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What would you do?

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    What would you do?

    Hey guys.

    I figured this thread might prove to be interesting with the right input

    Your a commander of a mercury class Battlestar - the Columbia , out on deep space patrol along the armistice line. Everything is going smoothly.... right up untill your dradis picks up 12 unknown contacts heading straight for you - coming out of cylon territory.

    You set condition one throughout the ship, launch 1/3 of your vipers (30) to intercept - and attempt to contact the 12 colonies to alert them off your situation. You fail to make contact - the cylons must be jamming you.

    Just as your vipers close on the unknown targets, something terrible happens - you loose contact with the vipers - you recieve one last garbled transmission saying they are loosing power.... and then the vipers signal on the dradis flashes, and goes out.....

    Seconds later, 4 enemy basestars jump right on top of you, sending 6 nucleur warheads crashing into your hull before you can establish a perimeter with your flak cannons, causing your starboard flight deck to rupture under the combined explosions - with a massive fireball inside the flight deck as fuel, ordance, people, vipers and raptors ignite.

    On board the ship, huge explosions rock the ship, as the hull buckles, consoles explode and sealed blast doors give way to the raging inferno on the starboard flight deck - sucking out entire compartments atmosphere's, fueling the fire - resulting in the fire lurching forward into the next compartment, ripping through blast doors, consuming anything flammable it comes into contact with.

    The Columbia is dieing. You ve just take 6 direct nuke hits, have explosion decompression spreading throughout the ship from the starboard flight deck and have all but lost the starboard flight deck. 1/3 of your vipers and pilots have been killed *trying* to defend the ship, many more vipers and pilots are surely dead on the starboard flight deck. On top of this.... you have 4 enemy base stars directly ontop of you - simply watching as your ship, and its crew, reap the consequences of the nucleur salvo ruthlessly and without warning unleashed upon you by the Cylons. Weapons are down, and power is failing fast. The navigation computer was one of the first casualties to suffer as the nucleur salvo hit. Fortunately your FTL is somehow still online - but power is failing fast throughout the ship. Realising your dead if you stay where you are, and with the navigation computer destroyed, taking precious minutes to restore and repair - you order a blind jump.

    The ship arrives in a desolate unknown star system. Huge eruptions shake the ship as the fires throughout the ship explode with avengeance due to exiting from Faster than light travel. Realising you may well loose the ship, you order all oxygen to the burning compartments be vented - along with any crew trapped in the compartments. Slowly but surely the flames go out.

    For 2 days your crew works tirelessly around the clock, restoring basic life support, power supply and sub light engines. Weapons should be partially back online inside of another day. The Faster than Light drive is still operational. Of the 90 vipers and 20 raptors you had, you lost a total of 36 vipers and 8 raptors - eithier in space defending the ship, or on the starboard flight deck. Of the 3000 crew, over 1200 are dead. The starboard flight deck is severely damaged, but could over the next several weeks be repaired - though the armour and structural integrity on it will forever more be compromised untill you make it to dry dock.

    Communications have just been restored. Its here where you learn of the scale of the tragedy which has befallen the human race. Your communications are online just in time to recieve the last reports concerning the fate of the colonial fleet, and humanities colonies. As the transmissions begin to go dead, you recieve one final clear transmission - that from the battlestar Galactica, with commander adama taking command of the fleet, and ordering all colonial units to regroup at ragnar anchorage. You also learn that your ship - the columbia - is reported destroyed. Your ship is nearly combat operational... but not yet. If you try contacting other colonial units, the cylons may well pick up your tranmission, and track your location and finish you off.

    While repairing your ship's navigation computer, one of your crew members discovered cylon lines in the navigation programme. Consequently a much older, and far less accurate programme you had in your database is installed in its place. You are advised, that due to this inaccuracy, it will take multiple jumps to reach ragnar anchorage, and the risk of the cylon fleet discovering your existence is high.

    You instead opt to jump into a remote astroid field close enough to ragnar anchorage to hopefully when the time comes for the colonial counter-attack, to be able to link up with the remains of the fleet. In this astroid belt you slowly repair your ship's systems... waiting for the counter-attack..... an counter-attack which never comes.

    Its been 4 days since commander Adama's transmission ordering all units to regroup, and still there is nothing. You order a scout recon with 2 of the 12 raptors you have left to find out what has happened to the colonial units at ragnar anchorage. They report back that there are numerous viper and raider remains, and traces of hull armour from the Galactica litter the orbit above ragnar anchorage - evidence of a battle - but that there is no evidence of the Galactica being destroyed, and no sign of any colonial or cylon forces.

    You call a command meeting - you theorise that the Galactica must have jumped away... but first fought a battle holding the orbit of ragnar anchorage, but for what purpose? One of your command staff suggests maybe they were holding off the Cylons long enough for defenceless vessels - such as civilian vessels - to escape. But you don't know nothing for certain.

    All you know is that the Galactica is still alive, that you don't know the strength or composition of any remaining colonial forces - or their location, or the strength and composition of the cylon forces which have just wiped out the majority of your forces and civilisation. You know that the Galactica believes the Columbia to be dead, and that you don't know where the Galactica has gone.

    You as commander must make a choice which may determine the fate of not only your ship, but potentially your species and civilisations very existence. Do you go out and search for the Galactica and the colonial forces which made it to ragnar, or do you decide to return to your homeworld(s) and try and retake and hold one of the planets orbit, and defend and allow your civilisations survivors to regroup, rebuild and fight back against the Cylons - thus beginning the 2nd human/ cylon war (as oppossed to massacre which just took place).

    You have no auxillary ships to refuel or resupply you - and your fuel and supplies are finite. Whatever choice you make - you have to make it fast, and plan ahead. If you choose to proceed after Galactica, there is no garantee you ll find the ship - you could run out of fuel in the vacuam of space. If you choose to return to your homeworld(s), you may fight... but you may well fall to the numerically superior Cylons. These are but 2 of the many options available to you... but as commander, the choice is yours!

    What do you choose to do?

    A third option. Clearly as said limited supplies. Fighting at this stage is unwise. We currently in a safe position with in the Asteroid field and so would stay there until the vessel is fully repaired.

    I use the Raptors to scout out all 12 of the colonies, focusing on finding resources, mostly fuel and food at first and then personnel and people. I would also try to ascertain the location the Galactica if they stay to fight they would near by if they left in search of a new planet to live on then they may already be to far ahread to catch up. I also try ascertain as much intelligence as possible about the cylon positions and the strength of the force they have.

    During those weeks hiding the asteroid field I would get engineering crew refine the old navigation program and to focus on increasing it range as far as possible. And getting much of the ship repaired as possible.
    If in say a month we have not heard from Galactica or any other ships. An the reconnaissance units fails to find other forces and ships hidden in the colonies then I would set a course as far away from the colonies as possible. Hoping to find a nice comfortable planet to live on and rebuild. Once a base is establish and a new fuel source and refinery and food sources are establish and replacement spare parts can be made an new ship construction began. Even it is just fighters and raptors.

    I then take the fight to the cylons knocking off as many basestars as possible never jumping directly back to base. Hopefully the reconissance units would discovered the rebels on the colonies, and I would slowly evacuate them back to the new colony. Man power will be the big problem through,
    Hopefully by this time I would of discover the human cylons threat and eliminated the ones on my vessel.

    A fourth option is that the cylons already think we dead, let sneak out the back door and go quietly into the night. Find a nice little stable planet and rebuild. Restricting long range radio transmissions, and build a small colony and grow it over time. Hopefully build it up to point where they can build new battle stars and new weapons. Eventually I would expand the colony onto other planet. Continue the spying the cylons, never engage them and never never lead them back to the colony.

    Once we have hundreds of ships we bring hell down onto the cylon race, and obliterate them. They would regret the day they decided to nuke us.
    Last edited by knowles2; 03 May 2009, 11:14 AM.


      Originally posted by ianjones1246 View Post

      What would you do?
      Get up on my feet and let go of every excuse
      'Cause I wouldn't want my baby to go through what I went through
      Get up on my feet and stop making up tired excuses
      Girl I know if my mother could do it baby you can do it!

      I mean try and find humanity, if I couldn't set up shop on a nice planet that is outside the red line..
      I dunno what to put in here now..

