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The Time of the Doctor (2013)

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    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
    What happened to all the regenerations River gave him to save his life?

    Tasha Lem could fly the TARDIS. Only the Doctor and River could fly the TARDIS...... hmmmmmmmm.

    Is she River Song?
    I don't think it was ever implied that the Doctor actually adopted River's regenerations, just that she sacrificed hers to keep him alive in his current form after poisoning him.

    That said, it just occurred to me that in The Impossible Astronaut, the Doctor announces that he is regenerating the first time that the astronaut shoots him. He then starts to give off the familiar regeneration glow before he is shot mid-regeneration and killed.

    How does this regeneration make sense if the Eleventh Doctor can't regenerate?
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      Originally posted by Admiral Mappalazarou View Post
      That said, it just occurred to me that in The Impossible Astronaut, the Doctor announces that he is regenerating the first time that the astronaut shoots him. He then starts to give off the familiar regeneration glow before he is shot mid-regeneration and killed.

      How does this regeneration make sense if the Eleventh Doctor can't regenerate?
      There are two things to take into consideration at this point. The first is this took place at the start of series 6, so The Doctor still had a single regeneration left. The concept of The War Doctor and him using a regeneration wouldn't be revealed on screen for another 2 years. If Eccleston had returned for the Anniversary, I doubt there would have been a need for a War Doctor.

      Now that we do have The War Doctor and no regenerations left, we have to take the end of series 6 into consideration, when it turns out the whole thing was the Teselecta and The Doctor was just inside. It could easily be explained away that they didn't know how many regenerations The Doctor had left and just copied what they saw when Mels regenerated into River Song in Nazi Germany.



        Originally posted by min min light View Post

        Moffat just dropped the ball there, which is fine, he's human.
        Yes, I think it is that simple

        Originally posted by Quizziard View Post
        He's allowed to have more than one friend?

        Having watched it a second time, I don't think it's quite as bad. Perhaps having lower expectations helps? And the "Raggedy Man, goodbye" bit actually had some emotion the second time round. Definitely worth 1/10 more for the second viewing, maybe even 2. And, weirdly, I can't work out why.

        That's what I thought. It even felt mor emoinal. But still not as bad as I hoped. I mean, IF a charakter I like has to die, I DO want to cry my eyes out about it.

        A s for the Tasch-River speculation. Afer she turned into a dalek (and back to herself again) the Doctor tells to keep fighting the Dalek inside her and says: You've been fighting the psycopath inside you all your life... Right after they sppoke about the psycopath, who was created to kill the Doctor wich he married aka River. So could it be that she actully is River? Don't realy think that would work, but it nearly sounds like it.
        Nobody asked me, if I wanted to live. So don't anyone tell me how I shoul lead my life.


          The only thing missing was the Headless Monks, they were a part of this so called church so where did they go?

          The Silents and Doctor fighting together? Bzzzzzzzzzzt no makes zero sense given their history
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            The only thing missing was the Headless Monks, they were a part of this so called church so where did they go?

            The Silents and Doctor fighting together? Bzzzzzzzzzzt no makes zero sense given their history
            I don't think the Headless Monks were part of the Church. I think Dorian said he learnt about Demon's Run because Kovarians group were working with them.

            As for working together. Completely agree, but this is Moffat we're talking about. He doesn't really do big picture, just what seems cool and throws in a shoddy throwaway line a year later that barely explains it.



              Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
              I don't think the Headless Monks were part of the Church. I think Dorian said he learnt about Demon's Run because Kovarians group were working with them.

              As for working together. Completely agree, but this is Moffat we're talking about. He doesn't really do big picture, just what seems cool and throws in a shoddy throwaway line a year later that barely explains it.
              I don't think it's an unfair "throwaway line": the real churches of the world are splintering, refocusing, and so on all the time. Christianity is (arguably) a splinter from Judaism. It (mostly) became the Roman Catholics. The Protestants split away in the 16/17th century. A couple of hundred years the Methodists splintered. [And so did many, many others, it's just a specific example]. And each will say they are the only right and true way. [Perhaps less so in today's ecumenical days]. Back to the point, a fundamentalist splinter group, the Kovarians, to me is a perfect and fully rounded explanation if dealing with a religion.


                Actually it does make sense that the Doctor is fighting alongside the Silence in the Name of the Doctor.

                The Doctor and the Silence wanted essentially the same thing, they wanted to prevent another time war by preventing the Time Lords from reentering the universe at Trenzalore. So why not work together.

                They wanted to speed up humanities technological advance so that the Popal Mainframe could play a role in any future time war, which we know they can do as they possessed Tardis type ships and just one of their ships could more than hold their own at Trenzalore against all of the Doctors enemies, it took a huge attack from the Daleks to defeat them, I suspect Moffat still got more of the silence story to tell but I hoping they become the peace keepers of the universe, a silence force that tries to prevent universe wide wars and time wars and are able to hold their own against both the Timelords and the Daleks and prevent the two from fighting.


                  This Episode also left me a bit unsatisfied with the Goodbye to the Doctor, but I am not surprised after Day of the Doctor. I did not like that Special either. While it had its good notes it left me wildly unsatisfied as to what I actually expected and the whole Gallifrey thing feels like a Cop-out, but okay. Its Doctor Who and its a fun ride, so whatever they need to keep the show going.

                  Tasha also struck me as odd. Her whole Interaction with the Doctor made it seem like they where very close including her being able to fly the Tardis. Maybe River was saved by the Church somehow from the Library.
                  Fuzzy Wuzzy wasnt old,
                  Fuzzy Wuzzy gotten bald
                  There was Fuzzy no more Wuzzy


                    Originally posted by tomstone View Post
                    This Episode also left me a bit unsatisfied with the Goodbye to the Doctor, but I am not surprised after Day of the Doctor. I did not like that Special either. While it had its good notes it left me wildly unsatisfied as to what I actually expected and the whole Gallifrey thing feels like a Cop-out, but okay. Its Doctor Who and its a fun ride, so whatever they need to keep the show going.

                    Tasha also struck me as odd. Her whole Interaction with the Doctor made it seem like they where very close including her being able to fly the Tardis. Maybe River was saved by the Church somehow from the Library.

                    Maybe the Library became the church?????????
                    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                      The Silents and Doctor fighting together? Bzzzzzzzzzzt no makes zero sense given their history
                      Enemy of my enemy etc. etc.....


                        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                        Maybe the Library became the church?????????

                        I mean the computer holding River Song not the actual library planet
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          So that bad guy group that was running the Demons Run/Amy's baby arc with the headless priests was a part of this Church group?
                          I like Sharky


                            Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
                            So that bad guy group that was running the Demons Run/Amy's baby arc with the headless priests was a part of this Church group?
                            Yes, they broke off and formed their own fraction that sort to stopped the Doctor by killing him before he ever arrive at Trenzalore.


                              Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
                              Yes, they broke off and formed their own fraction that sort to stopped the Doctor by killing him before he ever arrive at Trenzalore.
                              So the rest of the Church wasn't his enemy? And the Silents aren't phased over the Doctor getting humanity to kill them?
                              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                                [QUOTE=Coco Pops;14065005]

                                So the rest of the Church wasn't his enemy?
                                As long as he agree to never speak his name on Trenzalore they could work together.

                                And the Silents aren't phased over the Doctor getting humanity to kill them?
                                Humanity created them, they were genetically engineer remember. An yes there probably a paradox in there somewhere, I presume a group of humans who work with the silence or created them were forbidden from viewing the apollo video. Only those who watch that video is hypnotized into killing the silence or may be the scientists and engineers who built the Silence or other relies the subliminal message and removed it from all copies of the moon landings.

