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    Wow. What a great intro for Martha! I already like her way more than Rose. I didn't like Rose in the beginning though she got better later on.

    My hubby came home when I started the episode so he eat dinner and watched it. Actually put his Harry Potter book down. Actually said he was surprised how good the show was and really like the british campy stuff. Well, I've converted my 7 year old son, my almost 3 year old daughter and I think I've FINALLY (he's watched some bits of seasons 27-28 and some Tom Barker years I've gotten through the library) converted him .

    Though I did keep noticing David's hair. From being messy to not so messy. A bit distracting!
    Orphan Black: Join the Clone Club Dance Party!


      Originally posted by Angela V View Post
      Wow. What a great intro for Martha! I already like her way more than Rose. I didn't like Rose in the beginning though she got better later on.

      My hubby came home when I started the episode so he eat dinner and watched it. Actually put his Harry Potter book down. Actually said he was surprised how good the show was and really like the british campy stuff. Well, I've converted my 7 year old son, my almost 3 year old daughter and I think I've FINALLY (he's watched some bits of seasons 27-28 and some Tom Barker years I've gotten through the library) converted him .

      Though I did keep noticing David's hair. From being messy to not so messy. A bit distracting!
      LOL Actually didn't notice that.....except for one part where after he rubbed his hands through it and it was practically a mohawk.

      I think I finally got my parents hooked on Doctor Who with last night's ep. It's just so much fun, how could one resist?

      But to get someone to put a down a Harry Potter book for that is an accomplishment.


        Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post

        But to get someone to put a down a Harry Potter book for that is an accomplishment.
        It's the Half Blood Prince one. He's just re reading it to gear up for the 7th book. He's only read it about 10 times (the rest probably 20 since we've had them longer). He's a fast reader. He gets to read the last book first BUT must not speak a word to me until I'm done. Otherwise I can threaten to throw him in the Tardis! hehehe
        Orphan Black: Join the Clone Club Dance Party!


          Originally posted by Angela V View Post
          It's the Half Blood Prince one. He's just re reading it to gear up for the 7th book. He's only read it about 10 times (the rest probably 20 since we've had them longer). He's a fast reader. He gets to read the last book first BUT must not speak a word to me until I'm done. Otherwise I can threaten to throw him in the Tardis! hehehe


            Originally posted by Angela V View Post
            He gets to read the last book first BUT must not speak a word to me until I'm done. Otherwise I can threaten to throw him in the Tardis! hehehe
            ...And that's supposed to be a deterrent??

            Did I mention I have an advanced reader copy and Harry dies?

            (and for those panicking, that's a joke... as far as I know)


              Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
              ...And that's supposed to be a deterrent??
              No kidding.....if that's the "penalty", I'll shout spoilers from the rooftops!

              Send me off in the TARDIS any day!


                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                No kidding.....if that's the "penalty", I'll shout spoilers from the rooftops!

                Send me off in the TARDIS any day!
                Esepcially if David Tennant's in there! *swoon*


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Esepcially if David Tennant's in there! *swoon*
                  Oookay, deal sealed, I want to be thrown in the TARDIS never to return.


                    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                    Oookay, deal sealed, I want to be thrown in the TARDIS never to return.
                    OMG! I love your avatar!!


                      Yay for watching new Doctor Who.
                      This episode was really fun and fast paced.

                      I liked Martha immediately and I think the Doctor did too. He was definitely sizing her up during their adventure. Then I think he was almost trying to seduce her into being his companion(although he didn't ask in so many words).
                      I like that Rose still gets mentioned. After all, she's very important to the Doctor and he obviously cares a lot for her.

                      My kids laugh at me for watching Doctor Who, Atlantis or anything sci-fi. They hate that kind of stuff. It's too geeky for them. I'll never convert anyone.


                        Frak! I just wrote a rather lengthy post and lost it! Soooo, in short:

                        Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
                        Yay for watching new Doctor Who.
                        This episode was really fun and fast paced.

                        I liked Martha immediately and I think the Doctor did too. He was definitely sizing her up during their adventure. Then I think he was almost trying to seduce her into being his companion(although he didn't ask in so many words).
                        I like that Rose still gets mentioned. After all, she's very important to the Doctor and he obviously cares a lot for her.

                        My kids laugh at me for watching Doctor Who, Atlantis or anything sci-fi. They hate that kind of stuff. It's too geeky for them. I'll never convert anyone.
                        I absolutely loved the pacing of this ep, it was, in a word, fantastic, the hour went by way too fast.

                        Your kids don't know what they're missing! Wish my parents were into this stuff, but nooooo, I had to convert them.


                          Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                          ...And that's supposed to be a deterrent??

                          Did I mention I have an advanced reader copy and Harry dies?

                          (and for those panicking, that's a joke... as far as I know)
                          We remember the last set of spoilers you "made up" don't we?
                          Cogito ergo dubito.

                          "How happy are the astrologers if they tell one truth to a hundred lies, while other people lose all credibility if they tell one lie to a hundred truths." - Francesco Guicciardini

                          An escalator can never be broken, it can only become stairs. You never see "Escalator temporarily out of service." It's "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience." - Mitch Hedberg


                            Originally posted by uknesvuinng View Post
                            We remember the last set of spoilers you "made up" don't we?
                            That's why I said "as far as I know." Believe me, there are still a couple of Atlantis "spoilers" I made up that have me a little worried.

                            I don't dare try it with Doctor Who.


                              Hmmm. I liked this episode but not as much as The Runaway Bride. I think this one suffered from following right behind the other here in America. We had two minutes to say bye Donna and hello Martha.

                              The Good:

                              Martha: I like that she is smart, logical, and compassionate. I'm reserving judgment for now, but I wasn't repulsed by anything she did.

                              The Doctor: Mostly, I liked him as always. Doctor number 10 rarely does anything that makes me dislike him (unlike number 9). It probably doesn't hurt that I think DT is hot. (Hangs head. I am a nerd.)

                              The Bad:

                              The Pacing: The episode felt long to me. It got better at the end, but I found the rest of the hospital staff a waste of time.

                              Martha's Family: The whole lot are selfish idiots. Can one of them be beamed into space, soon? Jackie had reasons to be the "way" she was, so while she drove me nuts, I did not want to see her cybered. I dislike these folks and would not care if a Judoon ate one of them.

                              Martha: I know that I've got her on here twice. I like her but the school girl crush happened way too fast. One kiss? She's super smart and couldn't figure out that whole non-human partical thing? This is why I'm reserving judgment. She could turn into Rose part 2 really fast.

                              Overall, it was ok, but I'm not staying up to see it again. It will wait for the DVD. 8/10.
                              "Trust me. I'm a psychopath." Jekyll

                              "And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse" Ianto-Torchwood


                                Just watched it ... again. this time on Sci-Fi.

                                I really like Martha. Her family are full of looneys. I've seen the whole season [mod edit - HUGE MAJOR spoilers follow for series finale]
                                (with a couple of exceptions... man is it silly to see posts on this thread that are about "Saxon" and speculations AND have pictures of the Master as the avatar and signature!!! Whooo!!)

                                This is the kind of Dr Who that I like. I even liked the fact that the Plasmavore used a straw... that's eccentric.

                                I'm really sad that
                                [mod edit - spoilers follow for series finale]
                                Martha will be leaving and we'll be getting Donna back

                                Last edited by Madeleine; 07 July 2007, 11:17 PM.
                                "That's what you get for dicking around"--Col. Jack O'Neill

