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Why sacrifice pegasus?

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    Why sacrifice pegasus?

    Ok so hi, I am new here so this may have been brought up earlier but anyway...

    Spoiler alert for those who have not seen season 3

    Why would lee sacrifice the Pegasus? I mean it is stronger there for more strategically important than an older class battlestar??
    I know its not called Battlestar Pegasus but I just dont understand!

    Well other than the show is called Battlestar Galactica ...

    The Pegasus, which is larger in size and most likely more heavily armoured, would hold out longer in theory than a ship of perhaps less armour, thus giving everyone more of a chance to flee

    or so one might think anyways


      Originally posted by _aussiegater_ View Post
      Ok so hi, I am new here so this may have been brought up earlier but anyway...

      Spoiler alert for those who have not seen season 3

      Why would lee sacrifice the Pegasus? I mean it is stronger there for more strategically important than an older class battlestar??
      I know its not called Battlestar Pegasus but I just dont understand!
      All military considerations and story arc's aside, RDM point blank said on a podcast that the bottom line in getting rid of the Peggy, was a production cost issue. They needed a place for the Cylon Basestar sets and the Peggy sets had to go, since they only had so much allotted space.

      I was bummed to see it go, too. The suicide run and taking out multiple basestars was pretty cool though.


        I guess it would've been fun to destroy the Galactica. Tonight, on an all new Battlestar Pegasus - doesn't have the same ring to it.

        Or: An all new BaltarStar Galactica
        The drums, the drums, the never ending drumbeat! Open me you human fool! Open the light and summon me and receive my majesty!


          Ignore a moment how the event unfolded on screen.

          The Pegasus was given the command to protect the civillian fleet. This included the ships which were escaping during the Exodus. In many ways, the Adamas would have agreed that Galactica was the ship being sacrificed (if either).

          On-screen it turned out the Pegasus was sacrificed only because Lee went to rescue his father.

          So consider that the chain of events set into motion were to sacrifice Galactica and not Pegasus.


            Because Ron Moore hates us!!!!
            Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.



              ALL HAIL THE RESET BUTTON!!!!

              at least thats the way it feels to me, especially having seen up to the middle of s3 and pretty much everything has been reset to before the pegasus ep in s2, for shame Ron Moore,
              and you were doing so well!

              maybe they decided to destroy the pegasus to add to the kickarse set piece that was, escape from new caprica.
              To the Mandatorium!!!!!


                Originally posted by CMiYC View Post
                Ignore a moment how the event unfolded on screen.

                The Pegasus was given the command to protect the civillian fleet. This included the ships which were escaping during the Exodus. In many ways, the Adamas would have agreed that Galactica was the ship being sacrificed (if either).

                On-screen it turned out the Pegasus was sacrificed only because Lee went to rescue his father.

                So consider that the chain of events set into motion were to sacrifice Galactica and not Pegasus.

                Actually, The Battle of New Caprica was a disaster in military planning on Adama's part. If failed to take into account that the cylons wouldn't let another event like the destruction of Resurrection Ship happen again. Adama had only spotted two basestars, and most likely assumed that because his previous encounters had only seen two basestars operating together at any given time, he had only two to worry about.

                The ambush with Pegasus in captain's hand should've warned him that the cylons were adapting.

                Instead of two basestars - which he couldv'e held at bay for a short time, the cylons had 4 basestars. 2 in orbit, and 2 in hiding waiting for Adama to return (and most likely hiding the new resurrection ship).

                The critical mistake of assuming that there was two basestars and only two lead to the destruction Pegasus and the severe damage taken by galactica. Adama never intended to sacrifice galactica and his actions and words during the battle indicate that.

                Lee, however, entered the battle expecting the worst and most likely jettisoned everything of value from pegasus except enough ammunition to fight.


                  You can think of this another way. Adama knew (despite what he said) that even with two battlestars rescueing the people from new capria was a long shot. So why send your most powerful battlestar to loose an unwinable battle. The only reason they managed to win was because the peggy took them by suprise and even then they had to sacrifice themselves. Adama most likely wanted to have the most powerful battlestar as the protector of the fleet.
                  Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                    I think Adama knew full well that it was quite possibly a one way mission. The Pegasus would be better equiped to take care of the fleet if. I still don't get why Pegesus couldn't have just jumped in saved the day and then jumped out right after galactica jumped. Other then the fact they needed the room for the Basestar sets and the name of the show is Battlestar Galactica, I don't think they had a good reason for destroying Pegesus.
                    Teal'c "I killed you"
                    Daniel "Why?"
                    Teal'c "You were a Go'uld spy"
                    Daniel "a good reason"


                      Actually, the real question would be why didn't Adama jump raptors to point blank and fire nukes right up the basestar's rear end. Suicide mission, yes, but possible.

                      "Eat a Colonial Supposity you Frakking Toasters!"


                        It was ashame that RDM got rid of The Beast, still at least the reset button he used wasn't the mighty temporal reset button as so often used in startrek and others, where at the end the entire episode is avoided, and as such no one remembers what happened. The eps with the beast still happened and were cool while they lasted.

