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Farscape Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
    They skipped the Choice I've just read transcript for the episode and it was a little confusing, Farscape is really the show you need to see rather then read about, unless it's in a story (fanfic) format.
    They skipped The Choice?!?!? Ahh. That's such a shame. It's a really great story (especially if you love CB) and you're very right about needing to be able to see the episode to really get it. I can't imagine have to read the episode. It's really the nuances in voice and different facial expressions that really make the show. I really hope you get to see the episode at some point. It's one of my favourites.

    I think you did well though at getting some of the points that came out in the episode. Only so much can come for the words though. Just for something a little extra here is a link to a pretty good episode summary for the episode.

    Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
    Yes that makes scnse I just meant when they said "now the conclusion" it always ditracks me a little cause then I start thinking "so this is going to end now" then I think how it could end and all that jazz. With "and now Farscape" it feels like the story line isn't going to end. ( I don't always know if' it's a two parter or three parter and I like that. Anyway I'm rambing here so I'll shut up.
    Yeah, I totally agree with what you're saying. The way they do it on Farscape pushes you back into the episode instead of drawing your mind away thinking about conclusions.

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    "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


      Originally posted by Thunderstorm View Post
      Aw come on! They're here. They're right here!

      Then at the very end. " You were in my shoes. I was in your pants" and that look John gives her as he runs after her.
      LMAO- saw that ep the other day, that was hysterically funny.....


        Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
        They skipped the Choice
        I guess you're talking about TV, right? Get DVDs.
        T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders


          Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
          I've just read transcript for the episode
          What's a good transcript site?


            Originally posted by joshing123 View Post
            What's a good transcript site?
            This is my favourite There're links from there to another two - Shrift's and XenaJules's.
            T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



              Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
              This is my favourite There're links from there to another two - Shrift's and XenaJules's.
              The sites are cool! There is also PurePilot


                Originally posted by Aeryn/Vala View Post
                The sites are cool! There is also PurePilot
                Great site! Thanks so much for sharing the link!

                My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                  Originally posted by Aeryn/Vala View Post
                  The sites are cool! There is also PurePilot
                  Hmmm, pretty cool site. Thanks for the link.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                    They skipped The Choice?!?!? Ahh. That's such a shame. It's a really great story (especially if you love CB) and you're very right about needing to be able to see the episode to really get it. I can't imagine have to read the episode. It's really the nuances in voice and different facial expressions that really make the show. I really hope you get to see the episode at some point. It's one of my favourites.

                    I think you did well though at getting some of the points that came out in the episode. Only so much can come for the words though. Just for something a little extra here is a link to a pretty good episode summary for the episode.
                    Thank you for the link. I read it last night It does make it more sense after reading the summery. Another great link to have thankyou

                    They did in fact show the Choice today I guess there just showing episodes out of order. It wa a brilliant episode; CB is just amazing She just blew me away.

                    Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                    Yeah, I totally agree with what you're saying. The way they do it on Farscape pushes you back into the episode instead of drawing your mind away thinking about conclusions.

                    Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
                    I guess you're talking about TV, right? Get DVDs.
                    I would if I could afford it, but I can't.:\
                    Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


                      Just watched "Won't Get Fooled Again", however, the disc was either defective, or scratched (which is awful, since I'm about the second or third person to borrow it, so it should be in mint condition), and I was unable to watch the last few minutes (I think I saw up to 43 min)- can anyone tell me what happened!? Please.

                      John just chucked his overloaded phaser pulse gun at the Scarren, who was decapetated by the blast.

                      How did it end??????!!!!!??????!!!!!!!


                        Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                        Just watched "Won't Get Fooled Again", however, the disc was either defective, or scratched (which is awful, since I'm about the second or third person to borrow it, so it should be in mint condition), and I was unable to watch the last few minutes (I think I saw up to 43 min)- can anyone tell me what happened!? Please.

                        John just chucked his overloaded phaser pulse gun at the Scarren, who was decapetated by the blast.

                        How did it end??????!!!!!??????!!!!!!!
                        Not much I recall,
                        he sits slumped against the wall staring at "Scorpius" which is actually the clone in his head (I was very confused about that the first time) Speaking of ep transcripts, here's the last actions/ lines:

                        He takes his gun, and with a yell, rams it into Graths toothy mouth as far down his throat as he can push it before rolling away. This pulse gun explodes, effectively blowing Graths head to flaming ruins. Even with his head off and an arm missing, the Scarran remains standing for a moment before going down with a thunderous crash. John sits, stunned - and suddenly he hears the muffled sound of gloved hands clapping. He looks up to see Scorpius/Harvey standing a few feet away form him)

                        John: (dazed) What happened? I feel like - I died.

                        Scorpius/Harvey: (casually) I had to stop your brain function for a few microts - to divert the Scarran. No harm done. I'll go back in your subconscious mind now.

                        John: Don't get too comfortable. I'm gonna get that chip out of my head.

                        Scorpius/Harvey: (pleasantly) There's no chip in your head John.

                        John: (he struggles to articulate) Yeah there is. You - told me - There's a, um- Mmm-men...

                        Scorpius/Harvey: You were saying?

                        John: (barely able to forcing the words out, as if he's been brain-damaged) Mm-Mental chip! Mmm-

                        Scorpius/Harvey: Ah - you were saying?

                        John: (he seems sleepy and confused) What am I saying? I'm...

                        Scorpius/Harvey: (satisfied) As it should be. I won't trouble you again. Until I need to. There's an exit to your left which will no doubt take you back to the surface of this commerce planet. I leave you to your shipmates John. But rest assured - I'll be with you always. Keeping you safe.

                        Very creepy! And prescient.

                        Is that what you were wondering about?

                        BTW, regarding The Choice, I agree that so much of this episode is visual--Aeryn's expressions and demeanor, the flashbacks, the setting, her appearance. You really can't get at it without watching it. Farscape tend to be visual anyway but this is a very interior monologue type episode so it really needs to be seen vs read.

                        Plus, I really think this was one of Black's finest moments on the show, and I'm a person who believes there were many fine moments.


                          Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                          That would be "Out of Their Minds". One of my fav eps. Some may already know this, but the "shimmey" scene Claudia did, she was SICK. What a trouper!
                          LOL--for a second, I thought you meant sick as in, you know, mental. I don't think I knew she was actually ill for that scene...I mean, it is a slightly twisted scene . As I recall, she wasn't feeling too well during the beach scene in "Crichton Kicks" either.

                          You forget that these folks get the flu or whatever and, yet, the show must go on.


                            Actually, I learned a bit about cast illness and the show last night ... I was looking through the speical features on one of my DVDs (s4 collection2) and they had a "cool farscape facts" section for the episodes Natural Election, John Quixote and I Shrink Therefore I Am. There was a bit in it about illness plaguing the show and changing things around a bit. The fact deals with a scene at the end of I Shrink Therefore I Am, so I'm gong to wrap it in tags just in case.
                            Apparently the scene near the end with Aeryn riding the DRD 1812 had to be cut short because CB fell ill and was unable to shoot anymore of it

                            My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                            "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                              Actually, I learned a bit about cast illness and the show last night ... I was looking through the speical features on one of my DVDs (s4 collection2) and they had a "cool farscape facts" section for the episodes Natural Election, John Quixote and I Shrink Therefore I Am. There was a bit in it about illness plaguing the show and changing things around a bit. The fact deals with a scene at the end of I Shrink Therefore I Am, so I'm gong to wrap it in tags just in case.
                              Apparently the scene near the end with Aeryn riding the DRD 1812 had to be cut short because CB fell ill and was unable to shoot anymore of it
                              Yep, I remember seeing that. There's some other thing where Raelee Hill was sick and so a scene of hers was cut or might have been in the trilogy at the end of season 4 or it might have been in the mini.

                              and, of course, the two most infamous cases of illness, Virginia Hey and Melissa Jaffer who,
                              during the filming of PKW had to be replaced onscreen because the make up made her so ill that she couldn't continue. If you watch, the actress looks different but sounds the same because they still used her voice. And, a lot of Noranti's scenes were shortened or cut for the same reason.

                              I don't know if you've listened to the commentaries but in Browder and Black's commentary for DNA Mad Scientist they talk about the "atmos" (smoke/foggy stuff), and candles and such that were constantly being piped thru, as well as the fact that they worked in sheds, pretty much, after season 1 so were subject to the vagaries of the weather--too hot, too cold, etc. Then, I suppose, you could factor in layers of leather, latex (sounds kinky!) and paint and it's a wonder anyone stayed healthy.

                              Browder said something to the effect of "coughing up Farscape for years" because of all the stuff they breathed in.

                              It's crazy to see "making of", especially in scenes with puppets because there are 6 people spread out around Rygel to get him to move, talk, etc.


                                Yeah, it's crazy all of the different things that happen to the actors due to making the show. They're definitely things you don't think about while watching the final product of all that hard work.

                                In fact, I remember watching an interview with Wayne Pygram where he talked about being ill due to the layers of makeup and things as well. I can't remember during what time he said it was, I believe, it was early in s4 but I'm not 100% sure on that. He did say it was worse when they had to work outside.

                                I would imagine it wasn't always fun to be under all those layers. Especially for someone with a character like Virgina Hey. Actually, I remember Anthony Simcoe in an interview talking about a huge fan or something they lugged around because he would get rather hot under all the layers he had to wear, especially if they were doing a largely physical scene.

                                It's interesting to think about everything that actually goes on and what the actors go through just to bring bring the show to life for us.

                                My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                                "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness

