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Daybreak, Part 3 (421)

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    ok, Baltar says "you now HE dunt like being called that" then we have a pause and he says "silly me.... silly me". most here think he is reffering to himself, whereas to me the silly me line would sugggest there was something about his first statement that he got wrong i.e the HE, could the god there on about be a woman?, maybe they are reffering to starbuck, as the stainch non believer she is she would be very frakked off being called god would she not


      Originally posted by toby1kanobi View Post
      ok, Baltar says "you now HE dunt like being called that" then we have a pause and he says "silly me.... silly me". most here think he is reffering to himself, whereas to me the silly me line would sugggest there was something about his first statement that he got wrong i.e the HE, could the god there on about be a woman?, maybe they are reffering to starbuck, as the stainch non believer she is she would be very frakked off being called god would she not
      Perhaps it was an injoke...since RDM did write the BSG: Bible suggesting that RDM is god...
      The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page


        Originally posted by Mamid View Post
        I don't see why they didn't just start a colony and call it "Atlantis." We have myths about Atlantis and the ancient mariners as well, so why not make the remains of the colony into that instead of what was done?

        And why get rid of the ships? Why not park them in orbit around say, Saturn, and when we're finally able to reach them, give us our history? Destroying the old bird and her flock like that was just... uncool.
        Atlantis fell about 24,000 -25,000 years ago, close to the begining of this current galactic cycle we are now in that ends in 2012-2013. Interesting isn't it.



          Originally posted by quade_1 View Post
          I think the 150,000 year reference was meant to say that by destroying the ships and their technology they only prolonged the cylon war. And that in this case the "13th tribe" could be construed as the rebel centurions who were given the basestar.

          BTW thanks for posting that link to the interview, but here is my problem:

          So why exactly did they pay the writers when they could have just let us use our imaginations the whole time?? Seems like they had no real answer to the question so they just avoided it.
          I have to agree with you here. They should give us all the answers except they know they do not have those answers.


            Originally posted by Espeon1962 View Post
            And poor Gauis crushed at the end that he was going to have to go back to that which he hated and had done everything to escape (farming) but the joy that he was going to be doing it with the woman he loved. That was cool.

            Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
            i think he was happy about the whole thing

            that's how i took it
            Originally posted by Kharn The Betrayer View Post
            same here, that seemed like tears of Joy to me)
            Originally posted by STC View Post
            Some irony in that isn't there? all that running away just to wind up exactly where he started
            And that is my meaning as well. It was a wonderful ironic twist.
            Last edited by Espeon1962; 21 March 2009, 10:32 AM.
            Another theory on the expansion of the universe collapses!


              Originally posted by HAL2100 View Post
              Perhaps it was an injoke...since RDM did write the BSG: Bible suggesting that RDM is god...
              could be. i think the answer is there to see, i dont think its supposed to be a secret for the fans to ponder, i think its pointing to a very specific person in the show.

              its so frustrating, as i m shure its staring me in the face


                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                Excellent finale, but it was waaaaaaaaaaay too long. SGA was too short and this one was too long. I am not happy about the Starbuck turnout. I think that was a cheesy way to end her character. What happened to Daniel? They should of never even mentioned that. Also, how did Starbuck know the notes to that song? How come she was called the halbringer of death? A lot of questions left unanswered, but overall an excellent Series finale.
                I agree with you at least partly. I am not dissappointed about Starbuck being another "angel" or "messenger" but the fact the writers drew in "Daniel" made it seem like Daniel was Kara's father, and then tried to disavow that this was the connection does not ring very true.

                I do believe the harbinger of death has been answered in this thread - someone even provided the definition (sorry could not find the post or I would quote it) - in fact I suggest that she was harbinger of death in every respect, as she led them to a completely new way of life, with every aspect of their prior existence, whether human or cylon, left behind.
                Another theory on the expansion of the universe collapses!


                  Originally posted by Espeon1962 View Post
                  And that is my meaning as well. It was a wonderful ironic twist.
                  he wanted to give back help people. well why not grow a garden and help feed the people who settled near by.


                    Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                    so there are people walking around on earth with cylon blood in their veins
                    Yes, I suggest that we are all in fact should be considered evolutionary hybrids! Given the supposition that Hera was the Mitochondrial Eve we who are alive therefore all carry in our DNA a strand tied to her.
                    Another theory on the expansion of the universe collapses!


                      Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
                      I have to agree with you here. They should give us all the answers except they know they do not have those answers.
                      There's a story that I am writting myself in which not all answers will be provided. Its the writer's choice as to what is to be revealed and what won't be. In the process of developing the story, it may very well be that specific details aren't neccessary to the story and thus don't need to be fleshed out. Case in point, in my story there are seven disciplines, seven forms and seven weapons - a phrase which is repeated frequently - but when I tried to define them all, I couldn't. I then realized that the I didn't have to simply because the story isn't about them explicitly. Thus I've decided to leave them undefined.

                      I might point out that while I would have liked to have known about the Lords of Kobol and what exactly happened there, it isn't critical to the story. Somethings, like the Angels and God are to be taken at face value. They are what they are. The whole thing with Dumbledore being gay (Yes, he's gay) was nothing short of ridiculous simply because his sexuality doesn't come into play in terms of telling the story. It's like Rowling putting in a simple line that Ron noticed that Harry had starting taking unusually long showers since he started dating whatever her name is. Its nothing but a superfluous detail.
                      The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page



                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                        he wanted to give back help people. well why not grow a garden and help feed the people who settled near by.
                        I am thinking that perhaps in fact that his and Caprica's efforts may have been the beginning of farming, and the transition of man from a hunter/gatherer nomadic being. While I doubt the writers were meaning to imply something that deep, that does not mean we can't!
                        Another theory on the expansion of the universe collapses!


                          I thought Baltar's "silly me" comment was to infer that Baltar was "god".

                          I don't understand why the Kara "angel" wasn't with the Baltar/Six "angels" which is why they never actually answered, what is Kara?

                          I really didn't like the religious ending, they coulda done alot better. For a science fiction TV show, aside from the space ships and robots, there was not a damn science fiction aspect in it. I was expecting time travel through the black hole they kept talking about in the cylon colony. Woulda preferred that over "god".


                            the very idea of Baltar and his hot supermodel robot babe farming kind of makes me laugh just because I find it hard to imagine Baltar and her doing something like that


                              Originally posted by Espeon1962 View Post
                              I am thinking that perhaps in fact that his and Caprica's efforts may have been the beginning of farming, and the transition of man from a hunter/gatherer nomadic being. While I doubt the writers were meaning to imply something that deep, that does not mean we can't!
                              That was the whole point them being there advance the human tribes to give them language, the wheel, and other technology obviously it did not turn out that way as we did not developed wheels and agriculture until about ten thousand years ago give or take a few thousand, and colonies arrive 150,000 years. This does sought of allow for atlantian type society who did learn from the colonies but died out or the colonies grew lazy and never taught the tribes anything.

                              I would love them to produce webisodes to close up all the stories, how did Adarma live, did his son climb the mountains, cross the oceans, did Baltare grow a farm, what happen to his followers, obviously they did not jump off a cliff, and who would teach hera hunting skills


                                Originally posted by kharn the betrayer View Post
                                I just remembered something

                                am I the only person not happy at the grand total of ONE SCENE Leoben got in this episode?

                                we havnt seen him since he ran off after seeing Starbucks body and he gets a grand total of ONE scene in the shows final episode and it wasnt even on Earth!
                                Agreed. I feel they tried to include as many of the small roles as they could, but the lack of some characters is one of those nagging things. Other examples are Sherman Cottle, the abrupt dissappearence of Baltars followers (although they at least got some screen time), and for that matter, what happened to Sebastian Spence? But certainly as so much was made of the Leoben/Kara storyline at one point, it was rather abruptly dropped it seems.
                                Last edited by Espeon1962; 21 March 2009, 10:53 AM.
                                Another theory on the expansion of the universe collapses!

