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The Time of Angels (3104/504)

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    Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
    Thought the same thing honestly. Weeping Angels could be the result of Time Lord ascension and could explain why they've always been around and why Time Lords pose as them in shame. Plus that whole pesky sending people back in time thing.

    I also find it funny so many people complained about the advert for Graham Norton. It's obvious they did it on purpose because the first thing most Dr. Who viewers do when the show ends is switch to BBC3 for Confidential. Thankfully it didn't happen on BBC1 NI, so I never saw the annoying ad.
    Maybe it is just me, but I saw a clip of the ad and saw nothing wrong with it? I see this happen all the time. Blasphemy, I know.


      Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
      Maybe it is just me, but I saw a clip of the ad and saw nothing wrong with it? I see this happen all the time. Blasphemy, I know.
      I think it's because it was such an engrossing episode and had such a good build-up that to suddenly have a cartoon Graham Norton jump out and stand in front of the Doctor during his cliffhanger "trap" speech is just really distracting, annoying, infuriating etc. Actually, having a cartoon Graham Norton jump out under any circumstances is probably distracting, annoying, infuriating etc.
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        Originally posted by Sealurk View Post
        Actually, having a cartoon Graham Norton jump out under any circumstances is probably distracting, annoying, infuriating etc.
        :nods: He is infuriating no matter what and who watches "Over The Rainbow" anyway? I admit that I did tune in sometimes for "I'd Do Anything" but I only did it because of John Barrowman.
        He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
        He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
        And he's wonderful.


          Originally posted by Replicator Todd View Post
          Ah, well then lets say I was lying when I said it was unlikely. I love the idea mainly for it appearing as long after they are gone the Time Lords left many things lying around.

          Yeah, I saw a video on that. IMO I'm surprised Graham Norton is as popular as he is, I don't think he is too funny then again I have no clue what he is talking about half the time as it appears to mostly make fun of stuff going on around the area.

          Indeed, thats where my sister...and eventually me came up with that idea.
          You know the only problem with the concept of the weeping angels being cursed timelords is that it doesn't seem to be all that much of a curse to the Weeping Angels.

          As for the Graham Norton thing, I don't really mind him all that much. I mean I wouldn't really miss him if he wasn't on our screens but he's not too bad............Paul O' Grady on the other hand...........
          Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


            Amy is so clever blinking at one by one i bet the doctor didnt wouldnt of come up with that.


              Originally posted by wise one View Post
              Amy is so clever blinking at one by one i bet the doctor didnt wouldnt of come up with that.
              He wouldn't need to think of it though, as he'd never blink anyway.



                I agree with you all, this was a great ol' episode and I adore River Song. I hope we see more of her beyond this series. But I fear her crime is rather harsh, and may be a turning point for her relationship with the Doctor.

                It's funny several people are hung up about the air corridor/space exposure situation and hardly anyone (aside from RandomlyGenerated) mentions the annoying fact that the 51st century (3000 years in the future) humans look and sound like humans RIGHT NOW. It's just not right. In fact, it's ridiculous.

                But hey, I'll just have to get over it and enjoy the rest, which is really fun. Although Amy is grating a bit, especially her being overly sarcastic and jaded about travel in the TARDIS. Hmm... teething problems maybe.

                And finally, those of you who think that the Doctor's progenated offspring Jenny teaches River how to pilot the TARDIS one day... whilst I do hope you are terribly mistaken, I fear you may in fact be right. Especially seeing as Steven Moffatt actually convinced RTD not to kill her off at the end of "The Doctor's Daughter". But then, Steven also created Captain Jack, so I reckon there's an equal likelihood that it might be him.


                  Originally posted by Dusk View Post
                  I agree with you all, this was a great ol' episode and I adore River Song. I hope we see more of her beyond this series. But I fear her crime is rather harsh, and may be a turning point for her relationship with the Doctor.

                  It's funny several people are hung up about the air corridor/space exposure situation and hardly anyone (aside from RandomlyGenerated) mentions the annoying fact that the 51st century (3000 years in the future) humans look and sound like humans RIGHT NOW. It's just not right. In fact, it's ridiculous.

                  But hey, I'll just have to get over it and enjoy the rest, which is really fun. Although Amy is grating a bit, especially her being overly sarcastic and jaded about travel in the TARDIS. Hmm... teething problems maybe.

                  And finally, those of you who think that the Doctor's progenated offspring Jenny teaches River how to pilot the TARDIS one day... whilst I do hope you are terribly mistaken, I fear you may in fact be right. Especially seeing as Steven Moffatt actually convinced RTD not to kill her off at the end of "The Doctor's Daughter". But then, Steven also created Captain Jack, so I reckon there's an equal likelihood that it might be him.
                  I don't see why that's an issue. In Utopia, trillions of years in the future, humans look and sound as we do now, but the Doctor explains about human evolution in that very same story -

                  "Oh, might have spent a million years evolving into clouds of gas... and another million as downloads, but you always revert to the same basic shape: the fundamental human. End of the universe and here you are. Indomitable, that's the word! Indomitable! Ha!"
                  There's nothing to also say that people like River Song and Captain Jack Harkness are pure human. Across the centuries their ancestors might have cross-reproduced with aliens...but mankind would still undoubtedly want to keep what it means to be human very much alive. Lady Cassandra certainly did even if she sacrificed so much of herself to stay pure human. Mankind might have been pure...then re-produced with other life forms...evolved in to other states of human that Lady Cassandra would describe as "mongrels"...but from now until the 51st century the ideals of mankind are still very much alive and that was also one of the purposes for ships like Starship UK and Space Station keep mankind and it's ideals continuing past either extinction or losing it purity.
                  Last edited by Alan; 04 May 2010, 05:25 AM.

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                    Originally posted by Dusk View Post

                    It's funny several people are hung up about the air corridor/space exposure situation and hardly anyone (aside from RandomlyGenerated) mentions the annoying fact that the 51st century (3000 years in the future) humans look and sound like humans RIGHT NOW. It's just not right. In fact, it's ridiculous.
                    It's not that ridiculous, languagewise the TARDIS is translating from future-language and humanity hasn't actually changed that much over the past 3,000 years in terms of genetics, just better nutrition. With things like the NHS becoming more common place you don't even get natural selection on humans anymore.


                      Thanks for the great rebuttal Alan and pbellosom! I'm not as concerned with the physiology as I am with the psychology. I would expect human behaviour 3000 years from now to be very different.

                      Actually, perhaps I'm not all that concerned with episodes set in the 51st century as I am with, as you mention Alan, Utopia for example, set in the year 100 trillion. The very idea that human life is virtually unchanged is laughable. It's taken us almost 4 billion years to go from simple cell goop to our current form, but that's a drastic change. Utopia would have us believe that our 4 billion year evolution 25000 times down the line would have us looking exactly as we do right now.

                      So, thanks for the context. I should probably take my concerns from this thread and plaster them all over the discussions on episodes like "New Earth", "Gridlock" and "Utopia" where they're more relevant.

                      Now enough scientific pondering and back to pure entertainment.


                        My favorite so far! I've seen it twice!!! Plan on watching it a few more time too! I really, really(I'd throw a few more in there but that just get annoying) can't wait till next week!
                        sigpic There are my dogs!

                        If you had to chose, die or watch the world die, what would you pick?"


                          this was really good its great to see river song again but in the wrong order lol. i liked every actors performance in this ep. can't wait to see the next episode i just hope its written as good as this ep has been written.


                            Probably the best epsiode of the season so far. And has only served to make the Weeping Angels ten times more creepy. Which should be impossible An image of an angel can become an angel and OMG Amy!

                            Great great episode all over the place, nice with them in the caves and it became an army of angels in the caverns.

                            Bit hard to pick a favority line in this: Though the whole part with the what do you put in a trap was great


                              i agree. the angel talking thro the voices of those it kills makes it pretty scary. DON'T BLINK lol. haven't the enemy's learned yet that you NEVER make the doctor angry because he always manages to win when they have made him mad


                                Originally posted by gateship15 View Post
                                i agree. the angel talking thro the voices of those it kills makes it pretty scary. DON'T BLINK lol. haven't the enemy's learned yet that you NEVER make the doctor angry because he always manages to win when they have made him mad
                                They are just new to the whole Doctor anger thing

