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Think we will see any old school cylons?

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    Think we will see any old school cylons?

    I recall in the mini serise Baltar is freaking out at number 6 and says something along the lines that the last time someone had seen a cylon they were walking toasters. Number 6 then replied those models are still around as they still have their uses.

    Anyway, Im wondering if this was just a way keep the possibility open that we might see cylons from the old show walking around or if it was just another way to tie the old to the new.

    I think she meant the modern day metal cylons rather than the obsolete old series toasters.


      Originally posted by illspirit View Post
      I think she meant the modern day metal cylons rather than the obsolete old series toasters.
      I dont think so because in the mini serise at the very beginning the rep that they sent to the station to wait for the cylons (which up to that point never showed) was looking at diagrams of the cylons that were featured in the old show.


        An old style cylon is clearly visible in the Galactica museum
        The drums, the drums, the never ending drumbeat! Open me you human fool! Open the light and summon me and receive my majesty!


          I think we will see old-school toasters in Caprica if it gets picked up, because the old cylons are definitely visible in the museum. Even the old basestars are there. ALSO, in the miniseries, when Boxey's dad is looking at the cylon specifications, it was the OLD cylons on that paper. so as far as the colonials knew, the cylons looked like the 1970s-cylons until they showed up again during the second attack.

          It is likely that after the cylons 'evolved'/'rebelled', they made a new model of centurion and retired the original human-built 1970s-looking model. That would make the most sense (as i see it).
          Mmmm... Chunky.



            I think you have it backwards. I think the 70s version was just to go "Here you go old fans" and that what Baltar was relating to was the metal ones. Because why would Six go "They are still around" and we have never seen them?


              Because they are on the Cylon hoomeworld, or where ever they were orginally "evolved".
              The Alliance is born!!!!


                Maybe we'll see them when the Final Five are shown


                  I doubt we will ever see the Cylon home World unless it's Earth.

                  And I doubt we will ever see them on the show, maybe on the spinoff.


                    No, no. It's like this:

                    There are only five of them left.
                    Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

                    Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

                    EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."



                      That would be hilarious.
                      The Alliance is born!!!!


                        If you watched the old series, a race of lizards made the robots to look like humans as close as possible. The lizards (cylons) died out long ago and the robots took on the name of Cylon.

                        The original cylon design is on display in the museum. 6 was more than likley referring to the newer versions of the robots rather than the toaster version since the new evolution of cylons seem to be the meat bags.
                        Visit my Website


                          Originally posted by Hierakonpolis View Post
                          The original cylon design is on display in the museum. 6 was more than likley referring to the newer versions of the robots rather than the toaster version since the new evolution of cylons seem to be the meat bags.
                          [Inquiry] Was that a KotOR reference or do I play way too many games?


                            It would be great for the show if they did discover an old toaster model!.

                            Perhaps that is what they refer to in the final five or perhaps a cameo is planned for some of the original cast of the 1978-80 BSG mini series. Who knows??


                              Caprica Six spoke of them having thier uses, and made reference to them in the past tense. The new model centurions are not sentient - a design choice by the skinjobs to prevent them from rebelling.

                              The original centurians were sentient, having paved the way for the original rebellion.

                              Now, upgraded with 1 forum demerit point for the use of sarcasm.
                              "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."

                              Ambassador Koch, Believers, 1.10 B5

