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you will know the truth.spoilers for the final five

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    I heard it was definitely Ellen (my BSG obsessed boss says so). and it's moreso believable, because she was in the flashback with Tigh. That wouldn't really be possible if she wasn't the same type of *cylon* as he is.

    And it sort of makes sense when Six was switching over to Ellen, altho I saw that more as a hallucination, than a *cylon* connection between them.


      I'm thinking Felix Gaeta.


        Originally posted by Replicator Todd View Post
        I'm thinking Felix Gaeta.
        No. I just want Gaeta to go crawl into a whole somewhere and die. Painfully.

        The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


          apollo should use the force


            Originally posted by Replicator Todd View Post
            I'm thinking Felix Gaeta.

            Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
            No. I just want Gaeta to go crawl into a whole somewhere and die. Painfully.
            Oh, I agree! I used to really like Gaeta, but after last week's ep with Gaeta plotting to kill anyone opposed to the humans now left.. I couldn't watch the rest of the episode.
            But I do think if Gaeta *WAS* one of the hybrid cylons, it'd be just desserts of a discovery to him for the way he's been revolting against the very essence of what he claims to hate. It'd be interesting to see his reaction AFTER the fact, if he truly is a human/cylon.

            The mere singing fest Gaeta had while being delusional from losing his leg does or did make the mystery deepen on putting him as a suspected cylon.

            However, I was also sort of thinking that maybe all of them might be several generations of the new human/hybrid cylons (as was on earth), and being several generations removed -- but that might be stretching it a bit. hmmm.


              guest star Dirk Benedict


                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                Oh, I agree! I used to really like Gaeta, but after last week's ep with Gaeta plotting to kill anyone opposed to the humans now left.. I couldn't watch the rest of the episode.
                But I do think if Gaeta *WAS* one of the hybrid cylons, it'd be just desserts of a discovery to him for the way he's been revolting against the very essence of what he claims to hate. It'd be interesting to see his reaction AFTER the fact, if he truly is a human/cylon.

                I hoping he is a Cylon for that very reason.


                  I fail to see how anybody can possibly think the last Cylon is anybody other than Ellen Tigh. In accordance with the rules and spirit of this forum, there will be no scathing comments voiced.

                  Just to be clear; the final Cylon is Ellen Tigh.

                  Not sure if it's been mentioned, but Saul Tigh's dead wife turned out to be the final Cylon.

                  Dunno if you remember that scene on New Caprica when Saul Tigh poisoned that woman. The woman was the final Cylon, and also his wife.

                  Saul Tigh kept having these flashbacks about the wife he killed for collaborating with the Cylons. Funny how he and his wife, Ellen Tigh. Both turned out to be Final Fivers.

                  I'm truly baffled.
                  Mongoletsi is bigger than hip...hop...


                    Originally posted by Bey0nd View Post
                    apollo should use the force
                    Imagine if they stumble into the Star wars universe...oey, that will make people's heads explode!!

                    May the force be with you.
                    By Nolamom


                      Everyone seems to think that Ellen and 6 are the same model.

                      What if its Kara and Ellen?

                      Kara the young 20something model and Ellen the 50something version?

                      What if there's a resurrection ship near Earth?


                      What if there's a rip in Reality that split Kara into three, each with the same soul/mind? One was destroyed in front of Apollo's eyes, the second died on Earth and the last one is the one we now know as Kara?
                      Things we'd like to see in our favorite scifi...
                      "Ori, meet Wraiths. Wraiths, meet Ori. I'm sure you'll get along famously." ~ any member of SG1.
                      "Priors, meet Cylons. Cylons, Meet Priors. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful theologic discussion." ibid
                      "This is the BattleStar Galactica - please identify yourself."
                      "This is the Earth Vessel Daedelus. Are you lost?"
                      "The WHAT Vessel?" Galactica Actual.


                        Ellen is the fifth cylon and Kara is not a cylon. She's something else
                        Stolen Kosovo


                          Originally posted by Mamid View Post

                          What if there's a rip in Reality that split Kara into three, each with the same soul/mind? One was destroyed in front of Apollo's eyes, the second died on Earth and the last one is the one we now know as Kara?
                          this might work for other sci fi shows, But I doubt that BSG will do that. It's too star trekky.
                          By Nolamom


                            BSG producers seem to have a philosophy of staying away from extreme Sci-Fi, like time travel and wormholes, alternate universes and such.

                            Aside from the Faster Than Light engines, everything is kept very realistic to the point of being unscientific. For example, Viper landing strips with wire traps are something that you find on real-life aircraft carriers but it makes no sense to have them on a space-ship.

                            Based on the design of Colonial Battlestars vs Cylon Basestars, the Cylons should kick Colonial heiney everytime, simply by virtue of being able to launch 50-100 raiders in a fraction of the time it takes Galactica to launch a handful of Vipers.

                            Realism mysteriously flies out the window however when it comes to spirit/god beings, religion and miracles. Hmmm, I just don't know what the plan is there, unless R&D were on a proselytizing campaign.
                            sigpic My Twit-name (@fwupow) is the same!


                              Viper landings aren't arrested iirc.

                              I do agree though; it seems Galactica's AA batteries even it out. So why don't the Cylons employ 'em? Also, why don't the Cylons just hammer Galactica with nukes (as opposed normal missiles) every chance they get?

                              A little off topic tho, me thinks.
                              Mongoletsi is bigger than hip...hop...


                                I seem to be more interested in the "wtf is Kara" arc, i mean when she found herself on Earth mk1, freaked me the **** out.

                                If one person could lead everyone and everything to ruin - i think its gonna hurt more than 5 people who have done well against their own people without even knowing it

                                So this is how the Stargate franchise was killed, not by guns or ships or knives.

                                But by;
                                “There’s obviously a passionate audience for Atlantis and the characters of Atlantis. And yes, they’re absolutely going to continue in the movie franchise. But people need to mourn for a while and come to terms with it. I don’t anticipate that that will subside quickly. But once Universe is on air and they have kind of their next fix of the Stargate franchise, I think hopefully people will realize that it’s in safe hands at Sci Fi...

