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A small, but tightly knit group.

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    A small, but tightly knit group.

    How much of a life do you suppose Athena has carved out for herself within the fleet at this point?

    For example, what do you think would happen if Athena walked into Joe's Bar aboard Galactica these days?

    Frankly, I'd expect a brawl.

    There'd be the inevitable outraged group of customers insisting on her being unceremoniously tossed out the door, (if not the nearest airlock). That much I think probably goes without saying. But then I'd also expect that there'd be all those people she serves with that just simply WOULD NOT PUT UP WITH THAT.

    "Racetrack", for example, I believe serves as her E.C.O. (Electronic Countermeasures Officer). And regardless of what she may think of Athena personally, "that toaster" is still her L.T., her pilot, and there's no such thing as picking a fight with any E.C.O.'s pilot without winding up with a "two-fer" on your hands. Pick a fight with either an E.C.O. or their pilot, and you're dammed well going to wind up facing off against both. That's just the nature of the beast.

    Then there'd be the Viper pilots she serves with. Some of them, like "Hotdog", appear to actually like her. Others seem a bit more ambivalent, but either way, these are people that've been in the sh__ storm with Athena, more than once, people that stake their lives on her doing her job without hesitation or mistakes every time they go into combat, and I have a very hard time believing that many, if any of them, would just sit idlely by while someone tried to forcibly eject her from a bar they were drinking in.

    Even people like "Gunny" Mathias, (who commanded Athena's marine escort during the rescue op to New Caprica), might very well throw a few punches first, and ask what started the whole bruehaha later, if a pilot she'd served with was taking a beating in a bar, right there under her nose.

    Bottom line - I suspect that Athena would probably have trouble getting a drink in Joe's the first time, but ONLY the first time. After that most people might make rude comments under their breath, but few would be stupid enough to actually try to get her thrown out, let alone take a poke at her.
    ;-) (In fact, how many of you suspect that something along these lines may have already taken place, despite the fact that it hasn't been mentioned or shown as part of an episode?)

    Who sits for Hera when Helo and Athena's duty schedules don't allow for either of them to be there? That's got to happen at least on occasion, and I suspect it'd happen fairly regularly. So - who's the babysitter? What's their relationship with the Agathons?

    Who lives across the corridor from the Agathons? Who are their "neighbors" to either side? Given the situation, I'd imagine that strangers to that particular corridor, of any kind, would be given a lot more than just a casual once over by the neighbors, and I don't think they be particularly trusting or friendly toward people nosing around. "Why do you want to know?" would probably be the first thing out of anyone's mouth in response to even the most innocent questions asked about the Agathons I suspect.

    In short, I wouldn't be at all surprise if there were already a small, but very tightly knit and closed mouth group of people, surrounding Athena and her husband, that act as their own social network that they can, and occasionally do turn to for support, when it's needed.

    Who would you suspect to be a part of that group?