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Rise Of The Cybermen (2805/205)

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    Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett
    I couldn't for the live of me think of WHY everyone in the party was being deleted when only the President refused. I can understand why the doctor and co are "rogue elements" however... They dont have ear pieces... Hence they are incompatable.
    Because they resisted? They tried to run...
    That was my thought anyway.
    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


      Originally posted by PtahTheCreationGod
      I said partially copied. To be fair I would say that the general feel over there is possitive, but the negative posters get complained at more there than they do here.
      OK but you get what I mean I hope if not, sorry it came out wrong. I guess I am just glad the show is back after so many years of having to do with repeats of the old and by and large it is a good show so I just don't get it when people complain or more to the point complain about things that don't really matter in the overall enjoyment of the show *not saying that was what you were doing* Complain *critique* away!


        I liked it lots the first time, and much better the second time I wathced it. The second time I paid less attention to Trigger's Davros Roger Lloyd Pack's Lumic and it really helped.

        The download thing in the street was nicely done. The joke at the end was a neat little touch. The scene where Jackie gets that cyberman-head-shaped thing coming out of her ears was very cool. And the down-and-outs getting remodelled, that was chilling. And the 'CLANG CLANG CLANG'....A decent amount of creepiness, overall.

        Mickey/Ricky and his friends and Gran were very good. I did think ricky a bit too scowley, but then he's London's most wanted so he gets an excuse.

        Had enough of Pete & Jackie. Pete had his episode and that should be that. Jackie's fantastic when she gets four lines per episode, but anything more than that is too much. Although it did tickle my five-year-old that she had a dog called Rose instead of a daughter.

        I'm trying to think what was really good about this ep, and aside from the Mickey/Ricky stuff I can't think of anything outstanding. But even so, I really really liked the ep. It just hung together nicely, it had the feel (to me) of a classic ep, with the mystery which was apparent to us before the doctor twigged, and even an old-style cliffhanger; but it had the production values and slick dialogue of the new era. Roll on next week.



          I dont think Lumic was meant to be a davros. I think everyones trying to compare them to the Mondas cybermen, where as I think they are both separate entities. It's quite possible, that in that universe, Lumic just had that idea and no connection with the mondas cybermen.

          I quite liked it all, werent that happy with the quick fix tardis thing.
          David Tennant for James Bond I think.
          The earpiece thing was great. I'm sure I've seen the guy that played the president before. I think he was on red dwarf as the hologram that went on starbug and lister ate the cigarette.
          Whats up with the delete delete delete? Ok it was a bit like the exterminate but it doesn't matter.


            Lumic was indeed a bit OTT in a "BWA-HA-HA-HA! Soon my electro ray will destroy Metropolis!" kind of way, but I think the performances from our regular and semi-regular cast was great, and once this story gets moving it really moves. I get the impression The Age of Steel will move at a frenetic pace. I do love the new Cyberman design.

            "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
            "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
            BAD WOLF!!!


              Originally posted by Davidtourniquet
              I'm sure I've seen the guy that played the president before.
              I don't know about Red Dwarf, but he was on Manchild.

              my page
              My LJ
              From now on, our name will be 'Tenac'.


                Originally posted by yaaayoubetcha
                I don't know about Red Dwarf, but he was on Manchild.
                Just compared the actor in holoship (red dwarf) and the president
                and they are both Don Warrington, so he was.


                  Originally posted by Reefgirl
                  Fans of Classic Who feel obliged to pick holes in New Who for some odd reason. Russell T Davis has said time and time again he has remade Dr Who for a new audiance, it's a completely new show
                  and he doesn't want to keep going back to the old style just to please a few malcontents. Remember, it's a TV show, it's entertainment, treat it as such.
                  Ah a post full of sweeping generalisations. RTD has said a whole lot of things and he sometimes ends up contradicting himself, go figure the guy has many hats to wear in Dr Who.

                  It is easy for him to say that but still when it suits to go back to the mythology. As for us old fans well I guess I feel like we stuck by this show for many decades even when it was less then popular so excuse us for being a little precious sometimes.


                    Originally posted by Drwho'srose
                    Ah a post full of sweeping generalisations. RTD has said a whole lot of things and he sometimes ends up contradicting himself, go figure the guy has many hats to wear in Dr Who.

                    It is easy for him to say that but still when it suits to go back to the mythology. As for us old fans well I guess I feel like we stuck by this show for many decades even when it was less then popular so excuse us for being a little precious sometimes.
                    Fair enough, it was just an opinion, I've been getting a lot of this stuff from another site where people are resistant to change.

                    I'll be off now, see you next Monday after I've watched the next episode


                      Darn it I was going to impress you all with my Red Dwarf knowlege but my PC Crashed beofre I could expalin that Don Warrington Who plays the President in Rise of the Cybermen is also the officer from Holoship who comes on Board Starbug and mocks the crew before Lister mentions they have a very sturdy Holowhip on board and eats a cigareatte. Don Warrington was also one of the main stars of the comedy Sitcom Rising Damp.
                      Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

                      Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


                        ^ Too quick for ya Metarock


                          A decent enough episode, but i do feel the Cybermen look a bit silly. If the Kull warriors looked like that in SG-1 it would be taken off the air . Also out of the entire universe the only danger that exists seems to be on earth and not too far from where Rose lives, it would be nice if they went to another planet now and again.


                            Originally posted by Davidtourniquet
                            ^ Too quick for ya Metarock
                            Arghh My Pc is so slow !!!! XD
                            Oh Yes the Sam is Back and hes more Sci-fied up than ever !!!!!!!!!

                            Coming Soon a new Banner from Me


                              after the fantastic episode last week this one felt like it dropped off abit. I absolutly hated the fact that both Rose and Mickey dismiss the Doctor when he tells him this isnt your world. Its the same problem i have always had with shows like this though people do extreamly ignorant things in the worse situations. This episode reminded me of that old show Sliders but with a Doctor who Cast. Sad far the worse episode i have seen this season but still better than most on TV right now.
                              The enemy has spoken


                                Argh! Watched Totally Doctor Who tonight and got spoiled for this weeks ep.
                                *not happy*

