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Farscape Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
    Won't Get Fooled Again episode was filmed 6 years ago... As for me, with this look Vala reminds me... Vala in Beachhead episode
    Oh, well I haven't seen it before. I think they only played season 1 on TV here in NZ. I think. Well that's all I saw on TV. But I loved it, so I decided to buy it all.

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      Originally posted by maneth View Post
      Thanks for the tip Thunderstorm! No, I hadn't seen the miniseries, as it never aired here. I'm going to have to see if it's available in region 2 DVD...
      It is
      T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders


        Yay! Now I know what I'm asking my bf for Christmas.


          I've been a Farscape fan since the first night it aired on the infamous SciFi channel. It was, in my opinion, the most innovative show on TV. It had consistently good writing, great special effects, spectacular sets, but most of all, it had fantastic actors. Ben Browder, as Creichton, was plu-perfect, and the chemistry that developed between him and Claudia Black, aka, Aeryn Sun, just about leaped off the screen. I never watched a single episode without either laughing or crying or both. When I heard it was cancelled, I was crushed, as I thought it had at least 2-3 more years of stories to tell.

          I was disappointed in the miniseries, perhaps because it didn't have the same feeling as the show, or maybe, it was because I knew it was the end. It's nice to know others appreciate Farscape as much as I do.

          OK, ramble over, back to your regular peeps.
          On fighting:
          Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
          Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


            Originally posted by Lida View Post

            I was disappointed in the miniseries, perhaps because it didn't have the same feeling as the show, or maybe, it was because I knew it was the end.
            The miniseries is not the end. Brian Henson is planning to do more Farscape. Rumours are about 2008
            T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



              Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
              The miniseries is not the end. Brian Henson is planning to do more Farscape. Rumours are about 2008
              Ooh! Where does one find Farscape rumours?


                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                Ooh! Where does one find Farscape rumours?
                Terra Firma is the best place
                T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



                  My sister and I start watching season 4 tonight and I will also order PKW tonight... Because I'm totally hooked on this show.

                  I'm so glad I met Gigi, who in fact is the reason I started watching Farscape. Wanted to know who she (well Chiana) was.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by maneth View Post
                    That said, because I enjoyed this show so much I have a huge problem with both Claudia Black and Ben Browder being in SG-1, .

                    I probably never would have given Farscape a chance if I hadn't seen both actors on SG1 and enjoyed their performances.

                    Speaking of, I was listening to the commentary for The Choice the other day & I thought it was funny how CB was talking about how she & BB wanted to figure out a way to work together again. I know CB was on SG1 first, but BB was a regular first. Anyone know if one pushed for the other or are tptb at Stargate just Farscape fans?


                      Originally posted by Spacegirlnz View Post
                      Do certain manerisms or expressions or the way certain words are said remind you of Aeryn and/or Crichton? I find that, sometimes.
                      Strange thing is, having watched them on SG1 first, then Farscape, I would expect that I would see it the other way around, but I don't. Rewatching some SG1 eps, when BB goes southern I can see how it might remind people of Crichton, but I never think of Mitchell when he does it on Farscape. As for Aeryn/Vala, they're very different characters, although her first episode where she was so kick a$$ was more Aeryn style now that I think back on it. I'll have to rewatch that one.

                      In all though, I think the characters are different enough that it doesn't faze me to have the same actors playing them.


                        farscape rumors?
                        Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                          Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
                          The miniseries is not the end. Brian Henson is planning to do more Farscape. Rumours are about 2008
                          I sure hope that ends up being the case. It would certainly make me happy. There were still so many stories left to be told in the Farscape Universe.
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                            Scratch N Sniff - need help please

                            I just saw most of this episode today. My dad recorded it for me but somehow the ending got cut off. Can someone tell me what happens next?! Please? John had just finished telling Ploit his story and he didn't believe him. John told him to wake up the girls and ask them, Ploit said no and order him (and Dr'go) to another plant for time off for the rest of the 8 days. Then it cut out What happens next? Was there much left to the episode?

                            thank you to anyone who can help me

                            I'll write a review for this episode later.
                            Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


                              Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
                              Scratch N Sniff - need help please

                              I just saw most of this episode today. My dad recorded it for me but somehow the ending got cut off. Can someone tell me what happens next?! Please? John had just finished telling Ploit his story and he didn't believe him. John told him to wake up the girls and ask them, Ploit said no and order him (and Dr'go) to another plant for time off for the rest of the 8 days. Then it cut out What happens next? Was there much left to the episode?

                              thank you to anyone who can help me

                              I'll write a review for this episode later.
                              From what I can tell of your description of where you were in the episode, you actually didn't miss much
                              Basically after that D'Argo comes in and he and Crichton start to argue as they walk out of Pilot's den. With D'Argo saying that Crichton failed again and Crichton saying "do you really wanna talk to an angry pilot." I'll post the last little bit of a trascript for you. That I obtained from this site:Farscape Episode Transcripts

                              PILOT: Get out of here.

                              JOHN: ( slurring ) Okay.

                              John hops off the console and marches away, turning back once for a final message.

                              CUT TO - medium shot on John. In the background, D'Argo stands in half profile just beyond the end of the bridge to the Pilot's station. He looks gravely disappointed, arms crossed over barrel chest, head lowered.

                              JOHN: You know, you really should get out more, these things do happen.

                              John turns away, head down, walking across the bridge toward D'Argo.

                              CUT TO - close on Pilot giving a shake of his carapace and a wordless grumble.

                              CUT TO - medium shot on John and D'Argo. John stops, facing his partner in crime, then turning away, hands on hips.

                              D'ARGO: What, he didn't believe you?


                              D'ARGO:Well, what was that thing about a "slim duck"?

                              JOHN: Slam dunk.

                              D'ARGO: Whatever. It doesn't matter, He's throwing us off Moya!

                              JOHN: Yeah, well, you want to give it a go?

                              John gives D'Argo a 'go right ahead' gesture toward a very cranky Pilot, D'Argo shoots an uncertain look in that direction.

                              CUT TO - long shot of Pilot who growls audibly.

                              CUT TO - Medium shot on D'Argo and John, D'Argo turns back to John, shaking his head emphatically.


                              JOHN: See. I did my best.

                              D'ARGO: Your best was to blow it!

                              JOHN: I did my best!

                              D'ARGO: Well, you blew it!

                              JOHN: D'Argo...

                              John sets his hands on his hips again, settling in for a long argument. [ Shoo-bop music begins again, emphasis on a very sweet trumpet as the credits roll. Guy must play it, don'cha think? ]

                              JOHN:... he's kicking us off Moya 'cause we argue.

                              D'ARGO: He's kicking us off Moya because you argue!

                              JOHN: No, we argue.

                              D'ARGO: You argue!

                              JOHN:We! You--

                              D'ARGO: You argue.

                              JOHN: You, you, we, ah!

                              They turn and walk slowly toward the door.

                              JOHN:We argue-- you would argue with a lampost!

                              D'ARGO: I do not-- open the door.

                              JOHN:You open it.

                              D'ARGO: You open the door!

                              JOHN:What, you're a girl, I'm gonna open the door for you? Open the door!

                              CUT TO - STOCK CGI, Ext. Space. Moya drifts away in the shot while, O.V., the guys continue to argue.

                              D'ARGO:[O.V.] I-I'm older than you, show some respect! You open the door.

                              JOHN: [O.V.] You can open it-- I'm not openin' the door.

                              D'ARGO:[O.V.] I'm not openin' no door-- you open it.

                              FADE TO BLACK

                              Can't wait to read what you thought about the episode!

                              Oh and if you can lay your hands on the episode on DVD I'd highly reccommend finding one with the deleted scenes. You wouldn't believe how different the original ending of the episode was. Actually, there is a great interview with Anthony Simcoe where he talks about the episode not working at all the way it was originally intended to air. Something I'd definitely reccomend checking out if you get the chance.

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                                I only just started watching Farscape after being told by a lot of people that it's really good. I do like it, it's interesting seeing the Aeryn character in Farscape and then the Vala character in SG-1, so different!

