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Last of the Time Lords (2913/313)

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    I never considered Boe fat or bloated, I just figured he was very large (as in giant, not heavy). Maybe after all those years Jack's head finally swelled to suit his ego.


      I'm late to the party and see you've all been talking about mashed swede!! Hee hee!

      Anyway, just got around to watching this episode. Cap'n Jack is 'The Face of Bo'??!!

      Well, that has gone straight to the top of my 'TV moments that make me go "WOW!! I NEVER saw that coming" list!!


        Originally posted by BruTak View Post

        As for Grits... Some manner of fried potato product?

        Grits is a Southern "delicacy"-- runny polenta, or better known as corn meal mush. As I said before, they don't serve them much where I live-- unless they like "country" food (greens, grits, salt pork, etc.) Some restaraunts serve them-- most notably one called "Cracker Barrel" where they have a store in front and "old country home cooking" in the diner.

        (A place where they'd serve biscuits and gravy with grits for breakfast, maybe ham or fried chicken for dinner. )

        Grits aren't served sweet, I don't think. (I eat mine with butter on... when I'm forced to eat them. I'd rather eat oatmeal.)

        ...and since Captain Jack is supposed to be American, you'd think The Master would have thought it "funny" to feed him grits. But I think mashed swede sounds absolutely awful. (And I like turnips... with peas and carrots...)
        Last edited by docballen; 05 July 2007, 10:49 PM.
        "That's what you get for dicking around"--Col. Jack O'Neill


          Originally posted by docballen
          (A place where they'd serve biscuits and gravy with grits for breakfast)
          That was something I could never get my head round in America, scones eaten with gravy and not butter and jam

          Originally posted by docballen
          ...and since Captain Jack is supposed to be American, you'd think The Master would have thought it "funny" to feed him grits. But I think mashed swede sounds absolutely awful. (And I like turnips... with peas and carrots...)
          Probabaly because no-one in Britain would know what grits are, most know mashed swede is disgusting


            We don't know that Captain Jack is American. All we know is that he's from the "Boeshanna Peninsula" wherever that is.
            John Barrowman was born in Glasgow, and hold join UK/US nationality.

            Anyway, it occurs to me that RTD and the team missed a trick with "LotTL" -
            when the Doctor is being revived by the positive thoughts of the whole world, the music should have been the Popeye theme.
            Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
            To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

            Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
            And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


              he's lived through about 100 years. He probably tasted a lot of food from a lot of different sources.
              Things we'd like to see in our favorite scifi...
              "Ori, meet Wraiths. Wraiths, meet Ori. I'm sure you'll get along famously." ~ any member of SG1.
              "Priors, meet Cylons. Cylons, Meet Priors. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful theologic discussion." ibid
              "This is the BattleStar Galactica - please identify yourself."
              "This is the Earth Vessel Daedelus. Are you lost?"
              "The WHAT Vessel?" Galactica Actual.


                Well i think i'm late to the party here but i gotta say WOW!!! great episode. The whole toclaphane being from utopia was a bit predictable but i liked how the paradox machine came into it and even how the master felt he was doing them a favour even if it was in a very twisted way. I'm also glad that martha and her family remember all those events. it makes for a lot of character development. I was starting to hink that martha was turning into another rose but hopefullly next season she'll be a bit harder and a bit more experienced. She definately seemed darker in that episode esspicially when she faced down the master.

                The idea about deceiving that master was great. didn't see it coming. Nor did i see the way the doctor returned back to normal though i gotta admit it was all a bit harry potter but in a very fun way. Speaking of harry pottter i know a lot of people have said that the doctor looked a lot like gollum in this ep but personally i'd say he was closer to dobby the house elf. he even sounded like him.

                It's seems natural that a timelords life cycle would be like that too cos it explains more about why they would want to regenerate in the first place which is good.

                The killing of the master i thought was done in a good way and the bit with the doctor crying over the master trying to tell him to regenerate was very touching. of course i get the feeling he'll be back. The master is always back though i hope that some how it will be john simm playing him again. Maybe clone him using trhe ring. still you never know.

                Martha leaving was very sad but also expected and i felt that it suited her character very well.

                I hear freema is going to be in both torchwood and doctor who next year which should be fun.........of course cathrine tate is also back in who as donna which may not be quite as good.

                I can't wait to the christmas special. I loved how they ended it the same way but with the added, more serious 'what?' at the end. I think he's got a bit of redecorating to do. god knows how he'll fix that wall.

                With just a tiny bit o luck chris ecclston will be in the christmas special too but i doubt it. still there's always hope.

                One thing is certain.................The master will return............*dumdumdumdum dumdumdumdum dumdumdumdum*
                Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                  Watching it again, I'm finding one aspect of it bleak beyond imagining: the spheres end up trapped at the end of the Universe. And that's the future of humanity, the ultimate destiny of humanity: the Master has led them to be mechanical soulless monsters, with no future or hope or dignity or kindness, alone in a dying universe.

                  I hope something more positive ends up happenning with respect to that in a future ep.



                    Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                    Watching it again, I'm finding one aspect of it bleak beyond imagining: the spheres end up trapped at the end of the Universe. And that's the future of humanity, the ultimate destiny of humanity: the Master has led them to be mechanical soulless monsters, with no future or hope or dignity or kindness, alone in a dying universe.

                    I hope something more positive ends up happenning with respect to that in a future ep.
                    Well everything has it's time. and until we reach utopia the doctor does comment on how incredible we are always surviveing......but everything has an end.
                    Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                      Originally posted by P-90_177 View Post
                      Well everything has it's time. and until we reach utopia the doctor does comment on how incredible we are always surviveing......but everything has an end.
                      |Yeah, but this end?! For a show that's by RTD's definiton about hope and all that jazz, it's a damn depresseing way for the universe to end.
                      Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                      Yes, I am!
                      Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                      Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                      Peter Pan R.I.P


                        So maybe it means we'll see the Utopians in the future (or the past). Maybe they'll have a shot at redemption. *shrug*


                          the toclafane was sent back to the end of the universe, if i was sent back i would shoot all the other balls

                          and when the doctor begain to reverse his age, i found it funny that his hair was all gel'ed lol

                          plus i dont think the master is dead, something about that ring his wife(maybe someone else, hands of the rani????lol) picked up.

                          plus he died pretty quickly, lived at the end of the universe and then on earth for a few years and then died... it thought time lords would take quite along time to die


                            Originally posted by P-90_177 View Post
                            Well everything has it's time. and until we reach utopia the doctor does comment on how incredible we are always surviveing......but everything has an end.
                            Yes, it's just a bit of a bleak ending. Not a blaze of glory, nor a quiet fade, but nastyness and what the Master calls 'canibalising'.

                            I plan to not think about it any more though, unless it does get revisited.



                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                              I never considered Boe fat or bloated, I just figured he was very large (as in giant, not heavy). Maybe after all those years Jack's head finally swelled to suit his ego.
                              And to hold his billions of years of extra memories



                                What a Great 2 episodes. Just watched them in a row and WOW!

                                Series 3 has been so gd and i am so happy it had such a great ending!
                                The Master was twisted and strange which was cool! and the Doctor as an elf thing looked cool. Great job CGI team on this ep BTW!

                                Finally Jack as the face of bow just made the episode that bit more excellent!
                                What a great idea and way to wrap up the faces story!

                                Looks like the christmas is also going 2 be a gd one!
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