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Human Nature (2908/308)

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    You know, somebody out there is going to screencap the hell out of that bit and read every word of that journal.


      Some people have no life


        Really enjoyed this ep.. though did find it a trifle slow-paced. I knew going in that it was going to be a two-parter though. I'm still not sure what to make of the young boy - he obviously has a psychic ability and is vaguely aware when things are not what they seem and was aware of the power of the watch... not sure how the watch works either? The instructions the Dr gave Martha seemed to suggest that opening the watch would reverse his transformation but that hasn't happened... so why tell her to open the watch if there was a problem? Am confused! But in a good way... can't wait for next week's resolution!

        Oh and did anyone watch Confidential? David trying to learn the waltz? Awesome! And incredibly cute in a clutzy way!


          When Martha bumped into the boy and he had a flashback, which episode was that from?
          "You don't know half of it".
          Former C.I.A. Director George Bush
          (When asked about UFO secrecy by a member of his presidential campaign committee)


            Originally posted by GodAtum View Post
            When Martha bumped into the boy and he had a flashback, which episode was that from?
            It might've been from the first episode, "Smith and Jones." It looked liked the same place where the Doctor crossed his own timeline and did that thingy with his tie. Maybe.
            "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


              Originally posted by Missster.Freeman View Post
              First things first. The 1996 Doctor Who film is officially canon!
              Noooooooooo! I always thoguht that the Shalka Doctor was much more likely to be cannon than the eighth.

              Originally posted by Missster.Freeman View Post
              The little boy who has the watch containing the Doctor's "essence" looked to me as if he already had an ability to sense or see events in the future. Maybe opening the watch enhanced those latent abilities?
              Or maybe he's always had the talent because he opened the watch, it is all to do with being a Timelord afterall.

              Was it just me or did the school look a lot like Torchwood house from the outside? I could just be rubbish at recognising old buildings though.



                1. Slightly sludgy though a nice idea from the Doctor to hide himself.

                2. Definately a WTF moment with the one heart.

                3. OK, how does the watch work? Jenkins seems to have both the Doctor's memories and visions of his own future! I reckon he'll prove of more use in the short term than "John Smith".

                Overall, different though I'm expecting part 2 to be better
                I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                  Great episode. It was fairly straight forward, so my question is regarding the next ep:

                  Hmm... The Doctor appears to have children. Does that make them human children or Time Lord children? I know the "family" said he smelt human and he only has one heart but...

                  The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                    Good question. And could this be what face of what is name really meant.

                    I got the feeling that the boy will turn out to be mr Saxon, just a feeling I have.

                    I like the weapons, it good to see descent weapons, and I like the color to.

                    And what do the aliens need with a time lord, I hope for a change it turns out that they just needed his help rather than them being evil and want to destroy the universe, and that it was the doctor mistake to think of them as a enemy, it be a good twist to fins out all he went through was for nothing.

                    but the episode was slightly slowed pasted for my liking.


                      Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
                      I got the feeling that the boy will turn out to be mr Saxon, just a feeling I have.
                      Now that is a brilliant idea, (Spoilers just in case)
                      would mean that Mr Saxon isn't the Master,
                      but brilliant nonetheless.


                        that sketch of Doctor number eight seemed to be more than just a nod as his picture
                        there was a sketch of the 8th doctor danm how did i miss that now i got to go back in watch it. i thought i saw a sketch of some old shcool cybermen but i didetn get a good look


                          Had a terrible night but FINALLY managed to see this ep and I loved it! Alas, I'm not in a position to catch all the references to the earlier seasons, but I did recognize some of the sketched faces. The writing is pretty gibberish for the most part, and the handwriting is HORRIBLE, which doesn't help. Lots of repetition. If that's what the whole journal is like I can't blame Matron for returning it to the Doctor.

                          Those scarecrows are creeeeepy and I gotta say, when I first saw the little girl I thought she was the Scary Test Pattern Girl from Life on Mars. I don't think she is or someone would have said something by now, but Scary Balloon Girl is still creepy.

                          And then there was Baines, AKA Will Scarlett from Robin Hood. WTF was wrong with that boy?! And he had that weird thing going on with his mouth being all drawn out and smirky on only one side of his face. *shiver* Egad.

                          Precog Boy was a little odd, too. I'm guessing it was his role in Nanny McPhee that has me feeling like I should know him. I'll be interested to see what HIS story is, especially if he has a flash of modern-day Martha knocking into his young boy self.

                          Good, strong story so far. I remain a bit iffy on a few things, but I'm willing to give it another ep to sort itself out.


                            Wait... he didn't have vision of his future, it's a vision about how the doctor new girl friend husband died !

                            I was thinking Saxon too but... well... I don't think it will be him...


                              I loved this!

                              I didn't want it to end there. What do you mean I have to wait until next week! I didn't realise it was going to be a 2 parter I wasn't prepared.

                              I loved the story, it was nicely paced, I often feel when you are watching eps like this where the main character has lost their memory or as in this case taken a new identity and doesn't know they are actually someone else, that as a viewer I spend more time just wanting them to 'wake up' or snap out of it.

                              In this episode I was enjoying seeing The Doctor as John Smith, I mean he looked mighty fine (nice short jacket to show off his assets ) and he fell for a 'normal' looking women who is not a fraking teenager! Did he say he had never... *doctor dances*

                              Sadly David Tennant cannot bowl (much like the English Cricket team). Yay the return of the cricket ball! *paint me happy*

                              The Scarecrows were pretty freaky, but then I have hated Scarecrows since I first watched "The wizard of Oz". The little girl with the balloon reminded me of something but I can't remember what, and who or what are The Family?

                              The heart thing didn't bother me, I just go with the premise that The Doctor is now human, humans don't have two hearts. *shrugs* And the children, well I had thought going into this ep that nothing would be as it seems, we are talking about a TimeLord, he travels in time and space, he has admitted that changing things in one time-frame can frak up another... he can if he feels it is necessary change things, I doubt he would but then this is new territory, he is the last TimeLord (as far as we know) he has only himself to answer for, well assuming these eps don't bleed into future ones. I don't know, maybe this is a stand alone two parter or maybe it has huge ramifications for Utopia etc.

                              As far as I can tell the boy dies in WW1. I don't think he is anyone other then who he is in this ep, a boy who can sense things and see future events.

                              *ooh totally off-topic, sort of, but as I type this Channel 10 in Australia has shown the first promo for Torchwood* Bounces!


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post

                                Precog Boy was a little odd, too. I'm guessing it was his role in Nanny McPhee that has me feeling like I should know him.
                                Thought that kid was familiar too, about 10mins in it clicked, he was in Love Actually.

