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Is the presidency a sham?

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    Rosslin was more use to the art of comprimise, but had the balls to make the tough decisions. Destroying the transport for example, or throwing the cylon out the airlock.
    Balter was an individual who was just in the limelight, yes he was smart but I don't think he really lived up to his reputation (given that seven re-wrote half his CPU program), he didn't inform Adama about Sharon. He couldn't effectivily run the colony when it did land (everything seemed to be falling apart (socially)), he was also drugged up.
    Basically he enjoyed the perks and respect but couldn't handle the responsibility or power.


      Long Live King Adama and Queen Roslin.
      Doze Out...

      I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.


        Baltar was a poor president, straight up. New Caprica society was falling apart under his "leadership" before the cylons came.

        Roslin is also a never-elected despot. However, she has remained a unifying leader without ever bringing force against her own people. From "Bastille Day" to the pardon of all collaborators, her administration (not only her but the people around her) have managed to prevent the people of the fleet from being forced into obedience.

        For these reasons, Roslin is awarded the title of better president, but her presidency is technically a well-accomplished sham.


          Ohh, I love BSG, where its goin, I agree it is a bit of a sham, but makes the show more interesting!!
          I HATE SY-FY


            Originally posted by Oreo View Post
            Further proof she is George Bush.

            That is the dumbest thing I have seen here. Baltar is the better president because he didn't get the humans nuked, even through he did kill off about 10%+ of the population? And "not-with-standing" part is just idiotic. Did you think about what you were saying before you said it? You could think Baltar is the better president, but in your own facts show that he isn't.

            Baltar setted the planet, Roslin wouldn't have. Who is the better president?
            Given the information they had at the time, Baltar's decision was the correct one. Earth is probably just a myth and it probably doesn't have the resources to fight the Cylons even if it does exist, continuing to search for it when there are only 40,000 people left alive is boarding on suicidal. They could have recreated human civilization on that rock if they had enough time. Baltar had no way of knowing that the Cylons would ever find it, much less find it so quickly. It was the correct decision. It was also the popular decision, one that nearly everyone wanted.

            When the Cylons occupied New Caprica, capitulation was the only sane choice. They had already shown a willingness to commit genocide at the drop of a hat and they certainly had the firepower to do it. The Resistance was simply making things worse, for the most part. Had Roslin been president she probably would have done exactly what Baltar did. If she actively resisted she would just be killed and replaced with a more compliant puppet ruler or worse, the Cylons would have just nuked the place from orbit.


              If Baltar can change public opinion of him self, show he was forced to sign the papers, forced to go with the cylons and they’re for not a trader.

              He could claim the presidency back...

              WOW, that would rock!

              I just love to think out of the box.
              Doze Out...

              I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.

