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BSG on Sundays now?

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    BSG on Sundays now?

    Does anyone know why BSG is on Sundays instead of Fridays? What does that mean - are they doing well and got upgraded to a better timeslot or the opposite?

    Great. Now I have to wait an extra 2 days before "Rapture".

    "I got my eye on you sucka."

    it should boost the ratings...larger audience...

    as long as it plays after family guy not during.


      Originally posted by jdog View Post
      it should boost the ratings...larger audience...

      as long as it plays after family guy not during.
      Although my guess is the rating will drop because if the move.


        Originally posted by Daedalus-304 View Post
        Although my guess is the rating will drop because if the move.
        If it drops there might not be a 4th season. I really hope your guess is wrong.
        Doze Out...

        I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.


          Originally posted by Doze View Post
          I really hope your guess is wrong.
          So do I, but knowing Sci-Fi, they probably messed up again.


            Originally posted by Daedalus-304 View Post
            Although my guess is the rating will drop because if the move.
            I agree....I know I won't be up watching it from 10-11 on Sundays. I'll record it to my DVR, but won't be watching it live. For those that have to be up for work @ 5:30am that's too late to be least for me.

            I hope I'm wrong, since I don't want the show to end yet.


              I started watching BSG while I was living in Europe. I downloaded every episode just like I did with Lost. I probably won't watch it on Sundays simply because there are WAYYYY too many commercials.

              Hey, it looks like Season 3 will end with Earth. How can there NOT be a season 4?

              "I got my eye on you sucka."


                Originally posted by STLbullet View Post
                I probably won't watch it on Sundays simply because there are WAYYYY too many commercials.
                The might be a good idea, the commercials are getting worse and worse. Not only that, they are so long, for example it takes an hour and a half just to air an hour-long show because of the ads.

                I wish I had my own personal DVR, I would probably record stuff all the time and fast-forward the commercials. We have one, but it's shared by the whole family and my parents and sisters usually take up most of the space and complain if I record a few shows.


                  OOOO they just played a Battlestar marathon today. I have a friend who was a very anti-scifi style shows to watch the miniseries. I lent him my BSG season 1, and about a week later, he is begging me for season duece. Pretty funny, right? BSG is amazing.

                  Anyways, during that marathon, there were blogs scrolling across the screen, previews for season 3.5, I'm telling you, BSG is gaining more and more popularity. I love it. I hope season 4 is a go.

                  "I got my eye on you sucka."


                    It's too bad that ratings determine whether a show goes on or not, and that non-US viewers don't affect the ratings at all, and have no influence on whether a show goes on or is canceled. Networks need the advertising revenue to finance shows, and the ratings determine revenue. When people DVR the shows and then skip the ads, this decreases the revenue, since advertisers pay to be seen. However, networks should realize that viewers are getting sick of the intrusive ads, and try to invent other financing models.

                    No definite news on season 4 yet, I'm afraid. However, ratings may improve with the later viewing hour, because network censorship rules are more flexible with language after 10 PM. Some episodes were censored in the US on first airing, although the original soundtrack was subsequently shown there, as well as in Canada.


                      Originally posted by maneth View Post
                      It's too bad that ratings determine whether a show goes on or not, and that non-US viewers don't affect the ratings at all, and have no influence on whether a show goes on or is canceled. Networks need the advertising revenue to finance shows, and the ratings determine revenue. When people DVR the shows and then skip the ads, this decreases the revenue, since advertisers pay to be seen. However, networks should realize that viewers are getting sick of the intrusive ads, and try to invent other financing models.
                      Actually most of us US viewers don't affect the ratings, only whoever these Nelson people are affect it.

                      I agree with you on the advertisement part, Commercial are the most annoying advertisement ever, the stop a very exiting show and try and force you to watch this cheap garbage trying to sell you something you are not likely to buy. At least with radio commercial (which are the second worse in my opinion) you can skip without being affected too much because of the nature of music. I don't mind other kinds of advertisement however because they are not a annoying and can be ignored.

                      Here is my guess how commercials will eventually ruin TV: commercials are so boring and stupid that no one wants to watch them anymore. More and more people use DVRs or wait for DVDs to avoid the commercials. The shows no longer get funding so they put on cheap reality shows. Less and less people will watch TV because of the lack of quality and the networks collapse. Hopefully that won't happen, but advertisers need to learn that no one wants to watch commercials anymore.


                        Originally posted by maneth View Post
                        No definite news on season 4 yet, I'm afraid. However, ratings may improve with the later viewing hour, because network censorship rules are more flexible with language after 10 PM. Some episodes were censored in the US on first airing, although the original soundtrack was subsequently shown there, as well as in Canada.
                        What's this about censorship? Considering all the swear words I hear from regular shows, I find this odd. Or even some of the um interesting adult interaction. Though I live in Canada and the re-runs I'm gettin of season 1 and 2 is on City t.v. They don't censor anyway. I've been getting the show at 8pm on Monday nights. Though I think 9pm would be a better timeslot for this show, City doesn't shy away from things like that. I'm only on episode 5 of season 2 but I'm hoping City goes directly into season 3. Or at least not take so long to air it. I'm just happy a regular t.v. station was able to pick it up since I can't afford the Space station which is airing the 3rd season.

                        and what is it about the soundtrack? I noticed season 2 changed the drum thing that used to be there at the beginning. I really liked it. Gave the show a different feel. Kind of like Farscape. Though I think I'm getting to the season where that one was changed too.
                        Orphan Black: Join the Clone Club Dance Party!


                          I really don't like this Sunday night thing. I hope it doesn't do more damage to this show's ratings. Sunday at 10pm is horrible IMO.
                          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                            Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                            I really don't like this Sunday night thing. I hope it doesn't do more damage to this show's ratings. Sunday at 10pm is horrible IMO.
                            Exactly, a part of me wants the ratings to do worse so they will move it back to Fridays, but I don't want the show to get canceled. It seems like Sci-fi keeps making mistake after mistake. Also, won't Battlestar have a lot more competition on Sunday nights, I won't be watching the new show on before it because of Family Guy is normally on at that time. On Fridays Battlestar didn't have any competition except for the history channel or something.

                            It seems the only nights I have time for TV now are Friday and Saturday nights and that's the night there is nothing on.


                              I'd rather it be on sunday. I usually go out on friday and have to download it. THen they dont get my ratings. I hope that Dresdon files show is good, since its the lead in.
                              Cream Cheese, the people's cheese.

