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Faith (406)

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    Originally posted by Matt G View Post
    1. Insanity on the Demitrius. Is shooting each other on the bridge really a good idea?
    In the BRIDGE? Ouch! I thought he got him in the leg?!

    I'll get my coat...
    Mongoletsi is bigger than hip...hop...


      Originally posted by Dusk View Post
      I believe the Cylons are not as rigid in their sexuality as we, or even the Colonials, are. I doubt they would think in terms of gay or straight. For them, the thrill is in the sensual experience, regardless of social stigmas. Perhaps this is a philosophy we can all aspire to.
      A philosophy we can all aspire to?

      Nay, rather, shrink back in terror of...

      Sexuality is the most intense and deep element of humanity save only spirituality.

      To take such a deep and core element of our life for granted... to treat it shallowly and loosely... without boundaries, temperance, or care, can only bring about shame and destruction.


        Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
        To take such a deep and core element of our life for granted... to treat it shallowly and loosely... without boundaries, temperance, or care, can only bring about shame and destruction.
        Given the cylon willingness to slaughter humans without care or remorse, and then have problems when humans fight back in a similar way I must say i agree with you.

        You can't slaughter billions of humans and then hold it against us when we drown just one of you.

        I hate double standards. take responsibility for your actions. It is the difference between Athena and the other 8's.


          Originally posted by peragrin View Post
          Given the cylon willingness to slaughter humans without care or remorse, and then have problems when humans fight back in a similar way I must say i agree with you.

          You can't slaughter billions of humans and then hold it against us when we drown just one of you.

          I hate double standards. take responsibility for your actions. It is the difference between Athena and the other 8's.

          Remember what did the Razor Hybrid said?

          "...they will think themselves without sin... but their sins will consume them."


            well i rewatched it.... over and over again. and im still not sure, but i do think thats what he said. what the hell.
            "You'll be the most unpopular robot fighter since Sergeant Feces Processor."


            God: Every time I try to talk to someone it's "sorry this" and "forgive me that" and "I'm not worthy"...


              Thinking about how the cylon-human mythology fits in with recent events on BSG. We know that the cylons believe that "All of this has happened before...all of this will happen again" what do we know has happened before from the colonial scriptures.....

              (1) There is the Tomb of Athena.

              Athena was a deity among the Lords of Kobol whose tomb was located on the planet Kobol. According to legend she threw herself off a mountain due to sorrow about mankind's departure from Kobol aboard the galleon.

              (2) The Gates of Hera

              The Gates of Hera is a mountain pass between two peaks on the planet Kobol. It leads the way to the Tomb of Athena. It is also said that the leaders of the Twelve Tribes of Kobol passed the pass on their way off-planet.

              (3) The Arrow of Apollo

              The arrow points the way to Earth after it is placed in the bow of the statue of Sagittarius. This sets off a chain of events that seals the tomb's door, and seemingly "transports" those inside the tomb to a grassy hill surrounded by megaliths engraved with zodiac symbols representing each world of the Twelve Colonies. This room is a star-map which gives the positions of celestial objects from the viewpoint of someone actually standing on Earth itself.

              So how will it happen again ....... well we have all the correct character names in place this generation / will Athena die somehow before the end of the show?

              More interestingly, hasn't Appollo become a representative for Satittarius (might be wrong on this point) which would fit in nicely will the Arrow of Appollo being the thing that needs to be set in the statue.


                Apollo is the representative for Caprica.
                When in trouble, "send lawyers, guns and money!"


                  Originally posted by nckzvnbr View Post
                  Apollo is the representative for Caprica.
                  Dammit - that blows my theory out of the water!

                  *Note to self - don't get drunk and then think about BSG as you come up with stuff that doesn't make sense!*
                  Last edited by Albee; 14 May 2008, 11:47 PM. Reason: missing word


                    Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
                    Sexuality is the most intense and deep element of humanity save only spirituality.
                    Disagreed. It's a basic function of all mammals so why attach deep meaning to it? Sure it can intensify a bond, but also it's nice just to get yer rocks off sometimes innit. Off topic, again...
                    Mongoletsi is bigger than hip...hop...


                      Originally posted by Dusk View Post
                      I believe the Cylons are not as rigid in their sexuality as we, or even the Colonials, are. I doubt they would think in terms of gay or straight. For them, the thrill is in the sensual experience, regardless of social stigmas. Perhaps this is a philosophy we can all aspire to.
                      Agreed, cause if I recall all those Eights were getting pretty friendly with Boomer when she first stepped aboard a Base Star at the end of season one.

                      Originally posted by An-Alteran View Post
                      A philosophy we can all aspire to?

                      Nay, rather, shrink back in terror of...

                      Sexuality is the most intense and deep element of humanity save only spirituality.

                      To take such a deep and core element of our life for granted... to treat it shallowly and loosely... without boundaries, temperance, or care, can only bring about shame and destruction.
                      No it is not, it is a core part of instinct; Reproduce. Because we're sentient we try to make it special for us by attaching emotion and meaning to it that wasn't there to begin with. I think that's a good thing, sex can ignite a whole range of emotions, hell even a passionate moment between two people can be just as amazing. But giving one's sexuality or inhibitions more freedom doesn't cheapen it.

                      I think that Cylons regard any degree of sexuality with great respect. Six kissing Six was a prime example, the peaceful Six felt it necessary for New Caprica Six to understand just how she felt about her in light of using Ander's gun to kill her seconds later. Also think about Boomer's dancing, her relationship with Cavil (As gross as that is for a completely different reason), Cylons are innocently and/or intentionally exploring human sexuality and for genuine reasons, why leave something out because real humans consider it a taboo or "cheap"?

                      Six: "Have you ever had sex five-way on a bridge during a lightening storm with a jumbo pack of beef franks and strawberry ice cream?"


                      Six: "Let's try it!"



                        Originally posted by An-Alteran
                        Sexuality is the most intense and deep element of humanity save only spirituality.
                        an attempt to place carnal pleasure on the same level as religion ?

                        heresy ! blashpheme !

                        recant & repent !

                        (in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti etc.)


                          Getting Off-topic:

                          Originally posted by Mongoletsi View Post
                          Disagreed. It's a basic function of all mammals so why attach deep meaning to it? Sure it can intensify a bond, but also it's nice just to get yer rocks off sometimes innit. Off topic, again...
                          If you wish to degrade humanity to the state of 'nothing more than an animal', that is your prerogative.

                          But you can't deny that it is a core a deep part of the human being.

                          It is the most potent element of our being.

                          Why relegate it to some totally irreverent position in the human life?

                          Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
                          an attempt to place carnal pleasure on the same level as religion ?

                          heresy ! blashpheme !

                          recant & repent !

                          (in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti etc.)
                          Apparently some people don't have an advanced understanding of the English language.

                          The phrase: "Save only" means "with the one exception off".

                          So what I said was: "With the one exception being spirituality".
                          Thus I was not putting them on the same level, but identifying spirituality as the one more core and deep element of the human experience.

                          An-Alteran, One.

                          SoulRe@ver, Zero.

                          Originally posted by AeronPrometheus View Post
                          No it is not, it is a core part of instinct; Reproduce. Because we're sentient we try to make it special for us by attaching emotion and meaning to it that wasn't there to begin with. I think that's a good thing, sex can ignite a whole range of emotions, hell even a passionate moment between two people can be just as amazing. But giving one's sexuality or inhibitions more freedom doesn't cheapen it.
                          Simply put, you are looking at reality through atheistic glasses.

                          I am not, because I am not an atheist.

                          The reason you disagree is not because I am wrong. Rather, because your assumptions don't allow for anything more than a purposeless physical reality.
                          Last edited by An-Alteran; 15 May 2008, 07:19 PM.


                            Um... to bring it back around to the episode...

                            Kara's expression when she saw the basestar with the gas giant, etc - basically the scene of her visions -- has been bugging me. Her hysterical laughter still points to drastic mood swings and possible mental unhingement (which isn't even a word, but whatever).

                            Outside of her "destinty" is anyone else still worried about her mental state? Granted she had some clarity and sense knocked into her with the whole attempted mutiny scene, but is it to be short lived?

                            (Not the most interesting discussion topic, I'm just trying to move the conversation away from ..... well, back into an area that would be somewhat benign.)


                              staying off-topic :

                              Originally posted by An-Alteran
                              Getting Off-topic:

                              Apparently some people don't have an advanced understanding of the English language.

                              The phrase: "Save only" means "with the one exception off".

                              So what I said was: "With the one exception being spirituality".
                              Thus I was not putting them on the same level, but identifying spirituality as the one more core and deep element of the human experience.

                              An-Alteran, One.

                              SoulRe@ver, Zero.
                              apparently other people don't have an advanced understanding of the english language, basic logic or humour (although they seem to have an inordinate susceptibility to the latter)

                              and evidently you're taking my post not to mention this whole issue way too seriously, so heck just for argument's sake & for the fun of it :
                              by saying that 'sex is above all except spirituality' you are stating that the latter is not below the former, in other words that it's either above or equal to the former (same as in maths see) in other words you still leave open the possibility of placing both on the same level, which alone suffices to constitute blasphemy, and even in the best of cases you're still implying, in both your previous and your present post, that the former - albeit on a strictly lower level - is nevertheless damn pretty close to the latter thereby relegating the latter to a level barely above the former (roughly 3.14%) when the latter should be considered above all other notions including and especially the former by a factor of no less than...infinity, and therefore shouldn't even share the same post as the former let alone the same paragraph let alone the same sentence

                              so the charges of heresy & sacrilege still stand

                              SoulRe@ver + Grand Inquisition, one
                              an-alteran, zero, pwned, burnt, crucified


                                Getting back on-topic...

                                Originally posted by Pic-CollSwan View Post
                                Kara's expression when she saw the basestar with the gas giant, etc - basically the scene of her visions -- has been bugging me. Her hysterical laughter still points to drastic mood swings and possible mental unhingement (which isn't even a word, but whatever).

                                Outside of her "destinty" is anyone else still worried about her mental state? Granted she had some clarity and sense knocked into her with the whole attempted mutiny scene, but is it to be short lived?
                                I guess I had forgotten that Kara's still crazy as all get out. Granted, she's always been a bit bipolar (in the way that water's kinda wet), but the obsessive-crazy that she'd been displaying the past few episodes went far beyond that. I don't even know if what happened during the mutiny scene can be called "clarity and sense" (and, FWIW, she didn't back down until after Anders shot Gaeta). Yeah, I don't have much, but the relative sanity of those who are in command is a decent jumping-off point - at least until tonight's episode.
                                Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

                                Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

                                EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."


