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Flight of the Phoenix (209)

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    Only part I "disliked" in this episode was the fact that Adama COMPLETELY ignored a thousand DEAD cylon raiders and transports. They had a LOT of mint condition enemy vessels to steal to use for spare parts, metal, study, etc. I'm almost certain they were in dire need of parts that very episode, yet Adama just simply let them all be destroyed. I know it was emotional and impactful and a crew morale boosting.. but that morale boost would have been nearly the same if they made more Blackbirds, were able to repair Vipers better, were able to study more and learn how to destroy them better etc.

    I just don't see, strategically, why Adama let them destroy a fleet of perfectly healthy cylon ships which were disabled with a virus.

    I almost spoke out loud during the episode.. I thought it was silly.

    But it was fun none the less hearing them destroy a bunch of fish in the barrel.
    "Did you really expect some Utopian fantasy to rise from the ashes?"


      Originally posted by keshou
      And it was a stealth fighter named "Blackbird". What are the chances.
      That is fitting considering the SR-71 (now retired from service) was just a really fast reconnaissance aircraft and had no armament which apparently this one doesn’t have any either. Or I don’t think it does.
      I know the ending was sappy - when they named the Viper "Laura". But I got all teary anyway. Especially after Roslin got her bad news. Jeez, I have been trying to avoid spoilers - surely they're not really going to kill her off?
      It may have been sappy but I just loved it. That scene and the scene with her and Adama in his quarters were my favorites of the night. Oh and Tigh’s snark about knowing a still when he sees one and him snatching a pint. There is no way the end can be near for her this soon. Something has to happen next week that suspends that. Aside from any scene between Adama and Lee, the scenes with Roslin and Adama are my favorite of the show. Those two characters have a great dynamic and the actors work well together. I’ll be so sad if and when she goes.
      Only ONE more episode until the break. What the heck am I going to do without this show?
      Well I’ll be watching my Season 1 DVDs which ship out tomorrow. Yay! I should get my pre-ordered copy by Friday.

      Originally posted by FeloniousMonk
      For all we know this is something the chief has wanted to do since high school. Those plans looked too detailed to have been dreamt up in a few hours.
      I just assumed those were some schematics from a Viper manual or something, but I guess since it was a modified Viper, the Chief was probably already tinkering with the idea long before hand.
      Originally posted by FeloniousMonk
      As far as building the rest of the ship I don't see why it would take months. He's basing the design around a craft he already knows inside and out. The avionics package, the weapons, flight control systems, life support...all those could be cannibalized from broken Vipers and it would make sense that he'd design his new ship to use all those parts.
      I think he was strictly prohibited from using cannibalized parts from other Vipers, even if they were junk. He made a comment to Tigh that he needed Adama’s permission to cannibalize a junk Viper so that’s why he was trading booze for parts and material out in the fleet. This was more like a hobby for him and the others so it wasn’t official military business so he couldn’t use designated military hardware. That’s why he didn’t have any metal to spare for the skin because it was all earmarked for the future repair of Vipers.

      I know I shouldn’t care , but I just wish they would have had a better representation of the timeline. It just seemed really really odd in this episode. It seemed like maybe two or three days had passed from the time the Chief started to the time the others decided to pitch in and then only a day, maybe 2, after that you have Starbuck and Dee in that scene working on wiring. I guess everybody decided to quite their day jobs and help the Chief, including the Chief.

      Starting with when Tyrol decided to build his bird that night it cuts to him asking the others to help the next morning when they came on duty. It then goes to Roslin being told she only has weeks, maybe a month to live. (If she only has a month to live, they got that plane built in less than a month or otherwise she'd be gone or about to kick it in the next episode if something doesn’t happen, which obviously something is because it is way too early to loose a character that valuable.) Then it cuts to the firing range incident. Then it cuts to the scene where they are disusing the firing range and Gaeta knows what the problem is - a Cylon virus. Adama says he’ll get Helo to talk to Sharon. It jumps to Tyrol trying to affix the wing by himself and at that point the crew decides to help. (So obviously several days have passed maybe even a week from the time Tyrol starts to when the others pitch in so I guess the thing about the frame shouldn't bother me as much.) Adama and Tigh talk about Tyrol’s fighter then it jumps to Dee and Lee training and then finally to Helo talking to Sharon who then demands to see Adama. (I guess it was a day or two before Helo went to see Sharon. I would have thought it would have been right away but it doesn’t seem that way.) Adama talks to Sharon. Then it jumps to the scene with Starbuck and Dee working on the wiring and Tigh paying the Chief a visit. (possibly two days between the crew deciding to pitch in and this scene of them wiring the plane.) Cut to Adama talking to Roslin in his quarters where he tells her he just came from talking to Sharon. After that it cuts to Sharon being lead to CIC. (It could have been a day or a week between Adama’s conversation and Sharon being escorted to CIC. Who knows…..) We have the big Viper/Cylon face off/payback then it goes to the Chief wiring in an engine and Starbuck making the comment about it almost being complete except for the skin. Helo makes his suggestion about the carbon composite and voila! Cut to completed plane.

      The time line was just really choppy/ambiguous to me…….. I guess it just would have been better if this little project had been say spread out over two or three episodes, but I’m guessing the plane plays a crucial part in next week’s episode.

      Yes, I was extremely bored tonight. I promise to let the subject drop after tonight.
      IMO always implied.


        Originally posted by anotherquestion
        Why did we see all the "cut scenes" showing the invading Cylon fleet? Sure it was great for building tension and a growing sense of menance, but, in the end, all the ships simply "jumped" immediately to BSG's vicinity. All the "jumps" we've seen in the past were instantaneous, there was no "whooshing" around of small groups of ships. One explanation might be that we were seeing small patrols being recalled. The fleet formation might have been gathered from many scattered locations then simultaneously jumped to the same destination.
        I got the impression that the fleet was gathering waiting for the signal from Galactica that the logic bomb was in control of the ship. The chatter from the comms system could have been status reports being broadcast. We know from the first series that Starbuck was able to jump directly from the fleet back to Caprica so there is no reason to believe that the Cylon fleet couldn't have jumped on top of Galactica at any time.


          Originally posted by keshou
          It wasn't perfect. Like others I have a hard time buying old Chief - as much as I love him - being able to fabricate a Viper in his spare time. I mean maybe a long project over several months but this seemed like it was just weeks. And it was a stealth fighter named "Blackbird". What are the chances.
          Why would it take so long? From the mini series we know that himself and his crew reconditioned Adama's old scrapped viper in their spare time without any notice been taken. If it took months to put together then I'm sure Adama would have spotted the shrouded heap of junk when touring the ship.

          The ship Tyrol threw together was literally thrown together. The frame seemed to take the greatest length of time. There were no weapons systems fitted - it was barebones navigation and communications. There is inapropriate dampening so the manuveurabilty is pretty poor which is why Starbuck had trouble getting it under control. The ship is no more than a prototype which needs quite a bit of refinement, the only redeeming factor is its stealth and that only came about because Helo made a remark about usig the carbon fibre hull from the raptor - it wasn't like Tyrol had put it in his design plans.


            Originally posted by Bl4de
            Only part I "disliked" in this episode was the fact that Adama COMPLETELY ignored a thousand DEAD cylon raiders and transports. They had a LOT of mint condition enemy vessels to steal to use for spare parts, metal, study, etc. I'm almost certain they were in dire need of parts that very episode, yet Adama just simply let them all be destroyed. I know it was emotional and impactful and a crew morale boosting.. but that morale boost would have been nearly the same if they made more Blackbirds, were able to repair Vipers better, were able to study more and learn how to destroy them better etc.

            I just don't see, strategically, why Adama let them destroy a fleet of perfectly healthy cylon ships which were disabled with a virus.

            I almost spoke out loud during the episode.. I thought it was silly.

            But it was fun none the less hearing them destroy a bunch of fish in the barrel.
            I thougth the same at first.

            But those cylon 'ships' are cylons. Remember, they've got guts and everything inside of them. You would have to kill the living stuff on the inside in order to salvage the metal hulk on the outside.

            And who knows how long the virus would have lasted? Those cylons could possibly have fixed the problem quickly and then resumed their attack. Much better to kill them now and then ask questions later.

            However, I would say that they had lots of scrap metal out there that could now be put to good use. A salvage operation might have been useful.


              Enjoyed this one. I went all sappy when they named the ship Laura.

              I'm a bit torn about Roslin actually. OTOH, I enjoy the character and would hate to see her leave the show. But on the other, I sooooooooo hope they're not planning the very cliched 'next week we find an alien miracle cure for Roslin's cancer and poof - she's fine from this point on'.

              So I'm hoping they can come up with something original to allow her to stay. But have to say my hopes aren't high.

              I keep feeling sorry for Sharon. I'm seeing a trend towards gradually having her become a part of the Galactica crew, let her out of prison. Whether she's fully trusted or not is another matter. And I would go along with that. She's a sympathetic character, machine or not. And I can't see them keeping her in that cell forever.

              Also my heart goes out to the Chief. <sob>

              The building of a new Viper was an interesting angle - highlighting a problem that they would of course have. Losing Vipers in battle and being unable to replace them, their stock must be running low. But, like other posters, I can't understand why they haven't been trying to salvage from Cylon fighters, which would have gone some way to solving their dwindling supplies. Even given that the 'Laura' was a success, they can't possibly build new Vipers fast enough to replace old stock. Especially when it was made clear in this episode that they had trouble finding enough parts to build the 'Laura' and it took a lot to get it all together. Building new Vipers in the circumstances we were presented with just doesn't seem to be a long-term option.

              Also, here is as good a place as any to say that I have to get down on bended knees and offer up a heartfelt apology to this show. I've been forced to completely revise my opinion of it, after having no time for it last year. It just...grew on me. Now, I've just finished catching up on the S1 DVDs and have been ethralled each week with season two.

              I still have trouble buying into episodes like Colonial Day and Final Cut, because the whole premise underlying them of a press pack and private resorts like Cloud Nine just make no logical sense to me whatsoever for a tiny group that's having to claw daily for survival, fighting a war, on the run. They're a complete waste of resources and in reality would probably have resulted in getting the lot of them killed by now. I mean, come on! You're scrabbling to survive day by day, resources low and you're allowing two guys to spend their time debating politics on a radio show all day?!? No way! In such a situation you'd have to use every last resource you had just to keep going. Including manpower. Those two would have to be told to start shifting crates in cargo or something if I was in charge. Earn their rations. Contribute something useful. When they settle on a planet they can indulge themself in reporters and political analysts. Along with admen, hairdressers, stockbrockers and all the rest. But not when they're in such a crisis situation. They're a luxury that the fleet just couldn't afford right now.

              So that continues to be a sore point with me. I just can't buy it as a premise. But apart from that I'm a true blue convert.

              Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

              Richard Dean Anderson


                Originally posted by Bl4de
                Only part I "disliked" in this episode was the fact that Adama COMPLETELY ignored a thousand DEAD cylon raiders and transports. They had a LOT of mint condition enemy vessels to steal to use for spare parts, metal, study, etc. I'm almost certain they were in dire need of parts that very episode, yet Adama just simply let them all be destroyed. I know it was emotional and impactful and a crew morale boosting.. but that morale boost would have been nearly the same if they made more Blackbirds, were able to repair Vipers better, were able to study more and learn how to destroy them better etc.

                I just don't see, strategically, why Adama let them destroy a fleet of perfectly healthy cylon ships which were disabled with a virus.

                I almost spoke out loud during the episode.. I thought it was silly.

                But it was fun none the less hearing them destroy a bunch of fish in the barrel.
                I think the pilots would've left a few intact here and there because they know better, or at least Apollo may have said "Hey, leave half a dozen or so untouched to take back to Galactica."

                Don't get me wrong, I certainly see the issue with Adama not saying that himself but I just assume the order would be relayed after the scene ended (they had quite a few of them to work with, I'm sure they can have their fun ). While it would've made more sense to actually hear that line for us nitpickers, I think it would've taken from the drama just a bit.


                  Originally posted by LoneStar1836
                  That is fitting considering the SR-71 (now retired from service) was just a really fast reconnaissance aircraft and had no armament which apparently this one doesn’t have any either. Or I don’t think it does.

                  The time line was just really choppy/ambiguous to me…….. I guess it just would have been better if this little project had been say spread out over two or three episodes, but I’m guessing the plane plays a crucial part in next week’s episode.

                  Yes, I was extremely bored tonight. I promise to let the subject drop after tonight.
                  I agree, the timeline was pretty ambiguous. I would've liked to see some kind of counter at the beginning of each build scene like they did in 33 with the numbers of hours they'd been awake.

                  Oh and interesting note: While the SR-71 never had any weapons in production, its' prototype/predecessor the A12 (and the YF-12 for that matter) was tested for weapons capabilities and performed flawlessly. Had the CIA wanted to bomb the Soviets from a plane untouchable by even today's anti-aircraft defenses they could have.

                  Another interesting note is that the F-117 is called a stealth fighter despite being a bomber. o_O
                  Last edited by FeloniousMonk; 20 September 2005, 08:13 AM.


                    i assume the new viper has guns wudnt be much of a fighter if it didnt


                      What can I say.........Galactica just keeps getting better and keeps piling on the "what are the cylons up to???" !!!!!

                      Looking forward to next week


                        oh, one thing I forgot to point out

                        My favorite scene had to be when Tyrol was inspecting the downed Viper and had flashbacks to his time with Boomer. Makes me feel better about talking to cars when I work on them.


                          Originally posted by FeloniousMonk
                          I think the pilots would've left a few intact here and there because they know better, or at least Apollo may have said "Hey, leave half a dozen or so untouched to take back to Galactica."

                          Don't get me wrong, I certainly see the issue with Adama not saying that himself but I just assume the order would be relayed after the scene ended (they had quite a few of them to work with, I'm sure they can have their fun ). While it would've made more sense to actually hear that line for us nitpickers, I think it would've taken from the drama just a bit.
                          Lol let's hope.. I think already the show does that a lot, leaving some information out of the actual episode just leaving it up to people to guess, like how the heck were there like 5 Mark 3 Vipers for every 1 Mark 2 in the last episode lol. The episode before that Apollo said if anymore pilots were off rotation "cooks would be flying Vipers".
                          "Did you really expect some Utopian fantasy to rise from the ashes?"


                            Originally posted by keshou
                            And what's up with Lee and Dee having a "moment". I sure hope they don't go there. I'm just now starting to buy into Kara/Lee.
                            I'm glad that I'm not the only one that thought that was bizarre...
                            I was beginning to feel somewhat self-deluded...

                            Originally posted by LS
                            I know I shouldn’t care , but I just wish they would have had a better representation of the timeline. It just seemed really really odd in this episode. It seemed like maybe two or three days had passed from the time the Chief started to the time the others decided to pitch in and then only a day, maybe 2, after that you have Starbuck and Dee in that scene working on wiring. I guess everybody decided to quite their day jobs and help the Chief, including the Chief.
                            After thinking it through a few times now, I think that that this was my biggest problem with the episode. I am almost certain now that the ambiguity of the timeline took away from the episode's sense of cohesion. As I said earlier, the strength of the episode was in its various people moments and it its sense of place but what it didn't have was a sense of time to hang it all together. There was a lot of jumping around, as has been the case in many episodes but in those episodes the timeline was clearly delineated but in this one, it was hard to know when they occurred... a lot of little moments... a lot of glimpses but no strong overarching story to piece them all together as one consistent whole.
                            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                              Yeah the Dee/Lee thing is bad.. hopefully it was a fluke and we won't see Billy trying to defend his honor against Lee and some weird tension happening.
                              "Did you really expect some Utopian fantasy to rise from the ashes?"


                                I really hate to be the voice of Continuity but I haven't read one plausible explanation to explain the 40+ Vipers in this episode. In "Hand of God" they could only send up 20 ships and we know they lost a few of those.

                                I have to agree with some of the other posters that the editing seemed choppy at best, the story seemed to be all over the place time wise.

                                I've read lots of theories on who's a Cylon and who isn't, and I never saw any reason to suspect Dee until this episode. What is the #1 goal of the Cylons? Procreation. Dee practically molesting Lee on the wrestling mat reminded me of the alien from "Species." Dee was trying to select the most suitable male to produce an offspring. Any other reason for the forced attraction is just too stupid to contemplate.

