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    Originally posted by Ted_Beckett
    I was just thinking about something and i gotta wonder, how come we haven't seen the Cylon that was found aboard the space station in the mini series? Did they retire that model or something?
    The actor who plays him has apparently been getting alot of roles lately hence his absence on BSG...
    but not to worry he'll be back soon.
    Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


      this was a really good episode, it was also very disturbing to see all the cylon's in the café acting like humans.


        Originally posted by titans
        The actor who plays him has apparently been getting alot of roles lately hence his absence on BSG...
        but not to worry he'll be back soon.
        Ah ha! So he's been busy infiltrating human society on Earth working toward its eventual utter and complete destruction. (As opposed to just a plain old everyday destruction.)
        "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

        I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.


          Hey all,
          could someone send me the name of the Resistance leader, the guy that got trapped in the rubble with #3, Six and Sharon.

          I am in the midst of writing an alternate universe fic that involve a trip to Caprica either via a forgottne Gate or aboard one of the SG starships. I have not entirely figured that one out yet. I am placing in between this episode and the arrival of Kara in the next episode.

          BTW loved this episode. Still think that what the Caprican Resistance needs is a Special Forces A-Team, some Earth weapons, and to become like the Viet Cong to the Toasters and the Skinjobs.


            Originally posted by KSTreadhead
            Hey all,
            could someone send me the name of the Resistance leader, the guy that got trapped in the rubble with #3, Six and Sharon.

            I am in the midst of writing an alternate universe fic that involve a trip to Caprica either via a forgottne Gate or aboard one of the SG starships. I have not entirely figured that one out yet. I am placing in between this episode and the arrival of Kara in the next episode.

            BTW loved this episode. Still think that what the Caprican Resistance needs is a Special Forces A-Team, some Earth weapons, and to become like the Viet Cong to the Toasters and the Skinjobs.
            Um. I'm sure you've already got it froms omewhere else, but he's Anders. I believe his first name's Samuel too. So yeah. Samuel Anders.


              Okay, in original canon, Apollo, Sheba and Starbuck met up with some ascended type beings after dealing with Count Iblis. Apollo was resurrected and the three of them told they wouldn't remember their visit.

              Next thing you know, the three of them are in quarters with Adama and are having a meal and talk of Earth happens. Suddenly, one of them starts by describing the location and each of the others follows suite as if the knowledge is firmly implanted in their brains. Sheba was Caine's daughter, fyi.

              Speaking of daughters, where the frak is Athena? or Casseopeia? And what's happened with Boxey? Did they take long walks out of short air locks? Original Canon, Boxey's mother Serena and Apollo marry early on in the series (original movie? I forget) and when she dies, Apollo is left raising his stepson with the help of all the other warriors. Athena was Adama's daughter. Yeah, she was a secondary character, but she was a nice contrast to her rougher brother Apollo. She was "Adama's Heart" if Apollo was his "Right hand of vengeance" if you know what I mean.

              And Casseopeia? She was just too cool. Sociolator turned medical staff? And both she and Athena were forever viying for Starbuck's attentions.

              yeah, Starbucks a girl now and doing far better than I had ever originally imagined her doing. But Casseopeia? Athena? Adama's lost his heart. Its just not there.

              Anyway, the series isn't quite following original canon, but its so close, there must be a plan. And the scriptwriters must have taken lessons from JMS. Nice consice ark but the episodes can stand alone. You don't need to follow the series to follow the series.
              Things we'd like to see in our favorite scifi...
              "Ori, meet Wraiths. Wraiths, meet Ori. I'm sure you'll get along famously." ~ any member of SG1.
              "Priors, meet Cylons. Cylons, Meet Priors. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful theologic discussion." ibid
              "This is the BattleStar Galactica - please identify yourself."
              "This is the Earth Vessel Daedelus. Are you lost?"
              "The WHAT Vessel?" Galactica Actual.


                Originally posted by Mamid
                Anyway, the series isn't quite following original canon, but its so close, there must be a plan. And the scriptwriters must have taken lessons from JMS. Nice consice ark but the episodes can stand alone. You don't need to follow the series to follow the series.
                That’s kind of the point. Ron Moore is writing his own show. He is not trying to reproduce the original. That’s why it’s called a re-imagined BSG.

                Yeah, the main story arc and the smaller ones are part of what make the show great. That's what made B5 so great.
                IMO always implied.


                  Originally posted by badblu
                  this was a really good episode, it was also very disturbing to see all the cylon's in the café acting like humans.
                  Thats ok, they were at Starbucks

                  'All of this has happened before
                  And all of this will happen again
                  So say we all.'


                    Originally posted by Mamid
                    Okay, in original canon, Apollo, Sheba and Starbuck met up with some ascended type beings after dealing with Count Iblis. Apollo was resurrected and the three of them told they wouldn't remember their visit.

                    Next thing you know, the three of them are in quarters with Adama and are having a meal and talk of Earth happens. Suddenly, one of them starts by describing the location and each of the others follows suite as if the knowledge is firmly implanted in their brains. Sheba was Caine's daughter, fyi.

                    Speaking of daughters, where the frak is Athena? or Casseopeia? And what's happened with Boxey? Did they take long walks out of short air locks? Original Canon, Boxey's mother Serena and Apollo marry early on in the series (original movie? I forget) and when she dies, Apollo is left raising his stepson with the help of all the other warriors. Athena was Adama's daughter. Yeah, she was a secondary character, but she was a nice contrast to her rougher brother Apollo. She was "Adama's Heart" if Apollo was his "Right hand of vengeance" if you know what I mean.

                    And Casseopeia? She was just too cool. Sociolator turned medical staff? And both she and Athena were forever viying for Starbuck's attentions.

                    yeah, Starbucks a girl now and doing far better than I had ever originally imagined her doing. But Casseopeia? Athena? Adama's lost his heart. Its just not there.

                    Anyway, the series isn't quite following original canon, but its so close, there must be a plan. And the scriptwriters must have taken lessons from JMS. Nice consice ark but the episodes can stand alone. You don't need to follow the series to follow the series.
                    This isn't meant to be a copy of the original AFAIK.
                    Athena is mentioned on Kobol - but I guess they are refering to the goddess rather than the Heart.
                    New series Adama has two sons - zak and lee and zak is dead (always has been...not so if he always will be...)
                    Not sure about Casseopeia - maybe it is a character they will develop on New Caprica in S3 or Earth at some point int he future or maybe it something they have shed altogether. Boxey was in the new series briefly and I can't remember if RDM (or someone else) said that he may make an appearance later on, though at which point I dont know. Hell, maybe he mistook an airlock for the men's room

                    My work colleague has just started watching the new series and is completely confused. I've told him to forget the old series (ie: do not even try to compare it) when he watches the new. I think the NS is a great stand alone (having never really watched/liked the original) and I really like where it is going.


                    'All of this has happened before
                    And all of this will happen again
                    So say we all.'


                      Original Canon:
                      Apollo : Adama's eldest
                      Athena : Adama's daughter
                      Zak : Adama's son who dies during the initial cylon attack.

                      There as a wonderful scene where Lorne Green showed a tonne of emotion of a man who not only lost his son, but the love of his life back on Caprica. Its where he makes the pronoucement of "every man woman and child in every ship that can fly" (whatever) and takes the rag tag fleet away from Caprica.

                      Yah, not all canon, but soooo close...

                      I remember reading one of the books about Baltar's aide on the Basestar having a long think about how lucky he was that he had two brains instead of just one and that the Imperious Leader had three.
                      Things we'd like to see in our favorite scifi...
                      "Ori, meet Wraiths. Wraiths, meet Ori. I'm sure you'll get along famously." ~ any member of SG1.
                      "Priors, meet Cylons. Cylons, Meet Priors. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful theologic discussion." ibid
                      "This is the BattleStar Galactica - please identify yourself."
                      "This is the Earth Vessel Daedelus. Are you lost?"
                      "The WHAT Vessel?" Galactica Actual.


                        Originally posted by Mamid
                        Original Canon:
                        Apollo : Adama's eldest
                        Athena : Adama's daughter
                        Zak : Adama's son who dies during the initial cylon attack.

                        There as a wonderful scene where Lorne Green showed a tonne of emotion of a man who not only lost his son, but the love of his life back on Caprica. Its where he makes the pronoucement of "every man woman and child in every ship that can fly" (whatever) and takes the rag tag fleet away from Caprica.

                        Yah, not all canon, but soooo close...

                        I remember reading one of the books about Baltar's aide on the Basestar having a long think about how lucky he was that he had two brains instead of just one and that the Imperious Leader had three.
                        I have enough trouble with the one lonely braincell I have
                        Season three is on its way soon, maybe we'll find out about those other characters...

                        'All of this has happened before
                        And all of this will happen again
                        So say we all.'


                          Glad to hear that Baltar isn't a cylon (haven't seen this one yet, not till Tuesday). I think the biggest part of the dramatic/emotional resonance of Baltar's character is the fact that as a HUMAN he betrayed humanity (albeit without realising it at the time). If he was simply a cylon when he set the events in motion to start the war it would weaken that enormously and greatly diminish the character's appeal, I think.

                          So it never made any sense to me that TPTB would reveal he was a cylon at some point. I'm sure they realise that the complexity of his character, his angst, are what make him what he is and what have led him to make the choices he has since. If he was a cylon simply carrying out orders he'd have no angst, no guilt, and that would make him very boring.

                          Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                          Richard Dean Anderson



                            1. Baltar in Six's head who he's turned into a good guy? Like it.

                            2. Only 10 weeks between Caprica getting nuked and the attempted Adama assasination? Yeah right!

                            3. Good to see the original Sharon again.

                            4. That's a mad gamble by Roslin concerning the baby. I like the idea of whoever it was earlier saying they should have just kept the baby under security and let the Cylons in the fleet blow their cover.
                            I SURF FOR THE FREEDOM!


                              I really enjoyed this one. It was different from what I'd been led to expect by the odd spoiler I'd read.

                              I was puzzled by this whole 'Caprica Six' thing. Everyone looking at her as as hero or big star as she walked down the street. How could they tell? I mean there are tons of Sixes wandering around. How could the others tell which one was her? Was she always wearing the same outfit or something? <g> Or is there just that human prejudice: 'They all look the same to us'. But the Cylons recognise something individual in each clone and can tell one Six or one Twelve from another? Intriguing.

                              I hadn't anticiapted that the original Sharon would wake up in her new body still thinking she was human and be horrified at the thought of spending the rest of her life among Cylons. Still see them as the enemy. That was really intriguing to me and I loved the emotional conflicts it set up. Caprica Six's confusion was, of course, also unexpected and a bonus. Also, it was just nice to see the original Sharon back.

                              I was hoping that at least one of them would run off with the rebels at the end, but in fact the way the story progressed was even more interesting.

                              I've been feeling that the last few episodes have been a little lacklustre and the middle of the season fading a little. But the denouement to last week's episode and now this one has my interest perking up again. Can't wait for next week.

                              Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                              Richard Dean Anderson


                                Well I have to say that after the scenes in the underground car-park in this episode, I certainly have a new-found respect for Citroen's export team. They clearly managed to ship at least one of their 1972 Saloons all the way to Caprica. Heartwarming to know that _somebody_ other than The Pink Panther bought one...

