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Could one of those Admirals have been a Cylon?

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    Could one of those Admirals have been a Cylon?

    I don't think this is a spoiler since it doesn't say anything about the plot.

    But anyway could one of those Admirals (I presume one of the three shown was supposed to have been Fleet Commander Nagala) have been one of the Cylons that paved the way for the attack?

    I don't see why. Roslin's speculation that they might have been itching to start something with the Cylons isn't outside the realm of possibility.

    a time to mourn


      But that would have meant serious logistical and planning problem to get a person into the fleet at some point in the past so that when he finally rose to the rank of Admiral he would not be suspected. Admirals just don't show up overnight.

      "We need to find Earth, because if we don't then no one will remember a man named William Adama, or a Battlestar named Galactica."


        Perhaps he really did infiltrate the fleet for all those years?

        Then again, do Cylons age? I guess not so that would be a problem right?


          But you forget that the human cylons have not been around for longer than 40 years, which means that they would have had to start infiltrating during the first cylon war, because all of those admirals looked to be over 60. As far as anyone knew, the humans model cylons haven't been around that long.

          "We need to find Earth, because if we don't then no one will remember a man named William Adama, or a Battlestar named Galactica."


            It's possible, but this will never be anything more than idle speculation.
            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              Originally posted by foxhound22 View Post
              But you forget that the human cylons have not been around for longer than 40 years, which means that they would have had to start infiltrating during the first cylon war, because all of those admirals looked to be over 60. As far as anyone knew, the humans model cylons haven't been around that long.

              Did anything ever think that the whole aging thing isnt a big key note. For example, the cylons dont have baby versions of themselves in the ressurrection ship. They have full grown bodies. Whos to say if Admiral Adama is a cylon they couldnt produce a body that looks to be 60.

              I doubt he is a cylon but who knows.


                Originally posted by foxhound22 View Post
                But you forget that the human cylons have not been around for longer than 40 years, which means that they would have had to start infiltrating during the first cylon war, because all of those admirals looked to be over 60. As far as anyone knew, the humans model cylons haven't been around that long.
                The Cylon preist dude is old.
                These are templates, why could they not make one look like they are 30 and the next modify to look 65?
                What if the five where made before the end of the first war?
                Doze Out...

                I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.


                  But wouldn't it get noticed that the Admiral still looks like he's 30...


                    Cain isn't in her 60's.


                      Or... they captured one of the Admirals, downloaded his mind onto a ressurection ship, edit his mind, give him a new body, and send him out.
                      The Alliance is born!!!!


                        Originally posted by daredevil View Post
                        Did anything ever think that the whole aging thing isnt a big key note. For example, the cylons dont have baby versions of themselves in the ressurrection ship. They have full grown bodies. Whos to say if Admiral Adama is a cylon they couldnt produce a body that looks to be 60.

                        I doubt he is a cylon but who knows.
                        Right, I understand the age thing, but my point is this: Admiral is a very high rank, Admirals are usually well known in military circles: ie. Military academy classmates, shipmates, etc.......

                        Through out their careers they become well known due to the number of commands and duty stations they have served. To have a 60 year old Admiral just materialize overnight with no background would be very, very suspicious.

                        Even if the Admiral spent his entire early career in the Special Forces, there would still be records of training. No entry level special forces training class is considered "top secret" In fact that is a indicator of a "wanna be" when someone says that "they don't exist in records" or some other nonsense. The records of training are public record or at least accessable to military commanders upon receiving a new person who has transfered. The only thing that might not be accessible would be specific missions, those can be classified. With records would be people who could confirm his/her existence in a specific training class, etc. not to mention people who have served with the admiral during their early career.

                        Much easier to plant low level enlisted personnell or low level officer (Ensigns, Lt's. etc etc.)

                        So my point is, it would be very very difficult to plant a admiral within the high ranking admirilty without someone noticing.

                        However.................... whos to say that the war was not a agreement between the admirilty and the cylons, a agreement that the cylons decided to change once the attack started.

                        "We need to find Earth, because if we don't then no one will remember a man named William Adama, or a Battlestar named Galactica."


                          Originally posted by foxhound22 View Post
                          Right, I understand the age thing, but my point is this: Admiral is a very high rank, Admirals are usually well known in military circles: ie. Military academy classmates, shipmates, etc.......
                          Good point.
                          Now an Admiral would have the brightest and best on his/her staff though. All it would take is to fine one that is itching to have more revenge on the cylons and place the right paper work in front of them.
                          Doze Out...

                          I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.

