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Was her boxing ordered rather than decided?

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    Was her boxing ordered rather than decided?

    I cant recall her name but I think she was number 4. Does it seem odd that they would box the entire line for the actions of one individual? Does it seem odd that when she saw a face of one of the final five her body went into an almost auto destruct sequence? I mean in biblical text seeing God caused a person to age rapidly and die (moses (sp) was allowed to see God's backside and aged but didnt die for example) and if the cylon belief system is based somewhat on christianity wouldnt it have made more sence for her to have aged rapidly and died if the final five are supposed to be godlike?

    Basicly do you think that instead of the remaining cylons deciding the entire line needed to be boxed one of the final five ordered it because she was getting close to identifying them?

    D'Anna Biers was one version of Number Three, not four.

    I think it's more like "you shall not see the face of God(s) and live," or "to know the face of God is to know madness," D'Anna certainly went insane by Cylon standards, repeatedly suiciding, something against Cylon programming. Boxing isn't irreversible, Cavil hinted as much when he boxed D'Anna. However, it does seem incredible that the entire model would be boxed for the actions of one individual, no matter how flawed.


      It wasn't just the actions of one individual. The other Threes, the one in Basestar command for example, aided and abetted D'Anna. This was not the case with Athena or Caprica, so the other Eights and Sixes have not been punished.


        Well she said or Baltar said that the choosen one would see the faces of the final five.

        I think the other 6 cylons knew the only way not to wreck the final five plan is to box all of the Threes.


          Originally posted by WGAnubis View Post
          I cant recall her name but I think she was number 4. Does it seem odd that they would box the entire line for the actions of one individual? Does it seem odd that when she saw a face of one of the final five her body went into an almost auto destruct sequence? I mean in biblical text seeing God caused a person to age rapidly and die (moses (sp) was allowed to see God's backside and aged but didnt die for example) and if the cylon belief system is based somewhat on christianity wouldnt it have made more sence for her to have aged rapidly and died if the final five are supposed to be godlike?

          Basicly do you think that instead of the remaining cylons deciding the entire line needed to be boxed one of the final five ordered it because she was getting close to identifying them?
          The self destruct could be like Lots Wife after looking back when she was told not to and so died by turning into a pillaur of salt .


