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The Impossible Astronaut (3201)

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    Well which of the Doctors names would the destroyer of the TARDIS know him by?

    If it is Omega like a suspect, then he may know the Doctors real name, only know him as the Doctor, might even attempt to use the Valeyard against him and on the very outside he may know him as the "Other"

    I think its something left over from the Timewar or something closely linked to it, because that was the only time
    there were Timelords around to kill in their hundreds

    As for the endgame, i cant see where this is going and that bugs me because it makes theories go oh so crazy.



      Here's a nice contrast

      A pic of the real Oval Office in 1969


      and a new pic of our intrepid heroes.



        Somehow I really, really doubt that it's another Time-Lord. The only possibility may be the Valeyard, but still. The last seasons of Tennent were about him kicking the master's super-natural ass and ensuring the death of all of the Time Lords. They risk too much exposure if he keeps throwing them back.

        That's not even considering the fact that a Time-Lord would certainly know better than to use the "I've killed hundreds of time lords" against the Doctor. It'd just be silly. It's like going up to the U.S. and saying "I have a pistol". "Well, we have machine guns, tanks, planes, boats, submarines, drones, and satellites."

        It'd have to be someone other than a Dalek or a Time Lord, in my view. Can't exactly imagine w ho that would be in the Whoniverse OTHER than one of the Silent. There just isn't anyone of that potential caliber that I can imagine.


          Could be one of the Guardians, but I think they fled this reality during/after the Time War.


            Originally posted by Spimman View Post
            What did that Silence alien in the bathroom say to Amy? I can't remember
            Well of course you can't, you're not looking at it


              Originally posted by pbellosom View Post
              Well of course you can't, you're not looking at it
              well played


                Anyone else think the Astronaut could be the Doctor?


                  Originally posted by Spimman View Post
                  Anyone else think the Astronaut could be the Doctor?
                  That's what i first had in mind when he said to them not to intervene , so it could be the doctor but the doctor from the future of the future doctor , revived using the same method as they did with the master .
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                    Originally posted by webxro View Post
                    That's what i first had in mind when he said to them not to intervene , so it could be the doctor but the doctor from the future of the future doctor , revived using the same method as they did with the master .
                    Possibly - I'm sure if the Doctor needed to fake his death for some reason than he could. It just seemed so odd that the Doctor would come back 200 years later in his own timeline to that moment to die without a solid plan! I'm thinking he knows about The Silence at that point in time but couldn't reveal his knowledge to himself and his team because they would somehow read their minds or something.


                      I think the doctor did die, no reviving or anythin but it'll be one of those moments in time that can be rewritten, so as the open up the door for future regenerations and 11 won't live for another 200 years.


                        All I can really say is this episode made me all giddy at how awesome it was. Mr. Moffat is quite the genius!

                        Loved seeing the regeneration/death was very epic and shocking!


                          One thing I didn't like was the slowmo at the end of the episode, just seemed overdone.


                            And just typing that I had a thought.
                            Epic theory. Really really like it. Explains River knowing it.
                            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                            Stargate : Genesis |
                            Original Starship DesignThread
                            Sanctuary for all |
                            11000! green me


                              I just had a thought. What if the Eternals are the big enemy?

                              Back all the way in "Enlightenment (Part of the Black Guardian Trilogy)", the Eternals were basically as close to Gods as they could ever be. An even higher power than the Time Lords themselves. A few times since the Doctor first met the Eternals, he referenced the extent of their abilities a few times in the revived series (banishing the Carrionites from the universe at the dawn of time, implying that they existed before the universe, and describing the Void that the Daleks and the Cybermen became trapped in as "The Howling").

                              An article by Russell T Davies in the Doctor Who Annual 2006 refers to the Eternals in connection with the Time War mentioned in the 2005 series. The article states that the Eternals were involved in a previous Time War with the Halldons, a powerful race first mentioned in We are the Daleks, an article by Terry Nation from the Radio Times 10th Anniversary Special in 1973. Davies' article also states that the Eternals watched the Great (and final) Time War between the Time Lords and the Daleks, and "despaired of this reality, and fled their hallowed halls, never to be seen again.

                              That implies, that the Time Lords didn't have complete control over the events of the universe, that they merely played a part in a much larger role, and that they didn't even know it.

                              Maybe, the Eternals have finally decided that it's time for the Doctor to die, but instead of directly killing him, they enlist the Silence to go back in time, infiltrate Earth, leading all the way upto the events in series 5 and 6.

                              Could be, that Steven Moffat is carrying on from something that Russel T Davies established a long time ago.

                              Just a theory.
                              Teselecta: "Silence will fall when the question is asked."

                              Doctor: "And what is the question?"

                              Teselecta: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

                              Doctor: " *Brainfart* ".


                                Originally posted by Teddybrown View Post
                                I reckon Moffats had this story planned for a long long time...
                                I've just realised how it gets better. I know I noticed the things in the Lodger and Vampires of Venice on first watching, a lot of people say they noticed the Beast Below on first watching, I'm sure loads of people noticed all these things first time, after all they are all quite noticeable moments. But when they had no impact on the rest of the episode, when the scene ended, what did we all do? WE FORGOT ABOUT THEM!

                                This is every bit as creepy as the time people worked out that the Weeping Angels weren't moving when the characters couldn't see them but the viewers could. Moffat is terrifying brilliant at 4th Wall Breaking Fridge Horror

