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School Reunion (2803/203)

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    "Exactamundo ...a word I've never used before, and hopefully never will again"

    "And the teacher you replaced that was just weird" (this was obviosly the Doctors doing)

    "Oh my god... I'm the tin dog!"

    "We are in a car"

    ''Ignore the shooty dog thing!''

    "The missus and the ex, welcome to every man's nightmare"

    "You can spend the rest of your life with me, but i carnt spend it with you"

    "Mummies" "Ghosts" "lots of Robots" "Syliveans in downing street" "Daleks" "met the empire" "anti-matter monsters" "gas-masked zombies" "Real life dinosaurs" "Real life wearwolf" "The loch ness monster" "Really??"

    "I used to have so much forgiveness, but im so old, you get ONE chance!"



      Originally posted by Egeria
      I've spent half the day screencapping this ep and I've been wetting myself at some of theses lines. One line I missed on the first viewing was - Rose (to DW &SJS): "No offence, but can you's two stop petting for a minute"...LMAO at that one.
      When I heard that line I had to rewind and play it again to make sure I heard it right! Lol! Of course it was about K-9. I still wish K-9 would rust! Hey I put up with that dog for years.


        Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett
        I'm also beginning to respect Mickey a hell of a lot. He may act like a nump, but the skills are there, he plays a sort of "Lone gunman" role from the X Files. He has obviously amazing hacking and tech skills, and even if hes a bit slow, the initiative is there, even in taking the photo of the slitheen.

        Basically. In his own way, Mickey has embraced the fact that there are ET threats out there and is dedicated to fighting them, hes even going LOOKING for them as opposed to just letting them come to him.
        Yeah I'm liking Mickey a lot more as time progresses and I didn't have too much trouble understanding his initial apprehension... I also don't think that he really felt comfortable with the ninth doctor which I think played a large part in his decision not to travel with them. While he was a merely a recurring character, one could track his journey and the way he has gradually embraced the whole ET phenomenon. He's a late bloomer and probably not that different from the great majority of people.

        Originally posted by Mr Prophet
        Although clearly they were playing up the parallels to a romantic relationship - and touching on the impact that travelling with the Doctor might have on your later love life - I didn't think that there was any implication of actual romance - resolved or otherwise - between the Doctor and Sarah Jane. The issue at stake with Sarah Jane was that she was abandoned. In Aberdeen. It obviously hit her in much the same way as losing a lover might, but it was the abandonment and uncertainty that was important, not the precise nature of what was lost.
        There is probably enough ambiguity in their conversation to allow for different interpretations. I realise that the Doctor's feelings weren't explored in any great depth in the classic series although it was usually evident that he experienced some degree of grief every time he lost a travelling companion.
        However, it seems to me that there have been quite a number of indicators in the last few episodes that suggest to me that they're trying to push for a romantic agenda for the Doctor and to reinterpret some of the earlier relationships as having some element of romance. Cassandra Rose hinted as much and Rose herself is almost convinced of it.

        I suppose some of it has to do with the Tenth Doctor being such a warm and effusive personality. It tends to give more credence to the romance angle and possibly gives Rose reason to believe that there's more than a platonic friendship between them. One often forgets that a 900 plus year old time lord belies that youthful appearance.
        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


          Originally posted by cvife
          and dont forget that mikey's going with them aswell if he's involved it's always going to be fun.
          Wow!! The first non-white actor to get a chance at being an official companion by going on an adventure!!

          Doctor Who is stepping into the 1980s!!!
          My favorite Doctor Who websites;

          Each episode in amazing detailed notes
          Build a Dalek
          Build a TARDIS
          Dedicated to Pamela Nash, the woman who caused a ton of Who episodes to be missing
          The Police Box Website



            I like the way he scratched K-9's ear, just like he's a real pet


              David Tennant's enthusiasm in this episode is unmistakable... not sure if it's the fanboy in him... But whatever it is, it works!

              Hubs made a comment that Sarah Jane reminded him of Roslin from BSG and initially I said, "It's the hair!" But having had a second look, I think he's right... there's a strong resemblance.
              "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                Originally posted by Easter Lily
                David Tennant's enthusiasm in this episode is unmistakable... not sure if it's the fanboy in him... But whatever it is, it works!
                Im convinced its that
                Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                  Originally posted by Easter Lily
                  Hubs made a comment that Sarah Jane reminded him of Roslin from BSG and initially I said, "It's the hair!" But having had a second look, I think he's right... there's a strong resemblance.
                  I had the exact same thought as well. It isn't just the hair either. She has similiar cheekbones.


                    K-9's sacrifice combined with the last dialogue tween the Doctor and Sarah-Jane really did bring tears to my eyes.

                    It was so great seeing them on the screen together again.

                    Did anybody else get a bit of a shiver when SJS walked into the storage room and found the TARDIS?

                    Does anybody else think the 'lunch lady' look works for BP? (what look doesn't?)

                    My fave quote was SJS: You must be getting older. Your assistants are getting younger.

                    my page
                    My LJ
                    From now on, our name will be 'Tenac'.


                      wow. I've just watched it for the 2nd time with the Gruesomes and apart from #1 waiting for Buffy to show up..

                      I really really like that scene by the pool when the dark side of the doctor is confirmed. Fantastic.

                      And brilliant acting, and finally finally finally... one of the old assistants so we can see what comes next.

                      This could turn out to be my favourite Who ever.
                      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



                        This IS my favourite Who ever. Which I wasn't expecting.

                        "Whudda the mean lady do to you? Aww" *scratches behind ear*


                        And the thing that get's me about K-9 III's death is the way he wags his tail at the 'good dog' line, like he totally understands and forgives.

                        There's a fan theory going way back to K-9 II's first appearance that the K-9s' automatically link to the TARDIS whenenever it touches down and upload their memories - meaning K-9 IV remembers everything the first three experienced. Which is a nice thought.


                          Originally posted by Major Clanger
                          apart from #1 waiting for Buffy to show up...
                          LOL! Buffyesque it was.
                          "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


                            I was waiting for anthony to clean his glasses because he wasn't impressed with the doctor and co.


                              Great episode - not quite as good as Tooth and Claw, but still very good.

                              One question: What actually happened with the Doctor and Sarah-Jane? I get that he was called back to Gallifrey and humans can't go there, but why didn't he go back for her afterwards? (Technically that's two questions, but they're basically the same...)


                                Originally posted by Naonak
                                Great episode - not quite as good as Tooth and Claw, but still very good.

                                One question: What actually happened with the Doctor and Sarah-Jane? I get that he was called back to Gallifrey and humans can't go there, but why didn't he go back for her afterwards? (Technically that's two questions, but they're basically the same...)
                                I think it's the same reason he said to Rose- he hates watching people get old and die when he will have to live on, so he abandons them and moves on occasionally.

