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Stargate vs. Farscape animosity

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    The reason Farscape was cancelled was not because of failing ratings, no matter what Skiffy's blatently antagonistic spin was on it at the time. Farscape was #1 in the ratings and Sciffy's flagship show for a good while before SG-1 came along. After SG-1 was introduced, it consistantly took the #2 spot. Those were *not* bad ratings). No, what killed Farscape was a money issue, plain and simple. EMTV, who owned Henson at the time, was going bankrupt. And Sciffy, under Vivendi, was having financial difficulties as well. It was a no-win situation, with Skiffy wanting extra airing rites w/out extra cost (among other things) and EMTV financially unable to broker that kind of deal. Bad timing. It was a motif with Farscape. Sciffy went with the more accessible show, SG-1. And, as a scaper (and newbie gater) myself, I do not hold SG-1 responsible for that. I can see the reasoning. But there was some bitterness there for a while.

    Most scapers were pissed at Skiffy more than anything else, and Bonnie Hammer in particular. After making such a big deal of signing a 'never been done before' contract guaranteeing a 4 AND 5th seaon of FS, they went and pulled the plug at the last possible minute, leaving everyone with their mouths hanging open. It seemed like every time Ms Bonnie spoke she was contridicting herself and everything that came out of her mouth was an insult to sci-fi fans in general and to Farscape fans in particular. Some of the stuff she spewed should have incensed gaters, too, if they were paying attention. It wasn't a pleasant time.

    I was hopelessly hooked on Farscape and was devastated when it was cancelled. Thank the goddess we got some closure. But I really like Stargate (I've now seen every episode - some 3 or 4 times even ) and I'm glad as a sci-fi fan that there is still some genre TV left in the 'reality show', 'cop/medical drama' wasteland. I'm just sorry SG-1 (and Battlestar) are on Skiffy because I will NEVER trust them again. (Case in point, the Stargate intros anyone?)

    So, long live FARSCAPE (in syndication and hopefully in theaters someday) and long live STARGATE (for as long as TPTB want to keep churning out fun and exciting stories). I'm just enjoying the ride.



      I'm bemused. Where are the pro-SG/anti-Farscape people? All I seem to see is heaps of people either saying "Farscape rocks" or people saying "I like both lets just live and let live". So where is the animosity?

      Personally, I'm kind of surprised that Scape managed to get much of a following at all. To my mind Farscape was to Stargate what Alias is to Spooks (MI5 in the States) - Alias of course pales in comparison to the quality of the BBC's spy drama (no-one does espionage/int/spying like the Brits!). But hey, other folks apparently enjoyed it so who am I to argue? I would just like to plead with TPTB, and say "please don't turn SG1 into Fargate or Starscape!". Of course, being down under, I haven't yet managed to see any of season 9 so I'm reserving judgement about Mr Browder.


        Originally posted by Bomber
        I'm bemused. Where are the pro-SG/anti-Farscape people? All I seem to see is heaps of people either saying "Farscape rocks" or people saying "I like both lets just live and let live". So where is the animosity?

        Personally, I'm kind of surprised that Scape managed to get much of a following at all. To my mind Farscape was to Stargate what Alias is to Spooks (MI5 in the States) - Alias of course pales in comparison to the quality of the BBC's spy drama (no-one does espionage/int/spying like the Brits!). But hey, other folks apparently enjoyed it so who am I to argue? I would just like to plead with TPTB, and say "please don't turn SG1 into Fargate or Starscape!". Of course, being down under, I haven't yet managed to see any of season 9 so I'm reserving judgement about Mr Browder.
        I'd actually call Stargate- enjoyable as it is or was- the Baywatch of SciFi when you compare it to Trek, Bab5 etc.


          Originally posted by david2708
          I'd actually call Stargate- enjoyable as it is or was- the Baywatch of SciFi when you compare it to Trek, Bab5 etc.
          Haha! Touche! But of course they must all bow down to the High God of all Sci Fi: The Doctor (and his predecessor Quatermass, but most folks here probably wouldn't remember that!)


            I actually do like both shows.
            Farscape, in retrospect, was probably lucky to have the four seasons plus the mini-series and not slide into medicority like Gate has post Season5.
            Stargate, for me, was great from S1-5, but my opinion of the show has so much been diminished by the rubbish they've served up since their move to the SciFi channel with season's 6-.


              Originally posted by david2708
              I actually do like both shows.
              Farscape, in retrospect, was probably lucky to have the four seasons plus the mini-series and not slide into medicority like Gate has post Season5.
              Stargate, for me, was great from S1-5, but my opinion of the show has so much been diminished by the rubbish they've served up since their move to the SciFi channel with season's 6-.
              I totally agree with you! Almost exactly how I feel.

              SG1 was my favorite show until I got into Farscape.

              After season 5 I think its been kinda meh. You can tell cause thats the last dvd set I bought. Its not bad, just now as good.
              ", funny, exciting, touching..." - Newsday


                Since I'm a completist, I even bought the Season 7 DVD boxset, but have never bothered watching it. I very much doubt if I will waste my time with the Season 8 DVD.


                  i love stargate so don't get me wrong. I love farscape more. One of the reasons that farsacpe fans are so annoyed is that after Farscape got canceled a few of the Stargate form member came and rubbed it in our faces that their show was chosen over Farscape. I think that it is true. That is part of the reason why. That really peaved me off when that happened. LONG LIVE FARGATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see ya all later


                    Hmmm...I think it's the critics. Either that or Farscape doesn't attract a very open minded crowd ...or ... Oh, I don't know, maybe they woke up on the wrong side of the sci fi bed, Lol.
                    TEAM SG1 LIVES


                      Originally posted by david2708
                      Since I'm a completist, I even bought the Season 7 DVD boxset, but have never bothered watching it. I very much doubt if I will waste my time with the Season 8 DVD.
                      Really?? Can I have it?? J/K
                      TEAM SG1 LIVES


                        Originally posted by Osiris-RA
                        Hmmm...I think it's the critics. Either that or Farscape doesn't attract a very open minded crowd ...or ... Oh, I don't know, maybe they woke up on the wrong side of the sci fi bed, Lol.
                        Actually, most Farscape fans are VERY open minded. You might be on to that wrong side of the bed thing for some Scapers.
                        I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                          Hmpf. On the Farscape forum I'm on I'm keeping quiet cos it's a farscape forum but this is a Stargate one so I'm gonna unleash.

                          First, don't get me wrong. While I'm relatively new to Farscape I think that show is brilliant.

                          Farscape fans seem - on the whole, of course they are individuals and can't be seen only as a group, that isn't true for all fans, etc etc etc - but they seem to be quite arrogant when comng to other television shows - especially SG1. I'm not tlaking about those who say Stargate caused Farscape's cancelation and so they're on an eternal crusade again Stargate, nor on those who said they tried watching it several times and it just isn't their thing. I'm talking about those who say they enjoy Stargate - but then go off and saying how it's so beneath Farscape, will never achieve its greatness, how it's unoriginal but entertaining while Farscape was all about new and different and innovation etc etc etc. Sorta like the editorial for this week about the media; Sorta like some of the comments in this thread itself. Farscape was brilliant. That being said, it had its share of dumb, repetitive, pointless, badly done episodes. Bringing up some of Stargate's "cheese" as opposed to some of the best Farscape episode isn't proving Farscape is better, it's proving the writer is biased. On a sidenote, on the three "same old scifi idea" episodes that correspond between Stargate and Farscape (Holiday as opposed to Out of Their Minds; Zero Hour as opposed to Natural Election; and Avatar as opposed to John Quixote) well, IMHO, SG-1 won, big time.

                          I guess I'm mainly saying what that editorial said. You want to see SG-1 in its best of glory - watch Heroes, Meridian, Threads, Abyss, Reckoning, The Fifth Race, There but for the Grace of God... etc etc etc. Stargate is special enough when you're looking at the right places - just like you can easily get the impression Farscape is a 12-year-old stupid show if you look at specific episodes, and only them.

                          Sorry again for that... I've been getting frustrated over this subject over Farscape forums for a while, but I don't feel like - or want - to start those wars there. Here on a Stargate messageboard, however, it's a differnet issue
                          Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                          Yes, I am!
                          Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                          Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                          Peter Pan R.I.P


                            And I was starting to like you, Pitry reading some of your posts at FMD... Past tense.


                              well its "starscape Sg1" now!
                              The Egyptian Cat God .


                                Originally posted by Pitry
                                Hmpf. On the Farscape forum I'm on I'm keeping quiet cos it's a farscape forum but this is a Stargate one so I'm gonna unleash.

                                First, don't get me wrong. While I'm relatively new to Farscape I think that show is brilliant.

                                Farscape fans seem - on the whole, of course they are individuals and can't be seen only as a group, that isn't true for all fans, etc etc etc - but they seem to be quite arrogant when comng to other television shows - especially SG1. I'm not tlaking about those who say Stargate caused Farscape's cancelation and so they're on an eternal crusade again Stargate, nor on those who said they tried watching it several times and it just isn't their thing. I'm talking about those who say they enjoy Stargate - but then go off and saying how it's so beneath Farscape, will never achieve its greatness, how it's unoriginal but entertaining while Farscape was all about new and different and innovation etc etc etc. Sorta like the editorial for this week about the media; Sorta like some of the comments in this thread itself. Farscape was brilliant. That being said, it had its share of dumb, repetitive, pointless, badly done episodes. Bringing up some of Stargate's "cheese" as opposed to some of the best Farscape episode isn't proving Farscape is better, it's proving the writer is biased. On a sidenote, on the three "same old scifi idea" episodes that correspond between Stargate and Farscape (Holiday as opposed to Out of Their Minds; Zero Hour as opposed to Natural Election; and Avatar as opposed to John Quixote) well, IMHO, SG-1 won, big time.
                                I respect that you're sharing your views, but please remember, not all FS fans are as arrogant as you have seen on a certain FS board you seemingly tend to frequent. That board is just one of many. I rarely go there, due to the attitude of a handful of others there. If you want to check out some other friendly towards other shows type FS boards, feel free to pm me, I've got a couple.

                                I enjoy both shows, as I've said time and again. I do happen to feel that imho, FS was a better written show. It rarely wrapped everything up in a net little package complete with a bow, like ST (any version) did. That's what drew me to FS. I liked ST, but it always bugged me that everyone was "happy and friends" at the end of each and every eps.

                                Please don't think, that because I feel (my opinion mind you) that FS is better written, that I think SG-1 isn't a well written show, because you'd be wrong. I do, I just find the writing style of SG-1 to be different, but good.

                                I've watched SG-1 because I LOVE O'Neill's sense of humor and the relationship he and Teal'C developed over the years. I'm still watching due to Ben and mostly Claudia. But honestly, if they weren't on it, I'd still watch.

                                I guess I'm mainly saying what that editorial said. You want to see SG-1 in its best of glory - watch Heroes, Meridian, Threads, Abyss, Reckoning, The Fifth Race, There but for the Grace of God... etc etc etc. Stargate is special enough when you're looking at the right places - just like you can easily get the impression Farscape is a 12-year-old stupid show if you look at specific episodes, and only them.
                                Aw come on now..don't color FS just by how bad Jeremiah Crichton was.

                                Sorry again for that... I've been getting frustrated over this subject over Farscape forums for a while, but I don't feel like - or want - to start those wars there. Here on a Stargate messageboard, however, it's a differnet issue
                                While it is a different issue...sadly there are a handful of FS fans who will take what you've said here and broadcast it on the other boards or will start to look down on you because you're not praising FS enough on this board. FYI, I'm not one of those. I've been there, done that with being treated poorly due to my not having the time, energy or money to fight the "bring back Scape" campaign. Frankly, the people who've called me a traitor or not a "true fan" (don't get me started on the whole "true fan" stuff. ) because I didn't put myself into debt to help FS stay on the air aren't worth my time. I know who my friends are and they accept me, psyhcotic and all, as I am.

                                Pit - I'm on your side.
                                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.

