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Exodus, Part 2 (304)

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    Originally posted by titans View Post
    At least Peggy went out taking with it THREE Basestars!! She went out like the badass she was!!
    This episode was unbelievable. All I can say is, who else other than Admiral Adama would have the brass ballz the size of grapefruits to do an in atmosphere jump, launch vipers and then jump out before they crash on the surface. That take more guts than a blind jump, like Cain did.

    And yeah Lee was whinning about staying behind, but when you talk about saving humanity and you have to sit back while the "old man" goes to save everyone, its gonna eat on you. And to think, he ordered the Pegasus in to take the brunt of the belting from the base ships. But oh yeah, the Beast took out three frackin basestars. To bad she's gone.

    But, I can help but wonder, what's going on in Tigh's head when they're all cheering Adama and Tigh is wondering off in shock at the prices he paid to free everyone, including killing his own wife. Damn, that's got to hurt.

    All in all, kudos to RDM and crew. Great episode, and great storytelling.

    And yes, the Dee/Lee thing was just awkward. its like going to a party seeing the couple that comes off as perfect for each other and you want to go wretch in the jungle juice.


      Problem I have with the episode and rest of the series now is the massive character retcon.

      So what is Lee Commander of now? His dressingroom? Or will he be stripped of his rank and we just 'reset' to a pre-determined "Lee is the KAG, better luck next time" And if so what avout everyone else who got promoted, like the new XOs of Pegasus and Galactica respectively

      It was a good episode for me until Pegasus got destroyed, blowing it up was a bad move, IMO.

      (Also, everyone seems so happy Peg killed 3 basestars, keeping in mind the cylons have planets where they can just build more and they're fully automated basically computer ships, so 3 - 1 is a poor ratio for the Galactica fleet seeing as they can never replace the pegasus, and in a few months the cyclons will just build more base stars )
      Last edited by roleplayer; 21 October 2006, 02:49 AM.


        Am I right in guessing that the Pegasus didn't jump away with the Galactica in order to continue to draw the fire of the basestars so that the last of the Colonial ships could escape from NC?

        "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
        ---Bill Adama


          a great episode, I was on the edge of my seat the whole time

          too bad the Pegasus is gone, but it went out in a great way

          so the cylons have hera now heh, when are sharon and helo gonna find out?

          good to see Simon have some more scenes, but cavil was missing this time


            Unbelievable episode!

            Seriously the best episode to date. As far as Lee is concerned, I would assume that he would be reduced in rank to Major and assume the duties of the CAG. Or maybe he becomes the ship's XO, but he doesn't seem to have the mean streak needed to be the CO's enforcer.

            Really looking forward to seeing where the series goes from here. I just hope that poor Gaeta comes through this.

            "We need to find Earth, because if we don't then no one will remember a man named William Adama, or a Battlestar named Galactica."


              Very Very good!


                Originally posted by Major Fischer View Post
                Given that Zarek is the president at this point, and he knew she was going to Colonial One, is it really our place to say she was wrong to do that. Right now Colonial One is just a colonial heavy transport and it apparently has hundreds of people on it that are just there for the ride. Presumably whichever ship Zarek ended up on is "Colonial One" right now because that is a designation that goes with whatever ship the president is on.

                Someone up thread said that there have to be other people in the fleet with political asperations or "natural leaders" would stand up. It's my contention that Laura Roslin is a natural leader. She can't help that, and I suspect that at this point she's going to be an overwelmingly popular leader. Something like 17,000 people voted for her to start with, I suspect as morbid as this sounds, those 2,000 civilians that stayed on ships and didn't land on New Caprica and thus had a greater likelyhood to live through the experiance were Roslin' supporters and now you pile in the fact that A) she was proven right. B) many parents know her personally because she's taken care of their kids so she's no longer an evil meglomaniac C) she is a popular reisistence figure (Baltar says so in this episode).

                Now Zarek is as well... but that was already a card he had in his hands from pre-cylon attack. Zarek is a smart political animal (and obviously right now rather likes Roslin) so I doubt he'd try and get in the way of a popular upswing in support for Roslin.
                Are we even sure that Zarek still had any position in the New Caprica government? After all he was in a cylon detention cell...


                  They will most likely call for new elections. Adama should run and would be elected at this point and have Rosilin as his Vice President who will handle the day to day civilian stuff. Just a thought.


                    Gods, I hope not. I'm sick of elections. Find a loophole to make her president again WITHOUT elections if you have to, but please spare us more of the political grandstanding.


                      Originally posted by Orion's Star View Post
                      I am not sure that Laura is presuming anything. I think it is forgotten that the Colonial One is also Laura's home, that's where she has always lived. Yes she has been the president while she's lived there, but it's still her home. Just because she sits in the chair, doesn't necessarily mean anything.

                      I think considering how the relationship between Zarek and Roslin has developed so far this season, that things may work out toward some kind of power sharing between the two.

                      Or who knows, maybe Adama will just get fed up, say frak it, and TELL the fleet that Roslin is in charge. Cause he feels like it.
                      I'm fairly sure that whichever ship the president (whoever that may be) is on will be called Colonial One.


                        Zarek and the political situation: he's not gonna try and sieze power 'cause he's not stupid. As soon as someone in the fleet mentions "government" everyone's gonna think of the election: they voted in Baltar, and look what happened. If anyone other than Roslin took the Presidency there'd be a full-scale riot amongst the fleet.


                          That. Was. Amazing.

                          Best ep they've done.

                          "Your Star burns! I require frozen treats!" - Tycho Brahe

                          "I don't like even!" - Acastus Kolya, 1X10 'The Storm'


                            As to the political situation, I think it's highly likely that Baltar's conduct will lead to a vote of no-confidence, or impeachment, or however the Colonies did it. If Zarek didn't press the issue, that could lead to a new election, which Roslyn would probably win unapposed.

                            This is the first time I ever felt anything other than utter contempt for Saul Tigh. When he said to Adama, "We didn't save everyone," did anyone else get the sense he wasn't just talking about his wife? He finally realizes what a monster he has become.

                            I have a bad feeling Gaeta's going down. I mean, it would be just the tragic twist BSG would throw at us. And when Dee is finally revealed as a Cylon sleeper agent, I'll be very happy indeed.
                            Through Life's dull road, so dim and dirty
                            I have dragged to three-and-thirty.
                            What have these years left to me?
                            Nothing, except thirty-three.

                            - Lord Byron

                            Dispatches From the Suburbs of Hell

                            The Pit


                              Originally posted by Thermonuclearboy View Post
                              I have a bad feeling Gaeta's going down. I mean, it would be just the tragic twist BSG would throw at us.
                              All Gaeta has to do is say "umm guys I was the one who was feeding you secrets..ya know our system...the one with the dog bowl? That was all me!" and bang problem solved. Besides they kill Gaeta who will be the ambiguously gay charachter on the show??
                              Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


                                What reason would the "courts" have to believe him if Gaeta revealed that he was the informant? What evidence of this does he have?

