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BSG season two worst hangover DVD set ever

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    BSG season two worst hangover DVD set ever

    Let me paint you a picture.

    I had just flown from New Zealand to Australia. The flight times and travel after landing meant I had missed alot of sleep. I had been stressed alot recently. I probably hadn't eaten enough. I had just gotten over a really bad flu and was still taking the Meds for it.

    I decided that I was going drive 2 hours to catch up with some friends to watch our first game of the rugby world cup in melbourne. I made it to my friends place and after all the things I had been through in the weeks prior I was open to the idea of having a drink or two.
    This is where my folly began.
    In short I was in bad shape for this venture. I hadn't really had a drink in 4-5 years( no im not a reformed alcoholic, I just don't feel compelled to do it and never really like the taste or smell. I did some farley instensive drinking between ages 15-21...that was enough)
    Now we were not really going silly or anything just a beer or two. We made it to bar to watch the game....the rest is black...this has never happened to me before.
    I woke up the next day sprawled on my freinds spare bed. It was extremely disorientating and frankly quite terrifying.
    Apparently I had gotten increasingly raucous and went mad on Yagermeister and red bull then topped myself off with 4 successive shots of Tequila. Stress and sleep deprevation can do funny things to you.

    I felt like death...or at least like death would have been preferable.
    I managed to gather my wits enough make it to the couch. after a while of my friend crawled down stairs also and parked on the other couch. He was in almost as bad shape.

    He chucked on season 2 of BSG and we watched most of it throughout the day.Note I had never seen the show before then.
    This was broken up intermittently by us both having to run off and chuck.(eventually we got buckets because moving made us worse. In fact even breathing made me chuck)
    And heres the point....All through nearly every episode they are drinking whiskey straight. Tigh was hard at it....So was starbuck...So was Adamma Etc. Just watch it again every episode madness!
    Everytime it happened we both audibly groaned and shuddered,then started vomiting. We could almost smell the liquor. This lasted for about 24 hours or more. Nearly the nastiest hangover I have ever had

    Anyway I was hooked on the show from then on.

    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


      I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

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        Wow. Just... wow.
        Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

        Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

        EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."




