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Clairifcation on Tyrol's Drunken Speech - [Spoiler]

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    Clairifcation on Tyrol's Drunken Speech - [Spoiler]


    I'm trying to understand what Tyrol was talking about. I back tracked it a few times but I still don't understand.

    After Tyrol says:

    "Buried my head in the sand, and I took it and I settled" (reference to marrying Callie)

    "I settled for that Shreek. Those dull freakin eyes"

    Did that refer to Callie too?


    Subspace Energy Technology Thread

    without reviewing it again I would have to say yes - there has been a very good post on the relationship between tyrol and cally posted somewhere here one or two weeks ago

    basically they ended up with eachother not because they were a good couple, but just the best available match out of a pool of bad matches

    now what really peaked my interest is the cylon comment from adama, although I suppose it's just tyrol's mind frakking with him
    I'm an average viewer. As plain as they come. People make TV shows based on my demographic.

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      Yes, I think Adama's cylon comment was Tyrol's mind frakking with him.

      Although, it seems Boomer's been on his mind. Wonder if that'll come up again. She's kinda losing her mind and being all weird with Cavil over on the base star these days. Maybe they'll run into each other again...

      "boiled-cabbage smell of her"
      yikes! that's harsh


        My analysis of the situation is that Tyrol is going through the stages of mourning, in particular anger. He is angry at her for dying and trying to dehuminize her so that it is easier for him to deal with; I think that he also on some level feels responsible for it and making her less human and repugnant it would be easier for him to see it as not his fault. That being said, I recall one of the cylons stating earlier in the series that a cylon and human could only have a child if they loved one another. Thus, the existence of Nicki, a child of Galen and Cally, demonstrates that they both did love one another, at least at some point. I think it will be interesting to see where Tyrol goes from here. He is embracing self destructive behavior which many people do when an intimate dies. I think Tyrol is going to go Full Metal Jacket on us.
        When in trouble, "send lawyers, guns and money!"


          Good Point... but I think you're forgetting a point.
          Tyrol is a member of the final five, they are fundamentally different they are more human than cylon. They may not have the same 'love' restrictions as the significant seven.

          For all we know the final five are for all intents and purposes human, or even more than that. Maybe they are cylons who splintered from the main group, reaching a new metaphysical being of some sort.

          You've got to look at this from a metaphorical point of view, it's not just about cylons vs humans.


            I digress, you could be entirely right. Arguably, the four may not have been cylon at all up until they were "activated." However, I think Tyrol's comment that "we have been from the beginning," is very telling on this point. Yet, I do not completely disagree with you. One thing is for sure, that they haven't focused on Nicky as being special as they have with Hera.
            When in trouble, "send lawyers, guns and money!"


              Originally posted by nckzvnbr View Post
              I recall one of the cylons stating earlier in the series that a cylon and human could only have a child if they loved one another. Thus, the existence of Nicki, a child of Galen and Cally, demonstrates that they both did love one another, at least at some point.
              Or the Cylons could be mistaken in that belief, one of the main plot threads of BSG is the human cylon models trying to figure out how close they are to Humans, perhaps they are closer to Humans than they think
              A word of advice... there are creatures that live between this dimension and the next, fiendish creatures that feast on the suffering of an entire world to satiate their eternal hunger. Support the Gateworld Cantina or suffer the fate of all who fall into the clutches of the 'Eladrith Ynneas'


                Originally posted by nckzvnbr
                My analysis of the situation is that Tyrol is going through the stages of mourning, in particular anger. He is angry at her for dying and trying to dehuminize her so that it is easier for him to deal with; I think that he also on some level feels responsible for it and making her less human and repugnant it would be easier for him to see it as not his fault. That being said, I recall one of the cylons stating earlier in the series that a cylon and human could only have a child if they loved one another.
                IMO Tyrol running down Cally was more than a simple "mourning stage" with the fox trying to sour the grapes. in vino veritas as the ole saying goes, and he was drunk : he meant it. not to say he didn't have [positive] feelings for her, but whatever genuine attachment he may have had was intertwined with all that resentment
                it would be interesting to see Tyrol & Boomer cross paths again (in Cavil's absence, of course -)

                as for the "true love" requirements for a cylon/human hybrid, RDM also said that the final 5 were "fundamentally different". for all we know their hormones ain't that finicky :|


                  Did I hear the chief say something along the lines of "holding a gun to your head" or something like that during the scene?

                  Or was it just my Cylon mind frakking with me?

                  I remember a couple lines that he said which specifically referenced to Boomer... Though I was in shock during that scene and cannot remember certain dialogs... This episode is too disturbing...


                    Yeah he said to Adama, after Adama said that Cally was a good woman, then why did you hold a gun to her head ("Dirty Hands"), but that is ok because he had thought about doing it himself.
                    When in trouble, "send lawyers, guns and money!"


                      OMG they killed Cally


                        Originally posted by nckzvnbr View Post
                        Yeah he said to Adama, after Adama said that Cally was a good woman, then why did you hold a gun to her head ("Dirty Hands"), but that is ok because he had thought about doing it himself.
                        Adama held a gun to Cally's head? Huh? Cally held a gun to Boomer's head, and that guy (I forgot his name) held a gun to Cally's head when they were looking for the tomb on that planet...

                        But when did Adama held a gun to Cally's head?


                          I don't remember if he actually did, but he did threaten to shoot her. Watch "Dirty Hands." I think Tyrol is going to start stalking Athena when Helo and her get back to the Galactica.
                          When in trouble, "send lawyers, guns and money!"


                            Originally posted by nckzvnbr View Post
                            I don't remember if he actually did, but he did threaten to shoot her. Watch "Dirty Hands." I think Tyrol is going to start stalking Athena when Helo and her get back to the Galactica.
                            Though Tyrol is being demoted and transferred off the ship isn't he, after that little outburst?

                            In the end he might be the only "good cylon" left (well, he and Athena, Sam)...


                              My take on the drunken speech was that he was angry a lot at himself, and said what he said to push Adama's buttons to get himself demoted. He wanted away from being in a position of reponsibility (I think he was wondering if maybe his cylon programming made him deliberately cause the Raptor accident) and away from being able to hurt people he cared about.
                              I'm A Leaf On The Wind...Watch How I Soar

