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Daybreak, Part 3 (421)

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    :: FRANTIC:: PEOPLE! Stop posting...I can't keep up.... :: snickering ::
    The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page


      Now for the real issue... anybody know why its not on iTunes yet...
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        Originally posted by Damaja View Post
        Whatever happened to the Deanna Cylon?

        she stayed behind on cylon earth


          Originally posted by Arative View Post
          Did anyone get the impression that red dress six represented evil (devil with the red dress on) and Baltar (cough, cough) represented good?
          one way to look at it

          but if head six is evil why lead baltar down a positive road


            Originally posted by kharn the betrayer View Post
            she stayed behind on cylon earth
            sad thing is she thought things would be tough but really the trip between earth 1.0 wasn't really that bad.

            aside from the mutiny


              Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
              the way i'm looking at it

              where daybreak ends we begin. the series shows us how we came to be and we know our past now and we can't make the same mistakes again

              hope that make sense
              This show has been a metaphor for human life and what has happpen. RDM got the "This has all happened before and will happen again" from the old human adage of We will be doomed to repeat our mistakes if we don't learn from it. It has been shown over thousands of years, the rise and fall of man and societies. I'm talking about known history. The planet is 4.5 BILLION years old. Humans go back quite a while. Anyways, I have said before, life immitates art and art immitates life.

              Battlestar galactica is telling us it is truely about choices. Choices about our lives, what we want to do with them and do we truely want to keep in a cycle of self destruction? Nothing mythical about that. The reason why it hits home so hard with all of us because deep down inside we know it's true.



                Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                sad this is she thought things would be tough but really the trip between earth 1.0 wasn't really that bad.

                aside from the mutiny
                Especially since she would have loved to have been there at the destruction of all of the Cavil's given that his boxing her model resulted in their death. I actually was kind of sad when she stayed behind.

                Is anyone else wishing that the other models with Cavil had had death bed conversions and came to their senses?
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                  Anyone else wish that someone would come up with an iPhone app that will automatically plays 'All Along the Watchtower' on your iPhone when it comes near another iPhone with the same app?

                  :: I'd by one just for that! ::
                  The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page



                    Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
                    one way to look at it

                    but if head six is evil why lead baltar down a positive road
                    That's true. As Baltar said in the CiC, the force isn't good or evil, those are what humans create. But at times, head 6 certainly seemed quite evil. We never really got good screen time with head baltar.


                      yea that's right, I forgot that she stayed behind on the Nuked Earth. Sucks, she woulda wanted to be with them at the end when they finally found peace.


                        Originally posted by KnyghtMare View Post
                        I really liked the first 1hr.
                        Out of all the scifi options that RDM had in front of him he goes with Angels and Intelligent Design??
                        Actually the Angels and Intelligent design isn't really sci-fi. Well not unless you don't believe the bible's of the world.

                        "And it came to pass, when man began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters where born unto them. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose".(Genesis 6:1-2)



                          Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                          It's not so much religious as it is spiritual,
                          I agree.



                            "That too is in God's plan"
                            "You know he doesn't like that name"

                            Pretty much confirms without a doubt that the "head Baltar/head Six" were angels the whole time. Why did Baltar say "silly me" after that though?

                            It would have been nice to see Kara with the other angels at the end, but that would have seemed too.. Star Warsy perhaps.

                            What do you guys think? Heavy religious overtones.. definitely a far cry from season 1, but it was good. It would have been nice to have a bit more explanation on the whole angel thing but oh well.
                            "Did you really expect some Utopian fantasy to rise from the ashes?"


                              Originally posted by HAL2100 View Post
                              My opposition to stem cell research and cloning is based on the fact that no one is asking the question "Just because we CAN do this, SHOULD we?". While we can state all day long that only stem cells from deceased fetuses will be experimented on, my skepticism and lack of faith in humanity fully expects that its just a matter of time until things slowly creep away from that. There have already been instances of parents deliberately having a child for the purpose of saving another.
                              I can easily see cloning getting to the point where living, viable human clones are made and then treated as second rate beings...and again the argument for it being that you become you're own donor without ever asking the question "Just because we CAN do this, SHOULD we?"'

                              I might point out that clones could be considered as technology...
                              Yeah cloning hit's me hard too. I mean it strikes a chord with-in me. Getting on the subject of creating "biological Machines" and perhaps the chance of treating them as a sub class of humans just because they are machines. I think it's a lesson for us in that should we do it and if we do are we prepared as a whole to be able to be morally stringent enough to be able to show the compassion and understanding towards what ever comes of it.
                              We would then in essence become the created who now becomes the creators( of life that is). It's a really deep, deep issue and one that is not new.



                                Darn, there are so many posts to reply to, I have a list of almost 20! At least one additional page of posts has occurred just since I started reading from post #1 (my own!).

                                I already know that when I rewatch the finale with my spousal unit and daughter tonight (they usually watch on Sat evenings) there are going to be buckets of tears spilled - especially as they are big believers in angels.

                                Opinions are all over the place on the finale. Seems some loved, and others felt was an outright copout of aimless writing.

                                I will start replying shortly, but I am mostly quite satisfied with the ending. There are little things that nag away, but I am mostly more happy then not happy. As I said in another thread (think it was yours Hal2100) it was a moment in time that can have one review oneself, see what aspects of the characters are in fact a reflection; hopefully cause one to examine that which they are doing and reset to a new course.

                                If this happens for you then the theme of the finale (and perhaps the show in its entirety) succeeded, and if not then perhaps it failed.

                                Going to go eat lunch then start replying!
                                Another theory on the expansion of the universe collapses!

