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Cylons - Numeric Order (Theory)

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    Cylons - Numeric Order (Theory)

    I had a hard time searching for a related topic because the Cylon model numbers are used so much. Mods, please delete if there was already a post discussing this.

    Here is a thought that come across my mind. The final five Cylons are supposed to be fundamentally different than the first eight... to me, that means that they are the good ones... or at least the ones that will bring balance between the colonials and Cylons.

    Theory Below:

    The numeric order for the known Cylons have already been revealed.

    1. Cavil
    2. Leoben
    3. D'Anna
    4. Simon
    5. Doral
    6. Caprica
    7. Unknown
    8. Sharon
    9. Unknown
    10. Unknown
    11. Unknown
    12. Unknown

    Four of the five unknown Cylons have been revealed. I think the five fundamentally different Cylons are #8-12, meaning that #7 is part of the "evil" sect of Cylons.

    I think the Eight Model, according to my theory, is one of the Good/Different Cylons, which just happens to be Athena/Sharon. This also means that 1 of the 5 living in secret is an evil one because he/she would be Model #7. I honestly think that it's Tory, based on her recent actions and just the evil aura that surrounds her. I've always had a bad vibe about here.

    Now as to the last Cylon to be revealed to us, I have no idea, but I am just thinking that it is someone from a high leadership role.

    What do you think? I haven't been on these forums in a while... I just started another thread a couple of days ago for the first time in more than a year. If someone else has had this idea already, I didn't know about it and my apologies.

    i reckon they were continually making changes to the models as the progressed along. They get to #7 and find they make some changes that alters the model too far away from the collective. So they attempt to rectify it with #8, but only partly succeed (hence why the Sixes say that the Eights have always been a weak model) and stop at that. Meanwhile #7 makes 4 other models and they become the final five.

    just putting it out there.


      the part that throws me off is this.

      we have 12 different models of skin jobs

      1 new centurion

      1 new heavy raider model

      1 new raider model

      1 new basestar model

      it's only been 40 years, how could all these changes have taken place in such a short period?

      how could the toasters have even been inspired to experiment on trying to create a hybrid in the first place durring the first war, let alone have made such incredible progress in such a short period?

      i like the idea, including the idea about how significant changes were probably introduced with each model but there just doesn't seem to be enough time to make this work.

      Also i wonder where the failures are. If you're trying to invent or develop new technology you're likely to fail hundreds of times before getting even one success.

      In my mind there isn't enough time for the failures, let alone successes. It's development from nothing in way beyond stunning time.

      i hope it is made sense of.
      That human piece of incompetent garbage currently holding the office of President of the USA is not in any way my president, I can't support a born failure. Same reason i was against the last nitwit.

