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My Crazy theory about Earth.

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    My Crazy theory about Earth.

    Feel free to shoot it down.

    I am gonna go out in a limb here and throw out my crazy theory. Earth is manpulating the events. Earth is actually extremely advance and full of hybrids /cylon humans. Earth, and Earth alone was able to break the cycle so long ago. Seeing as how paranoid the 12 colonials were about helping cylons or anything to do with half and half tech. It might stand to reason that the puritans of earth who did not want to mix with their creation might have left for Kobols all those years ago.

    Remember what people say or what head Six say, the Kobols gods was made to surpress the truth. To cover up the truth. What if earth is observing all of those from afar? Seeing as how cylon can do that mental projection thing, what if only hybrids can mentally communicate with hybrids? Maybe that is why the Hybrid that pilot the Basestar know so much is because she is in contact with or can feel the emanation of the Earth-hybrids? What if all those line gibberish the basestar hybrid spout all of time is her eavesdropping on the earthling daily lives?

    Now as for Kara, following my theory, what if Earth observation ship saw her die , picked her back up, and because of her Cylon DNA, was able to resurrect her? They also gave her a brand spanking new Viper to boot, which is probably their mistake.

    What if, Earthlings have to determine if the Galatica fleet can unite and make it to them or not, if they are worthy and can leave all their old hatred, anger, bigotry, all of that behind and united as humans and cylons?

    Like I say , it a stretch. However for me, that make alot of sense. How hybrid is always spewing random stuff, and the reason why it might seem random is because she evedropping on daily life.

    How Hera is plugged into something , because hybrids can sense hybrids. All along the watch tower DID come from Earth after all. Jim Hendrix.

    Who would have the capability and resource to manufacture a brand new viper, who would also have the old technology of resurrection ?

    Earth, this show focus was on two things, Galaticia journey of rebirth and finding Earth. The Cylon earth was a mis-direction. At least, that what I believe.

    Originally posted by Vahnman View Post
    Feel free to shoot it down.

    I am gonna go out in a limb here and throw out my crazy theory. Earth is manpulating the events. Earth is actually extremely advance and full of hybrids /cylon humans. Earth, and Earth alone was able to break the cycle so long ago. Seeing as how paranoid the 12 colonials were about helping cylons or anything to do with half and half tech. It might stand to reason that the puritans of earth who did not want to mix with their creation might have left for Kobols all those years ago.

    Remember what people say or what head Six say, the Kobols gods was made to surpress the truth. To cover up the truth. What if earth is observing all of those from afar? Seeing as how cylon can do that mental projection thing, what if only hybrids can mentally communicate with hybrids? Maybe that is why the Hybrid that pilot the Basestar know so much is because she is in contact with or can feel the emanation of the Earth-hybrids? What if all those line gibberish the basestar hybrid spout all of time is her eavesdropping on the earthling daily lives?

    Now as for Kara, following my theory, what if Earth observation ship saw her die , picked her back up, and because of her Cylon DNA, was able to resurrect her? They also gave her a brand spanking new Viper to boot, which is probably their mistake.

    What if, Earthlings have to determine if the Galatica fleet can unite and make it to them or not, if they are worthy and can leave all their old hatred, anger, bigotry, all of that behind and united as humans and cylons?

    Like I say , it a stretch. However for me, that make alot of sense. How hybrid is always spewing random stuff, and the reason why it might seem random is because she evedropping on daily life.

    How Hera is plugged into something , because hybrids can sense hybrids. All along the watch tower DID come from Earth after all. Jim Hendrix.

    Who would have the capability and resource to manufacture a brand new viper, who would also have the old technology of resurrection ?

    Earth, this show focus was on two things, Galaticia journey of rebirth and finding Earth. The Cylon earth was a mis-direction. At least, that what I believe.
    when i read this i thought he was talking about stargate's Earth and i thought WTH. My Mistake
    People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.

