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When Galactica ends.....

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    When Galactica ends.....

    It's still a year down the line, but is there any sort of "conclusion" to the show that you'd like to see once it has finished airing? Something to wrap it up once and for all?

    Personally I'd like to see Ron Moore's "Cylon Bible" published in some form for us all to see, it would be an interesting read and something very worthwhile to put out there that fans would appreciate. In a perfect world it would come with the 4.5 DVDs.....

    Also I'd like to see some sort of book with essays by the writers about the show (this could possibly include the "Cylon Bible"), varying from talking about themes of the show, to the experience of working on Galactica, how they came to it, that sort of thing with pictures, etc. Something nice to sum up the end of this wonderful show.

    I'm thinking a two part mini-series where Galactica comes to earth and fights Nazis.

    But seriously i'd much prefer TPTB to concentrate on the making of Caprica, because what has been said so far it seems pretty average. (but we all know it's gonna kick arse)


      ya know i like the idea of seeing the inside of the cylon religion too.

      one of my major complaints with the show is that nothing meaningful has been added to our insight of the cylons since the first season.

      The show seemed to drag for some because nothing was being shown that was new about them, and honestly the heroes are archetypes, their few flaws are nothing more than crass cliché now. They just aren't that interesting to explore as was shown by the reaction to the season 3 love subplot and how well it was received by the fans.

      If Ron Moore can't "show" us the cylon god in some way then we have no hope of seeing the bible, so i'm hoping for both.
      That human piece of incompetent garbage currently holding the office of President of the USA is not in any way my president, I can't support a born failure. Same reason i was against the last nitwit.


        I'd like to see a nice big glossy coffee table book. One that I can put on my non-existent coffee table.
        Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

        Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

        EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."



          Originally posted by Lady Snow View Post
          I'd like to see a nice big glossy coffee table book. One that I can put on my non-existent coffee table.


            I what a prequel the first cylon war. I love BSG space battle's.
            You think that's bad? I owe 100 grand to a fat ass loan shark which I spent on a stripper named Molly Mounds.


              There's a few conclusions I'd like to be able to see to some of these story threads before the final curtain...

              I need to know what the whole "Head Six", "Head Baltar" thing is about. That's one thing I really don't want "left to my imagination". Why was Baltar seeing some angelic (or demonic) version of a Six in his head, while Cap Six was seeing some wiser version of Baltar in her head?

              They've been playing up "Kara's destiny", I want to see what her "destiny" is.

              Hera, "the first born of god's new generation" had better be more than just "the baby everyone is supposed to fret over". How does she fit into all of this?

              Why have "the fates", or whatever, chosen Baltar and Caprica Six as the "protectors" of "god's new generation"? Cap Six I can see, she's one formidable woman (machine? machine woman?), but Baltar? Gaius Baltar? Why would "the fates", or "the gods", or "the cylons one true god" chose THAT sniveling, self-centered, self-absorbed, short sighted, fool, to "protect" ANYTHING? Is there something about him that makes him the right choice for that job that none of us can see just yet?

              "All this has happened before, and all this will happen again", o.k., heard that what, at least a dozen times now? I get it. I really do. So HOW exactly does "All this happening before, wind up happening again", and again, and again. What's this whole "cycle of time" thing about? (It better not involve any blasted "time loops" for crying out loud!)

              "And they have a plan", we saw that at the beginning of what? Every single solitary episode from season one through to season two or three right? I've noticed that that particular line has been conspicuously missing for a while now. No fair! They can't just end the show and not tell us what "The Plan" was! If "The Plan" was what Caprica would call "god's plan" fine, it was "god's plan", who the h#ll is "god" and what was this "plan" we've been hearing about for the last four years?

              And of course, there's the question that's been asked more than "Who shot J.R.?" at this point... Who is the Fifth of the Final Five? I really don't want that to wind up as some "enduring mystery" of the show. I'd also like to know if "The Final Five" are in fact what the Colonials call "The Five Priests of The Temple of The One Who Can Not Be Named".

              I'd LOVE to see the "cylon bible", even if it's just a text only copy put up on the official website.

              Also - with regard to the upcoming series "Caprica" (This, from an io9 article on the "prequel" that was recently "green-lit").

              "As soon as people started describing Caprica, the Battlestar Galactica prequel, as "Dallas in space," it got a lot harder to take seriously. But the TV movie, which tells the story of the Cylons' creation decades before they rose up and wiped out most of the human race, may actually explore some interesting territory."



              Caution MAJOR
              "Daniel Graystone is a computer genius, married to the unfaithful Amanda, a gifted surgeon. Their daughter, Zoe, dies in a suicide bombing by religious fanatics, including Zoe's boyfriend. Also killed in that bombing: Joseph Adama's wife and daughter."

              Was a very young Tom Zarek involved with this group? Is that how he wound up in prison?
              Last edited by BumpOnnaHalfApple; 02 April 2008, 01:21 AM.


                Originally posted by Anonmatel View Post
                I'm thinking a two part mini-series where Galactica comes to earth and fights Nazis.
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