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Eureka : Episode Discussion /Speculation

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    Is this episode yet another one aired out of order? Should't Henry be working at GD?

    I enjoyed this episode. I thought that last moment between Finn and Megan was amusing. "If you ever steal any of my work, I'll bury you!"

    As for poor Mr. 111. He's using average to its limit.

    "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


      Was I the only one yelling "Reverse polarity!" at the TV? Yes? Oh, well. I think I'm higher than 111 but probably not as high as 157. I've only ever done online tests, so I think I've swung between 114 and 170- which even I didn't believe. Never bothered with an "official" test, though. I don't test well even at the best of times and I don't like the kinds of things they test for, anyway, but mostly it's because I'm afraid of what the results will be. I'd rather live in the oblivion of "smart at some things, dumb at others" than have proof of just how mediocre I am.

      Decent ep, although having the snotty girl go all nicey wicey at the end was silly and unrealistic. And despite having seen the S2 promo with the geese, I still had the same shocked "OMG!" reaction as Carter to what Taggart did to one of them. LOL!

      Speaking of which, for all that I still maintain that Taggart is deliberately faking his accent, it's starting to get on my nerves. It's so wildly off that it's distracting and I don't care if it IS all a joke, I wish he'd drop it and move on.


        Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
        And despite having seen the S2 promo with the geese, I still had the same shocked "OMG!" reaction as Carter to what Taggart did to one of them. LOL!
        I didn't see the promo, I think I had a minor heart attack when that happened!
        Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


          Eureka 1.7
          Sands of Oblivion 1.4
          ECW 1.3
          Ghost Adventurers 1.3
          Ghost Hunters 1.0
          Cursed 1.0
          The Bone Snatcher 0.9
          Bride of Chucky 0.8
          Boo 0.8
          Shallow Ground 0.8

          Source: Nielsen Galaxy Report, 7/23/07 -- 7/29/07

          Go Eureka!! Kicking the crap out of ECW!!!


            SciFi Wire: SciFi Channel ratings week 7/23/07 -- 7/29/07:

            From SciFi Wire:


            Top Ten SciFi Channel Shows

            Sands of Oblivion-----------1.4
            Ghost Adventurers-----------1.3
            Ghost Hunters---------------1.0
            The Bone Snatcher-----------0.9
            Bride of Chucky-------------0.8
            Shallow Ground--------------0.8

            Source: Nielsen Galaxy Report, 7/23/07 -- 7/29/07


            Again, so sign of Painkiller Jane or Doctor Who in the top ten, and ECW appears to be losing its hold as the #1 show in the top ten.

            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
            Morjana's Blog Twitter


              Originally posted by morjana View Post
              SciFi Wire: SciFi Channel ratings week 7/23/07 -- 7/29/07:

              From SciFi Wire:


              Top Ten SciFi Channel Shows

              Sands of Oblivion-----------1.4
              Ghost Adventurers-----------1.3
              Ghost Hunters---------------1.0
              The Bone Snatcher-----------0.9
              Bride of Chucky-------------0.8
              Shallow Ground--------------0.8

              Source: Nielsen Galaxy Report, 7/23/07 -- 7/29/07


              Again, so sign of Painkiller Jane or Doctor Who in the top ten, and ECW appears to be losing its hold as the #1 show in the top ten.
              and if SGA was still airing with it's 1.2's to 1.5's it would fall in the top 5 once again!


                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                and if SGA was still airing with it's 1.2's to 1.5's it would fall in the top 5 once again!


                I enjoy Eureka (a lot more this season), but I love SGA and SG1.


                SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                Morjana's Blog Twitter


                  Originally posted by morjana View Post

                  I enjoy Eureka (a lot more this season), but I love SGA and SG1.

                  I still have to watch Duck Duck Goose! Anyway I can see SGA getting ratings just behind Eureka next season. Let's hope so!


                    Bit of a silly waste tonight, but it was still a lot of fun, IMO, and at least there was a bone tossed for the season's story arc.

                    The first decontamination scene rang false to me. Generally there are SOME concessions made for modesty- a privacy screen or something- and while it played nicely into Carter's dream, it was still a tiny niggle.

                    The "full body enema" thing was disappointing only because The Abyss is one of my favorite movies and I was expecting Carter to have to swim in a vat of pink goo instead of the blue-tinged watery stuff. *sigh* And while I can see Stark not warning Carter about what it'd be like to try breathing liquid I think it would have been nice if he'd told Alison (or reminded her, anyway) that it takes a few seconds/minutes to adjust. Although maybe that would have killed the suspense for some people. *sigh* Just another little niggle, I know.

                    LOVED the Zorro dream. LOL! And I liked Carter's gift to Jo at the end. Just because he's 112 doesn't mean he can't be thoughtful.


                      I have to say while tonight's episode was a little surreal, I enjoyed it.

                      You have to wonder how many people in real life who's had the walking down main street naked dream. I think in this episode they did it well. Along with secret desires, wanting to know if this is all that there is

                      I also wonder how much Carter does remember from the AT. Maybe he's trying to see what Henry is going to do.
                      Last edited by LaCroix; 14 August 2007, 08:12 PM.


                        Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                        I also wonder how much Carter does remember from the AU. Maybe he's trying to see what Henry is going to do.
                        This probably doesn't need to be in tags, but oh well.
                        I think he probably remembers it, but all the connections to the various bits have been snapped off. He has a nagging sense of... something, but no real way to bridge things back together again. Yet. It'll be slow work and his utter trust in Henry will likely work against him as he probably dismisses any naggy feelings he might have. Henry? Do something bad? But he's Henry! Best friend a guy could want! What could possibly have happened for there to be any animosity between them? Can't be true.

                        It's like a connect the dots where all the lines have been erased. The dots are still there and they still form a picture, but the lines that reveal it aren't rewritten yet.


                          Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                          This probably doesn't need to be in tags, but oh well.
                          I think he probably remembers it, but all the connections to the various bits have been snapped off. He has a nagging sense of... something, but no real way to bridge things back together again. Yet. It'll be slow work and his utter trust in Henry will likely work against him as he probably dismisses any naggy feelings he might have. Henry? Do something bad? But he's Henry! Best friend a guy could want! What could possibly have happened for there to be any animosity between them? Can't be true.

                          It's like a connect the dots where all the lines have been erased. The dots are still there and they still form a picture, but the lines that reveal it aren't rewritten yet.

                          Just me trying to be cautious with spoilers from last season. Also maybe a little projection on my part from what I saw tonight with the episode.
                          With Carters line "You know me too well". Para.


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                            Bit of a silly waste tonight, but it was still a lot of fun, IMO, and at least there was a bone tossed for the season's story arc.

                            LOVED the Zorro dream. LOL! And I liked Carter's gift to Jo at the end. Just because he's 112 doesn't mean he can't be thoughtful.
                            Yes, I loved the Zorro dream as well. Cute touch to have it all in Spanish.

                            Nice to see Colin Cunningham (Major Davis) in the episode, even if briefly.

                            Now there -- THAT would be an interesting idea for the SciFi Channel to "reinvent" a series with...Zorro in Space!

                            I can see it now...

                            A black spaceship in the dark vast void of space.

                            A dark and stormy night (somewhere)...

                            A bell tolls, a woman screams, glass shatters, a ray gun/phaser/zat/taser/pulse weaon goes off - and Zorro is there for the rescue.


                            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                            Morjana's Blog Twitter


                              Hee! That frilly white shirt that Nathan had on--too funny!

                              I am so blessed! Cherriey made this cool sig; scarimor made this great Dr. Lee smilie and Spudster made another neat one Dr. Lee RULES!

                              Myn's fabulous twilight bark smilie:


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                                This probably doesn't need to be in tags, but oh well.
                                I think he probably remembers it, but all the connections to the various bits have been snapped off. He has a nagging sense of... something, but no real way to bridge things back together again. Yet. It'll be slow work and his utter trust in Henry will likely work against him as he probably dismisses any naggy feelings he might have. Henry? Do something bad? But he's Henry! Best friend a guy could want! What could possibly have happened for there to be any animosity between them? Can't be true.

                                It's like a connect the dots where all the lines have been erased. The dots are still there and they still form a picture, but the lines that reveal it aren't rewritten yet.
                                the thing is that if those this is scifi, and something all way happens to undo the memory effects, besides as long as there is no brain damage long term memory does not go away
                                Tis No Fool to lose what He can not keep, To gain what he will never Lose

