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    Originally posted by CaraRose View Post
    On Zarek-- he spent 4 months in detention, don't forget. We don't know what happened to him there. He stood up for his convictions that he had no intent of collaborating with the Cylons. He probably feels nothing but disgust for people who weren't willing to do the same.
    I know, but he spent how many years in prison for blowing up a government building on what Geminon, because he believed he was standing up for the oppressed. He came out of there affirmed in his beliefs in democracy. After 4 months in detention, I’m not sure I’m ready to believe that he would toss aside his democratic ideals.

    On election terms-- remember that term limits for the president did not exist in the USA before FDR. There's no reason to really assume that the colonies have any term limits for their presidents.
    True, but the two term limit before that was a tradition set by Washington, and presidents until FDR carried on with that tradition until it was finally written in stone. So if there are no term limits, then she could in theory remain president until she dies. Now if democratically elected after each term expires, of course there is no problem with that unless somebody decides to change the law.

    I'm pretty sure the quorum were aware of what Zarek would do once he confirmed Laura as his VP. I'm betting they wanted Laura to be the president again as much as, well, pretty much everyone in the fleet.
    But we don’t know for sure that Zarek outright told them his intentions. Maybe, maybe not. We don’t know for sure that everyone wanted her back. We can assume that, but we don’t know for certain, and now she has been inserted back into power.

    I’m not sure they can find a better person than Roslin to be president. During a time of war people generally stick to the president they know, like people did with FDR. But I still don’t quite agree with how she skirted around the election process and regained her power.
    IMO always implied.


      This was a pretty decent character-driven episode. I have a few random thoughts on it:

      *The interior structure of the Basestar was certainly not what I was expecting...didn't seem to fit, to me.

      *Cally forgetting that one of the NCP officers let her go was a bit of a stretch, but I guess I can understand forgetting things in a situation like that.

      *I felt really jarred out of the episode when Anders showed skepticism and something like disgust in the circle. Last episode he would have killed Ellen if Saul hadn't. I can see some difference between the two situations and that the circle was more about revenge, but it still came off as out of character to me.

      *BSG is always short for time as it is, but I'd have really liked to have seen Sharon or a mention of her.

      *Jammer's scene was one of the most powerful of the series to me, mostly due to his acting in it. His screaming of "I'm sorry!" was really spot on for me.

      *I'm greatly relieved that Gaeta made it out alive. I've always liked him, but his actions in this ep will propel him to "one of my favorites" status as long as he doesn't go back to being quite so background.

      *The Kara/Anders breakup scene made sense, but I really didn't like that she kissed him as she did before turning her back and walking away. That's a really cruel thing to do to a guy (of course, she probably wanted to be evil).

      *Adama clapping first at the end of Roslin's speech made sense, too, but it came across a bit cheesy to me. Also, it always seems like Bill's the first one to clap, haha ;D

      Overall, just a few nitpicks for an overall good episode. I can't wait to see where the story takes us.
      Originally posted by Scyld
      The primary difference is that the old version is made of suck, while the new version is made of win.


        Definately not my favorite episode but not the worst one I have seen either. For me it just served the purpose of tying up some loose ends from the previous episodes so that it can move on to better stuff. Still by far one of the best shows on TV.


          Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
          How brutal was that? I hated the scene when Kara broke up with her bf...that's upsetting, why did she kiss him though I wonder?
          I'm glad someone else noticed that too. If you go back to season 2 and watch "Scar" she did the same thing to Lee. It's the "Kara Thrace Kiss of Death."

          The only thing I hated about this episode was that I've been lead to believe that Base Stars were full of FLAMMABLE EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS and BUTT NAKKED CYLONS. When D'anna Biers came around the corner wearing a white dress it was a major dissapointment.
          Last edited by THSEX1138; 29 October 2006, 05:22 PM.
          "And you ask why?"


            Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
            How brutal was that? I hated the scene when Kara broke up with her bf...that's upsetting, why did she kiss him though I wonder?
            I think you mean husband, not bf.

            Which makes it even more brutal, that she would just break up with him so quickly after all they've been through.


              Originally posted by Backlash View Post
              Tigh also needs to sort out his mental state. The scene where he puts Ellen's clothes into his locker was unsettling.
              I agree he has some serious mental sorting out to do, not the least because whichever way you cut the cake, he took his own wife's life, but I didn't find him saving Ellen's clothes unsettling. I found it a hopeful reaction, given his current screwed-up state, that he would do something so normal. The urge to hang on to something tangible, like clothing that carries familiar textures and scents, is a very normal reaction following the death of someone you love.

              "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
              ---Bill Adama


                Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                (Now it’s been several years since I’ve studied American government, but I think I’m remembering it correctly.) I wonder how long Colonial presidential terms are and for how many terms they can serve.
                The limit in the US is 10 years total. If you are a vice president and a president dies less than two years into his term, the remaining time in his term is considered your first term, and you can only run for re-election once. If the president dies two years and one day into his term, you serve out the rest of his, and than can run for re-election twice.

                Unless i'm mistaken they haven't given us a length of Colonial presidential terms or if they are termlimited though.

                I happen to agree with you, I don't think Roslin can be considered a democrat anymore. She is a military backed strongman who likes to think of herself as a democrat. Which is actually not unusal in female heads of state, it's happened several times in earth's history.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  i dunno. having a duty to do justmight ground her enough to help her deal with what happened.

                  she might need the familiarity of having an enemy that she can really fight instead of one that keeps coming back from the dead
                  I think returning to duty will mask the problem, for a time, but the wheels will sooner or later fall off the wagon (probably sooner, she wasn't all that stable emotionally or psychologically to start off with). She will have to be driven to seek help, she won't be able to do it on her own. I'm betting on Adama senior to do the driving, there's a deep need in her for his approval.....

                  "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
                  ---Bill Adama


                    Originally posted by LoneStar1836 View Post
                    I’m not sure they can find a better person than Roslin to be president. During a time of war people generally stick to the president they know, like people did with FDR. But I still don’t quite agree with how she skirted around the election process and regained her power.
                    She didn't actually skirt around the election process, technically Adama did by making it clear to Zarek that he wouldn't have the backing of the military. Zarek took the most expedient way out, by resigning in exchange for a "consideration". Her offer of the vice presidency was generous, given their past history, although I'm afraid it's going to come back and bite her.....assuming that she goes through with it, of course.

                    "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
                    ---Bill Adama


                      Originally posted by Major Fischer View Post
                      Which is actually not unusal in female heads of state, it's happened several times in earth's history.
                      Ouch, that smarts....

                      "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
                      ---Bill Adama


                        It probably comes under the old saying..."Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"!!


                          Originally posted by DarkOne View Post
                          It probably comes under the old saying..."Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"!!
                          I think you're right, I suspect that's the only reason she made the offer. Zarek's opposition to Baltar's collaboration with the Cylons and his time in detention will have served at least somewhat to redeem him in the eyes of the population (after his open campaigning to have Baltar elected). He is again a potentially dangerous force politically, and she will be wise to keep him where she can monitor his activities. Personally, I think he works as much for his own self-serving agenda as Baltar does, he's just a heck of a lot better at "spin".....

                          "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
                          ---Bill Adama


                            Originally posted by Back40 View Post
                            Ouch, that smarts....
                            The truth hurts. Women don't have a history of being anymore enlightened as rulers than men do. I still like Roslin though, so BSG just continues to have me routing for people who would scare the frak out of me in real life.


                              Originally posted by Major Fischer View Post
                              Women don't have a history of being anymore enlightened as rulers than men do. I still like Roslin though, so BSG just continues to have me routing for people who would scare the frak out of me in real life.
                              Unfortunately, no. Women are just as liable to be corrupted by power, and IMHO may be even more susceptible to needing/using "might" to back up that power.

                              *waits for lightning to strike*

                              "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
                              ---Bill Adama


                                Yeh I like it how Admiral Adama takes the piss, but the best line was "Get your fat ass outa here". Amazing.

                                But yeh I'm loving BSG so far, here in the UK were just showing repeats of season 2 on Sky, but I gotta say season 3 is brilliant so far. This episode was excellant and I agree the dark side is being shown! Colonol Tigh is my favourite character of the show now, he's showing his true self, a no nonsence character and I agree he should become a General or summink.

                                But I can't believe they killed off Jammer, what was all that about!! He's been on the show for so long! It tells you that any character can be taken off the show except for the major ones obviously. But yeh I'm gald Gaeta was not taken off!! I'm not too sure I like where the Baltar story line is going though! It seems a bit too much!! But Lucy Lawless was looking hot in that white dress, buff-a-la-ding-dong.

                                All in all A good ep a a great season so far last weeks was brilliant, the graphics were amazing! I just hope Sci-Fi realize that fixing the Friday night line up when it wasn't broken was a mistake!!
                                I HATE SY-FY

