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Spoiler Alert about Pegasus!

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    Originally posted by skrip00 View Post
    There is no lack of Vipers. Galactica has more than a full wing of Vipers thanks to Pegasus, and was resupplied from Pegasus' own supplies.

    So Galactica is fully rearmed, restocked, and has a full compliment of fighters, pilots, marines, small arms, and Raptors.

    What Galactica lacks: heavy armor. The vessel has been beaten up badly in ways that cannot be fixed up in space on the run.

    Its very unlikely she can survive going toe-to-toe with a BaseStar ever again.
    green for you!/Solar_wind84


      Originally posted by P-90_177 View Post
      ah but is that just because it didn't have the same equipment pegasus has. Like I said. Lee could have left such equipment behind along with the vipers.
      OH dude, come on. That comment made pretty much no sense. -_-;

      A on-board factory is built-in to the superstructure of the ship. It's not added after-the-fact. Therefore, you can't just "eject" a part of the ship.

      It's like saying you can eject your lungs without surgery.


        The way i see it galactica probably used to be able to build vipers from scratch but when it was de-commisioned the tools and resources needed for it were removed. no point having galactica able to do something like that when it's going to be a museum.
        Pegasus on the other hand had everything they needed except basic resources like metal which they gained when they met up with the fleet.
        if lee transfered all the neccesary tools needed to the rest of the fleet when he left then galactica could easily get their viper production line opperational again.
        Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


          I'm not sure why you would assume Galactica had a Viper assembly line. Pegasus was darn near twice the size of Galactica and was far superior with respect to technology. I agree with the sentiment that any sort of production line would necessarily be built into the superstructure of the ship and would also contend that, since Galactica was one of the original twelve Battlestars, the technology and space were significant limiting factors as to putting a Viper construction set on the ship. Also, we can assume, thanks to the Miniseries, that Galactica was constructed as a defensive vessel and not as an attacking one that would require fresh Viper squadrons.

          As to dismantling the Pegasus' line and putting it on another ship - highly doubtful. There's little indication as to the time frame of the attack, as mentioned previously in the thread, but one can assume that it took only a couple hours before the Pegasus jumped in to "save the day" - which, considering the severe lack of crew and qualified civilians (i.e. engineers, mechanics, construction workers, etc.), would not nearly be enough time to transfer an entire assembly line.

          No, there is no way to produce more ships. Ammunition, of course; ships, no.
          Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

          Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

          EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."



            What "tools" are you talking about? Hammers? Screwdrivers? The factory that builds vipers is probably automated. That's the only way Pegasus could refit Galactica with a new wing of vipers so fast. You can't take an automated assembly line off of a ship.

            Galactica is old. Pegasus is a new mercury-class battlestar. It'll have many more features thanthe old battlestars. The only other "tools" besides Starbuck and Tigh (not the equipment kinda way) are things that the flight deck has plenty.


              From early in Season Two, the fleet has had a limited ability to manufacture spare parts, etc. for Vipers. Galactica had 2 machine shops (from the producers notes) prior to the decomissioning - one would assume it was more of a manpower (skill) issue to get these up and running.

              Keep in mind that the lack of skills in manufacturing will be thier biggest obstacle. Just because someone repairs an engine does not mean they understand the metalurgic foundry skills for producing a turbine blade.

              Peggie had larger production facilities - and essentially the space - to create an assemply line.

              For story purposes, Torn identified that Galactica now has an over abundance of birds (too many ships, not enough pilots) which means for the moment - enough ships & parts to meet thier needs.

              We can also assume that the number of pilots means that galactica is potentially at full strength in terms of her air wing. Whether the bucket can be rebuilt to get both pods working again, it remains to be seen.

              Tech Junkie

              Now, upgraded with 1 forum demerit point for the use of sarcasm.
              "The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."

              Ambassador Koch, Believers, 1.10 B5


                Hey that lazy tigh up and working.

                Then they can make puns like "TIGH DOWN THIS BULKHEAD!"


                  Originally posted by Ojos View Post
                  The only real open space on Galactica is Camp Oilslick (the starboard flight pod), and that happens to be filled with refugees. I'm going to assume there's no Viper assembly lines on Galactica until I see something indicating otherwise.
                  so wait, if refugees are living there, is the pod always retracted? because if it is extended, which with the space shots it seems to be, all those refugees would get sucked out, and unless they can detach the pod from the retraction system, when ever they port pod extends, the starboard one wound too

                  espically since they stay away from semi unrealistic force-feild technology that is long from ever existing


                  Ok ignore this stupid question of mine, i just got disc one of season 2 in the mail from NetFlix, and i saw and remembered that they put up a glass wall over the ladning bays
                  Last edited by Star Fox; 08 November 2006, 02:15 PM.
                  Under the Ice of Antarctica....
                  O'Neill: I cant go on....
                  Carter: You spent 7 Years on MacGyver and you cant figure this one out. We got belt buckles, and shoelaces and a piece of gum build me a Nuclear reactor for crying out loud. You used to be MacGyver, MacGadget, MacGimik but now your Mister MacUseless.

