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Resurrection Ship, Part 1 (211)

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    Originally posted by USA1290
    Hello: I was wondering the same myself. I was thinking if they could get onboard & hack into the Cylon mainframe Computer or thru to the Basestar Computers & get information that way. Would'nt that be more useful? Prehaps they could plant thier own virus? Is that possible>I'm not tech-minded & don't know how long it takes to make a virus.

    I also wonder if theres a Cylon centurion crew guarding the ship or a small crew & the process is mainly automated? Would a Colonial boarding party suceed?

    When Boomer & Kat[?] boarded the Basestar, I don't remember any alarms sounding. A Basestar is different than this ship!! Might be heavily guarded.

    Any thoughts?
    This is just how I think, If the cylons had 2 basestars guarding the resurrection ship and galactica was able to destroy the basestars or enter the resurrection ship without being detected, the cylons are fracked at least for the time being, because I think the cylons are over confiddent.

    The reason why Boomer and I beleive Racetrack were able to enter the cylon basestar was because of the discovery and modification Lt. Gaeta made on the cylon device, known as the Cylon Transponder. I believe it was that device, because it also worked for Starbuck when she jumped to capprica in the cylon raider and they picked up the transponder signal as a freindly.

    Hope that helps:
    Last edited by GALACTIC MYTH; 08 January 2006, 01:53 PM.


      It will be interesting how they will resolve admiral cain and pegasus. if the missions goes well and they destroy the ressurection ship, will they now go on the offensive? what happened to finding earth?

      do they know exactly where the cylon homeworld is ?

      obviously i think admiral cain will be taken out, either killed or demoted, i'm pretty sure adama will be back in full command. there's also the question rosalin and what'll happen to her. she has less than a week left.


        Originally posted by Battousai the Manslayer
        Thanks for ruining Buffy for me. I'm on the beginning of season 2.
        You shouldn't be worried even if you were spoiled. If you're just at beginning of Season 2, I guarantee you that there are going to be bigger developments (*snicker* *snicker*) to surprised about. Please, take my word for it.

        Galactica is awesome. Stargate people need to bring their game, come on.
        Instead of explaining to the enemy how their weapon works to them, they could just add more plot you know, like Galactica does.
        Last edited by darman; 08 January 2006, 01:21 PM.


          Just another thought, since Roslin is the presedent couldn't she just promote Adam and demote Cain?


            Originally posted by cyke
            " they know exactly where the cylon homeworld is?
            Greetings I think they do, did'nt it say in the mini, that they built the Armistice station 1/2 way between the Colonies & the Cylon homeworld?

            This is going to be some season!!
            COME ON FRIDAY!


              Originally posted by GALACTIC MYTH
              The reason why Boomer and I beleive Racetrack were able to enter the cylon basestar was because of the discovery and modification Lt. Gaeta made on the cylon device, known as the Cylon Transponder. I believe it was that device, because it also worked for Starbuck when she jumped to capprica in the cylon raider and they picked up the transponder signal as a freindly.

              Hope that helps:
              Greetings, thanks for responding! I do remember the transponder. I was wondering is that all those Boomer BioCylons showed up. I did'nt understand if they were crew responding to a alarm or just passengers who happened by.
              They did'nt appear to be in a rush & I'd think the Cylon Centurions would respond to a boarding. I thought that internal sensors would have detected the nuke. They did'nt seem to be overly concerned.


                Originally posted by USA1290
                Greetings I think they do, did'nt it say in the mini, that they built the Armistice station 1/2 way between the Colonies & the Cylon homeworld?

                This is going to be some season!!
                COME ON FRIDAY!
                I believe it said in the mini that they didnt know where the cylons went to after the war. I dont recall them talking about the placement of Armistice station.


                  Originally posted by USA1290
                  Greetings, thanks for responding! I do remember the transponder. I was wondering is that all those Boomer BioCylons showed up. I did'nt understand if they were crew responding to a alarm or just passengers who happened by.
                  They did'nt appear to be in a rush & I'd think the Cylon Centurions would respond to a boarding. I thought that internal sensors would have detected the nuke. They did'nt seem to be overly concerned.
                  good point on the nuke. Because in the later episodes the BSG crew said that the cylons can detect nukes, but in that note it might be possible the other cylons knew that it was time for Sharon to shoot Adam since there all programed for a particular mission.


                    Originally posted by USA1290
                    Greetings I think they do, did'nt it say in the mini, that they built the Armistice station 1/2 way between the Colonies & the Cylon homeworld?

                    This is going to be some season!!
                    COME ON FRIDAY!
                    I don't remember them stating where the cylons homeworld but the colonies gave a location for them to meat. (I could very well be wrong) Also I think if the colones knew where there homeworld was they would nuke it with everything they had and BSG would never happen.


                      Originally posted by GALACTIC MYTH
                      I don't remember them stating where the cylons homeworld but the colonies gave a location for them to meat. (I could very well be wrong) Also I think if the colones knew where there homeworld was they would nuke it with everything they had and BSG would never happen.
                      The Cylons had disappeared into "unknown space", or some such thing. This is, I believe, the first mention of a home world.

                      a time to mourn


                        Originally posted by Hatcheter
                        The Cylons had disappeared into "unknown space", or some such thing. This is, I believe, the first mention of a home world.
                        thanks thats what I thought but couldn't find the words for some reason. although it was a simple Q/A.


                          Originally posted by rexpop
                          Given that its supposed to be part of their religion it looked more like a church or cathedral rather than a battleship, and so form would win out over function. All of which worked for me.
                          Never saw it shaped like a church or cathedral, I always thought it looked like a spinal column. But with that in mind, yeah I can see the resemblance.

                          If Cain dies, who would assume command of the Pegasus, would it be Tigh or Fisk?


                            Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                            Never saw it shaped like a church or cathedral, I always thought it looked like a spinal column. But with that in mind, yeah I can see the resemblance.

                            If Cain dies, who would assume command of the Pegasus, would it be Tigh or Fisk?
                            I'm going to have to guess. I would think it would be Fisk as he is the current XO of that ship & Tigh is assigned to the Galaticia. I'm guessing the Colonial chain of command is structured like Earth's.
                            I also think Adama would want to keep Tigh with him, as they have a past. I know there are transfers & such but should Cain pass away, that would restore Adama to ranking officer & he would choose who goes where.


                              first off, regarding Laura Roslin... I forgot to add the following...
                              Originally posted by SGalisa:
                              glad to see Laura Roslin not holding back... She has nothing to lose and everything to gain -if she survives her cancer ordeal.

                              One of the nice touches (of *realism* too) was when Adama visited Roslin during one of her sicky moments (tucked in under a blanket, possibly running a fever and feeling lousy). But her advice to him was amazing (to keep especially him alive!), considering he had her locked up before...
                              Originally posted by Skydiver:
                              ...she defends the civilians of the fleet like a lioness would her cubs.
                              excellent comparison...
                              Laura the Lioness
                              (oooo! *cat* fight! hissss! grrrrr!)

                              Originally posted by cyke:
                              what happened to finding earth?
                              there's also the question rosalin and what'll happen to her. she has less than a week left.
                              perhaps the search for earth takes a back seat?
                              (for more eps to be shown first)
                              I seem to recall during the beginning of the ep, previous recaps: the doctor telling Laura the she maybe has up to a few weeks left (to live)... a month at the most. Laura is making the most of these last moments. I'm just awed that she's just as protective of (Bill) Adama as she is for the rest of the fleet that's been following the Galactica since the mini-series first began.


                                Great episode, it really keept me one the edge of my seat the whole time.

                                I´m looking forward to seeing how the attack on the resurrection ship goes. But there is the big flaw in Adamas plans as it is possible (if you don´t know this is a show) that Starbuck might be killed in the battle. This would leave Adama without any way of killing Cain. He really should have picked someone who was going to be on Cains bridge no matter what for the job.

                                I also think that Fisk won´t pull the trigger. The big question is will he decide against it before picking his marine compliment or after? If the latter we could end up with a gun fight aboard Galactica.

