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Guess What's Coming To Dinner (407)

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    By the end of the first act, I understood the transitional nature of this episode, and I concluded that it would be better to sit back and enjoy the ride. After all, the introductory phase of the season arc had taken some time to build momentum, which finally came to fruition with “Faith”, so it only makes sense that the complication phase of the arc would involve a bit of pawn-taking. Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened.

    That’s not to say that the episode was without action; it’s just that it was more about careful consideration of specific plot points. It’s very much like a chess game between the Humans and the Cylon Rebels, played out on several levels. And like a chess game, the true intrigue and fascination is not in the checkmate, but in the quiet and delicate movements long before the endgame. Because this season is more serialized than ever before, the nuances require careful attention.

    In the larger scheme of things, the proposed alliance between the Humans and Cylon rebels had to be contentious, and it’s great to see all the complications emerge. It’s now perfectly clear why the writers had to build up the tension between the Quorum and Roslin. Without that background, the depth of disagreement between them would have felt abrupt. Natalie’s speech in front of the Quorum was one of the best elements of the episode.

    The Cylon civil war, and the deep philosophical differences at its core, was also necessary to explore in previous episodes, because now there’s no question that finding the Final Five is more important to the rebels than the promise of eternal resurrection. This, of course, ties into the many prophecies regarding Kara Thrace. Her role as the “harbinger of death” could very well mean her role in bringing true death to the Cylons. In turn, this makes them more human, and sets the stage for their eventual mergence (in my speculation) with the Colonial survivors.

    The topic of Roslin’s visions is also front and center, initially in terms of Baltar’s sermons and then in a far more active role. It always seemed incredibly important that Roslin was sharing the visions with Athena and Caprica Six, but oddly enough, it never occurred to me that Hera would also be actively sharing them. Hera’s dash through Galactica, leading to Natalie’s horribly-timed death, was one of the more disconcerting elements. (The callback to Baltar’s vision from “Kobol’s Last Gleaming” is also a great continuity nod.)

    Taken in context with Roslin’s vision and Gaeta’s endless singing, it could be interpreted that Galactica itself is the “Opera House”. After all, if the Final Five are supposed to be in the Opera House, and the Cylon rebels know they’re in the fleet, it all adds up to that possible conclusion. And that makes sense, because if there’s any stage where the final endgame should play out, it’s on the Galactica.

    The sudden jump of the rebel basestar, with so many main characters now trapped upon it, should make for some interesting drama. The mission to the resurrection hub may still be viable, if the hybrid leaps to the previously programmed position, but the operation is no longer as relatively clean as it was. In particular, it puts Kara, Roslin, and Baltar all in a unique position to see their destinies unfold.

    Kudos must be given to the writers for letting all of the character movements play out with subtlety. Some of the character interactions are more powerful than the snippets of action for a reason. This is an episode that delves into the complex emotions of a sudden and unexpected chance to level the playing field. It might have been a bit better to see some reactions from the command staff regarding the mutiny or the crew of the Demetrius regarding Cally’s death, but there’s really no time for it. The attention is better spent on the varying reactions of the newly revealed Cylons to the new status quo.

    Kudos must also go to Mary McDonnell for her performance all season. I don’t know if the actress is intentionally starving herself a bit to sell Roslin’s illness, or if it’s a masterful makeup job, but the effects of the cancer are pronounced. There’s a visceral feeling, just from one look at Roslin, that the end is near, and it helps to sell the notion that her methods are truly driven by that relentless specter.

    John Keegan
    Reprinted with permission
    Original source: c. Critical Myth, 2008
    All rights reserved


      Originally posted by m57lyra View Post
      Ok, big job...

      I am wondering if anyone got the lyrics that gaeta was singing?

      With the whole music/dylan 4 tie-in, I am wondering if his lyrics have anything to do with him being the 5th (not who I want it to be!)

      But a lot of it was about a she and losing someone think, so i am wondering if the lyrics were a clue.
      See the Bear McCreary blog, there is also a thread on his music buried somewhere on here.


        I hope Natalie can be saved by surgery. Maybe she will download her memories (the trap of Centurions!) to one of the Final Five. Maybe the imprisoned Six will touch her hand before her death, so she can inform Adama and Tigh.
        "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

        "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

        "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


          Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
          And can someone please explain this please? We've seen Cylons resurrected on basestars before, so why the need for a resurrection ship or for that matter a resurrection hub?
          exactly (though I'm not sure about resurrection on basestars)

          why a resurrection hub ? Natalie said the hub controls the resships, but why the hell are the resships remote-controled in the 1st place ?
          cylons upload to the nearest resship so obviously it is that resship that handles all the downloading resurrecting etc. so why does a resship need instructions from yet another ship ? not only does it makes little sense with regards to the previous eps but it makes even less sense in the way of practicality

          Originally posted by MmmmMcKAy View Post
          Oooooh, and the unboxing of D'Anna will be very exciting. Tigh and company must be sweating bullets.
          IMO Tigh doens't have much to worry about

          for one thing when found out he can always pretend he never knew who/what he was

          second he can tell Adama, Roslin & co exactly what he told his "peers" : 'what about New Caprica ? what about Helen ? etc.'
          heck, what about his missing eye ?
          of all the main characters he was the one who went through the worst of it - at the hand of the cylons - while Adama & co were sitting in their comfy chairs doing drills & signing papers
          obviously the guy who suffered the most at the hands of the enemy has to be a good guy in the eyes of the colonials no ?
          Last edited by SoulReaver; 21 May 2008, 01:18 AM.


            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver
            of all the main characters he was the one who went through the worst of it - at the hand of the cylons - while Adama & Roslin were sitting in their comfy chairs doing drills & signing papers
            Roslin was on New Caprica mate, got imprisoned, and nearly executed.

            You're right though, he's probably suffered the most. Although Gaeta is now sans leg, and was almost airlocked, and was a pariah for most of his time on NC, so he's a contender, not that I want him to be a Cylon.
            Mongoletsi is bigger than hip...hop...


              I'm interested in seeing how the 3's will reveal the 4 cylons in the fleet. Do you really expect anyone to believe the seconds in command, chief of staff, head mechanic, and former resistance leader are cylons without any proof? I expect them to laugh and say how gullible do you think we are


                Originally posted by omega431 View Post
                See the Bear McCreary blog, there is also a thread on his music buried somewhere on here.
                Thank you. Ok, I do not think that my theory that Gaeta is the 5th or Gaeta's song was "calling" the Dylan 4 to their "final programming" (some kind of further awakening stage) based on what I read there (kind of like they were activated by the watchtower transmission). (Glad... for some reason do not want Gaeta to be the 5th!)


                  Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                  exactly (though I'm not sure about resurrection on basestars)

                  why a resurrection hub ? Natalie said the hub controls the resships, but why the hell are the resships remote-controled in the 1st place ?
                  cylons upload to the nearest resship so obviously it is that resship that handles all the downloading resurrecting etc. so why does a resship need instructions from yet another ship ? not only does it makes little sense with regards to the previous eps but it makes even less sense in the way of practicality
                  Doesn't downloading copy all of an individual's memories to all other of that model who later come online or download to a new body? The Hub is probably a central repository for that data.

                  The Resurrection Ships probably aren't remote controlled, but most likely take orders from the Hub and both the Hub and the Ships operate under a different command structure from the rest of the Cylon fleet.


                    BAH! My original rant got owned by a computer failure, therefore this is the shorter, less rant-rific version of it full of spoiler tags over my speculation.

                    1 - Disappointed with this episode! The lack of Baltar was very pleasing, although I was disappointed since last time with our two-timing religious figurehead due to his surprising lack of character.

                    2 - Not liking the final 5 drag-out. My speculations in the tag.
                    Tory, Chief, and Anders are hybrids. They're not part of the final 5, but of the original hybrids that came from the final 5.

                    Sol is the only one who's up for the ballgame there; if I heard right, the hybrid said there was 3 to be revealed. Sol is the eldest, and the final 5 are supposed to be...original? Hm. Hard to say.

                    Adama knew Sol for 30 years, meeting him 10 years after the cylon war and such; very much so space for the originals to have spawned. The other 3 are just too young.

                    3 - As I am an Apollo/Starbuck fan, I'm saddened that there was no eye contact, no sigh of relief, no anything; just Apollo lookin' pretty ticked with the President and serious that Rebellion 6 was talking at the front about being mortal, nothing else. Fun times.

                    4 - Athena > Rebellion 6 comments.
                    P R E D I C T A B L E A S H E L L.
                    More predictable than anything else I've seen on this show, and pardon the language, I am absolutely OUTRAGED by it. Hera drawing a bunch of pictures of six, and all the shared visions, pointed a very stern figure towards one of the sixes dying.

                    Of course, the best one to die for the best twist is, of course, Rebellion 6.
                    ERROR 1: Athena is not the type to shoot, and kill, someone in front of her daughter Hera, be it an "enemy", cylon, or human.
                    ERROR 2: Too much lead-up.
                    ERROR 3: Very bad scene to begin with. So little emotional movement from Athena, and much confusion in Rebellion 6. I felt angry enough to chuck a pillow at my tv, because Athena was so badly played. Hera did beautiful! <3

                    5 - The lack of Baltar pleases me!

                    6 - Tory got what she finally deserved, and it fell into character with her afterward emotional bakfhaslgjhkglag and the President's reserved decision making. I'm glad she finally got a kick in the face though, ever since she killed Cally I've been begging for some sort of payback. I'll take this as it.

                    7 - "Harbringer of death" comment being taken too far /rolls eyes.

                    It's like the dying leader prophecy; all hoo hash.

                    8 - The cliff hanger. My god, the cliff hanger. It wasn't even exciting; what's so bad about the opera house? It's a pretty opera house.

                    I'm joking. I'm probably not going to watch fridays episode, because I have no interest in it and I'd rather go chill at Anime North in Toronto then sit in front of the tv at the right time to watch some naked hybrid babble nonsense to a prophecy-sick cancer lady.

                    9 - (EDIT) The Ressurection Hub, the main one, is bull. I don't honestly believe that the cylons would be as foolish as to have a main hub that, if destroyed, all other ones would lose capability of allowing downloads; I mean, come on. They're artificial intelligence, and I know humans wouldn't be that idiotic. So why should robots?

                    It just doesn't flow well.


                      Originally posted by Mongoletsi
                      Roslin was on New Caprica mate, got imprisoned, and nearly executed.
                      duh - my bad m8...somehow even after seeing her in that cylon jail I still have trouble picturing her anywhere other than sitting at a desk

                      You're right though, he's probably suffered the most. Although Gaeta is now sans leg, and was almost airlocked, and was a pariah for most of his time on NC, so he's a contender, not that I want him to be a Cylon.
                      'cept that Tigh was tortured at the hands of the enemy, it wasn't some internal strife or something. and as you said Gaeta was once a suspect, and hey he spent most of his time in an office whereas Tigh was either in an enemy holding cell or out there fighting the enemy (using very questionable methods at times, admittedly). so in terms of treason his record is "clean", officially at any rate
                      Gaeta may be a candidate but doesn't come close to being a serious contender
                      Saul Tigh is very likely the one Deanna apologized to when she was having that vision of the final5

                      Originally posted by Jeffala
                      Doesn't downloading copy all of an individual's memories to all other of that model who later come online or download to a new body?
                      come again ?

                      The Hub is probably a central repository for that data.
                      if that were so then why does a resship need to be in relative proximity to the cylon ? if their memories are uploaded to the hub (to be later transmitted to a resship & dumped into a clone) then distance between cylon & resship should not factor in...
                      Last edited by SoulReaver; 20 May 2008, 03:20 PM.


                        Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                        come again ?
                        When Boomer was killed on Galactica and later downloaded, her individual memories were transferred to the other Eights who later downloaded or were brought online.

                        I.E. Athena had the memories of Boomer when she downloaded after Helo shot her so she could rescue Hera.

                        I could have sworn that that's what one of the Sixes said on the captured base star.


                          Another great ep with shocker after shocker. The basestar jump, Tory's secrets revealed, Hera acting all creepy (what's with people obsessively drawing things on this show?) Athena shooting Natalie, the hybrid freaking out. Awesome. I hope it keeps on going like this until the end.

                          I missed it - was there a reason why the basestar and the Demetrius had to jump simultaneously? Why didn't the Demetrius jump first to warn the RTF of what was coming?

                          Tigh practically foaming at the mouth to blow up the boxed 3s, hahaha!

                          Did Leoben set up the hybrid jump and are the humans within now the hostages that the cylons discussed earlier? Or was it all the hybrid?

                          Lee is still a waste of space. I wouldn't be surprised if TPTB are setting up a Lee/Zarek takeover, whether with Roslin's blessing or not, but man I just can't stand righteous!Lee. Shut up, Lee.

                          While I thought Gaeta's singing was lovely, it was featured way too much for my tastes. Two cut scenes of it was plenty.


                            Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                            Saul Tigh is very likely the one Deanna apologized to when she was having that vision of the final5
                            Nah, I'm thinking Anders. D'Anna tried to shoot Anders with that giant gun when they were trapped in the stairwell in Downloaded. The only reason she didn't succeed was because Six dropped a rock on her head.
                            Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                            I missed it - was there a reason why the basestar and the Demetrius had to jump simultaneously? Why didn't the Demetrius jump first to warn the RTF of what was coming?

                            At least I don't think there was an explanation. But I was a bit distracted at the beginning of the ep. Either way, it'll probably be covered on the podcast as a contrivance for more action. Not complaining! But where is that podcast anyway?????


                              Originally posted by CellarDwellar View Post

                              Sol is the only one who's up for the ballgame there; if I heard right, the hybrid said there was 3 to be revealed. Sol is the eldest, and the final 5 are supposed to be...original? Hm. Hard to say.
                              The hybrid didn't say that. She said that the 3 would led them to the 5.

                              Meaning: De'Anna, the boxed 3 model - who saw the 5 in the temple right before she kicked the bucket for the last time.

                              De'Anna, "the 3", knows who the 5 are, and can lead everyone to them.


                                Originally posted by Jeffala
                                When Boomer was killed on Galactica and later downloaded, her individual memories were transferred to the other Eights who later downloaded or were brought online.
                                in other words her memories were copied to several clones ? there are several Athenas with the same memories ? if so which would be the "correct" one ? (and how would they decide ? -)

                                I.E. Athena had the memories of Boomer when she downloaded after Helo shot her so she could rescue Hera.

                                I could have sworn that that's what one of the Sixes said on the captured base star.
                                so each cylon has the combined personalities of all its model's clones ? (talk about schizophrenia )

