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4th season news

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    4th season news

    well heres what i found

    looks like s4 might be like s1 13 eps long well if it means they get rid of the soap feel theres been in the last 3 eps i don't mind !!!!!

    Originally posted by deathskull View Post
    well heres what i found

    looks like s4 might be like s1 13 eps long well if it means they get rid of the soap feel theres been in the last 3 eps i don't mind !!!!!
    OMG yay! Thank you for posting! You get green. I was starting to wonder when they'd green light season 4. I hope they expand to a 20+ episode season, but at least they've got 13 so far, right?

    Thanks to Dorka for this beautiful sig!!


      best news today

      green for ya


        I always liked the original 13 episode format because that's the number of colonies. And this means that the movie is greenlit, yay!


          Well this is far from offical. Until Sci-fi comes out and says this I will not believe it.

          I like the 13 episode formatt better as this season and last proved, my problem is that I think they should shot for 100 episodes. Making a fourth and fifth season of 20 episodes plus that movie would do it. I guess I rather have 13 good episodes than 12-14 good episodes and then several filler episodes.

          I think Sci-fi should just give the go for a fourth and fifth season of how many episodes they want and then end it with a mini series.

          And the people on that site seem kind of... well dumb. It already came out that the movie was going to be a cheap way to make money from a DVD and it would be about 2 hours long. They think that the movie is the reason the season might be 13 episodes long. How would a cheap movie have the bugget of 6-7 episodes? Really people, use your heads.


            So they bought 13 episodes rather than the usual 20. Cool I guess, but I suppose it speaks volumes for SciFI's faith in one of it's supposed best shows on Television

            What do they mean by 13 + 1? Is the +1 supposed to be the movie?
            Last edited by Hairy_Little_Muffin; 12 February 2007, 08:43 AM. Reason: Punctuation


              A two-parter? An extended version? 13 epsiodes-3 months break-1 episode? Movie?
              This could be anything


                Excellent! Maybe this will help to tame the panic.


                  To be honest, 13 is better. The first season was only 13 and had aurguably the best stories. The "filler" won't be there.

                  FRAK YEAH!

                  And regardless, Eureka, a show that rates much higher, was only given 12 episodes for a second season. Maybe Scifi is changing their policy?
                  Music Profile: 83710 Songs --- 3714 Artists --- 7051 Albums


                    Great news indeed
                    And hopefully it would be the end of story when they find Earth.And I suppose 13 eps are better than 20 because you dont have to stretch the storylines which could easyly make the show boring and unattractive.


                      according to the article on the main page the show won't premiere until NEXT January. Now we have to wait even longer between seasons. I don't care if a dvd movie comes out. If season 3 is any indication of the quality of the movie I think i'll pass. There were some good episodes this season but the love quadrangle almost ruins any episode its even mentioned in.


                        January! *picks up jaw* I'll never survive!


                          For those that did not see




                            OO and for those who didnt read the LA Times Article

                            "Moore and Eick recently confirmed rampant online speculation that by the end of the season, one of the main characters would be revealed as a Cylon, the robotic race set on wiping out its human counterparts.

                            Moore said that he had a general idea of where the story would go in the fourth season but hadn't committed anything to paper. He and Eick went to Las Vegas over the weekend to get started"


                              Originally posted by BattleBaconXXL View Post
                              according to the article on the main page the show won't premiere until NEXT January. Now we have to wait even longer between seasons. I don't care if a dvd movie comes out. If season 3 is any indication of the quality of the movie I think i'll pass. There were some good episodes this season but the love quadrangle almost ruins any episode its even mentioned in.
                              I dont think this season was a complete waste, but yes, we are all getting bored of the quadrangle. That is one positive side of starbuck dying- it solves the quadrangle problem (even though they will probably have a whole episode about an emo Apollo trying to get over her).
                              I still can't wait for the movie. I bet they will put a lot of work into making it good.
                              Season 4! WEEEeeeeee!
                              Mmmm... Chunky.


