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Would there ever by Cylon/Artificial-Lifeform Animals?

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    Would there ever by Cylon/Artificial-Lifeform Animals?

    Well I think that the title states it all. But basically I was wondering about this one night as my roommate's cat viciously attacked my foot pawing at it and playfully biting it...annoying the crap out of me.
    The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page

    It would kinda ruin the series but it would be kinda cool! But have you seen a single animal in the entire BSG series? Now that I think about it I don't know if I ever saw one...


      Originally posted by Replicator Todd View Post
      It would kinda ruin the series but it would be kinda cool! But have you seen a single animal in the entire BSG series? Now that I think about it I don't know if I ever saw one...
      Oh no, I'm not talking about whether we'd seem them in the series but rather if the universe existed - The Twelve Colonies, Kobol, The 13th Tribe, Number Six.... (back on subject) - would they create Cylon animals.
      The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page


        Originally posted by Replicator Todd View Post
        It would kinda ruin the series but it would be kinda cool! But have you seen a single animal in the entire BSG series? Now that I think about it I don't know if I ever saw one...
        Jake and Romo's currently dead cat


          Well they had the stupid robot daggit in the original series.

          If they did it in the style of hunter-killer animals, programmed to seek out and destroy, then it would be cool, but it would kind of be useless on a spacefaring show... might have made more sense in TOS where there were aliens and thousands of inhabited worlds.


            The Raiders were described early on as being dog-like by Boomer when she's singing to the "dead" raider Starbuck brought back.
            Things we'd like to see in our favorite scifi...
            "Ori, meet Wraiths. Wraiths, meet Ori. I'm sure you'll get along famously." ~ any member of SG1.
            "Priors, meet Cylons. Cylons, Meet Priors. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful theologic discussion." ibid
            "This is the BattleStar Galactica - please identify yourself."
            "This is the Earth Vessel Daedelus. Are you lost?"
            "The WHAT Vessel?" Galactica Actual.


              Originally posted by thevarrior View Post
              Well they had the stupid robot daggit in the original series.

              If they did it in the style of hunter-killer animals, programmed to seek out and destroy, then it would be cool, but it would kind of be useless on a spacefaring show... might have made more sense in TOS where there were aliens and thousands of inhabited worlds.
              Let's pretend that the holocaust hasn't happened. Or perhaps that one of the models feels that there should be cats on a Basestar.

              Hmmm...I wonder what type of animal each of the different models would chose. I could see Cavil choosing a rabid pit bull.
              The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page



                Originally posted by HAL2100 View Post
                Let's pretend that the holocaust hasn't happened. Or perhaps that one of the models feels that there should be cats on a Basestar.

                Hmmm...I wonder what type of animal each of the different models would chose. I could see Cavil choosing a rabid pit bull.
                I could only see this working if the animals were mechanical, btw. A cool idea would be some sort of cheetah/panther.


                  Originally posted by thevarrior View Post
                  I could only see this working if the animals were mechanical, btw. A cool idea would be some sort of cheetah/panther.
                  But by making animal-form cylons as pets, it'd set up the whole story line of the animals gaining sentience and then turning on their masters.

                  "All this has happened before..."

                  (Can't you just see the first model being a dog and that model turning on the others... "Why did you put me in a body like this?")
                  The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page



                    Hi all,
                    I just found this thread and it sounds quite interesting.

                    Allow me to give my opinion. Also I have to say that I saw only first 3 seasons. So please forgive me if I say something that is proven wrong in later season.

                    I do not believe that Cylon would purposely make artificial animals. They consider humans to be below them, so why go even "lower"?
                    They are machines, and they do fell some kind of vague connection with the humans, but I do not believe they even considered other life forms as even relevant.

