. I was In a very bad car accident ( my VW bug was hit by a 46000 lb dump truck who ran a red light). I have just regained some use of my right hand and can barely type. I just missed y'all so much that I had to check in. I will try to come back t my fordies when I can type with more that just a thumb and a pointer,lol. Long live FORD!
                      Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
                      OMG... so glad to hear that you are getting better... my positive energy is with you in hopes of a full recovery... Peace and Love.

                      - RSF

             Sign the petition to bring back Ford!


                        Indeed, Zhaan was a great character and I was sad to see her go. I can't stand Jool.


                          Originally posted by penguininablender View Post
                          well yeah!! lol. I have asked for mostly dvd's now that I think about it.
                          Yeah, I did for my last birthday as well.


                            Originally posted by Bill K View Post
                            Good to hear from someone who likes this ep ("Taking the Stone") since the rest of us were kind of dumping on it, and you are right, Chiana's character does get some reinforcing here, as she fits in quite easily with all those crazies on the planet. Next time I view this ep, I'll try to take a fresh look at it....don't think I'll ever warm up to that hairstyle Chi is sporting tho'.

                            Bill K
                            Yeah, I had to see it a second and even a third time before I appreciated this show. Though I did think that Gigi's performance was awesome even though I didn't like it at first!!!



                              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post

                              I saw "Won't Get Fooled Again" and I couldn't agree more with the idea that the episode was "truly weird." I loved Rygel in that episode. Although all the characters definitely had some fun sequences.
                              Always thought that "Bettina Fairchild - MD" would have made a dandy spin-off for CB....

                              Bill K


                                Originally posted by Bill K View Post
                                Always thought that "Bettina Fairchild - MD" would have made a dandy spin-off for CB....

                                Bill K
                                LMAO!! Oh yeah, totally.

                                Truthfully though, I enjoyed "Won't Get Fooled Again" on so many levels.
                                MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                                "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                                Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead

